Sorry for not posting earlier this week. I went to Cape Cod to visit my parents for a few days and then have been running around. However, while on the Cape, my father helped me make a toy from Creative Play for your toddler: Steiner Waldorf expertise and toy projects for 2-4s by Christopher Clouder and Janni Nicol. I highly recommend this book for anyone with a toddler. It has some fairly easy to make toys that will help build your young ones imagination and creativity. 
The original use of this toy was to make a dollhouse room Waldorf style. My father pointed out that it would be a good house for Hazel's beloved Ducky. She has told me Ducky is too big for it and wants it to be a dollhouse room, but we are experimenting with other uses still. 
I also picked up my serger while at the Cape and finally figured out how to thread it correctly. I used it on the silk on the toy. I have been looking through all sorts of books on sergers and sewing to find the best patterns for clothes for Hazel. I think I will be busy for quite awhile making her and maybe myself a new wardrobe. She is just changing sizes to 3T right now, so a new wardrobe is in store.
My other find this week is a large clothespin to build forts with. Although not as nice as the Waldorf play clips, much cheaper and still usable for the same thing. They were on clearance at Michaels for 50 cents. I cleaned three Michaels out of them.
Well that is all for now. I'll review some more craft books soon. I'm hoping to go through most of them by Monday.