Turkey Time

Today has already been a long day. When I was getting ready to take Hazel to the library for the Move 'n Groove program, I realized she had a fever. We went back to the doctor's office for the fourth time in about a month. They think she still has her sinus infection (for the past month though we thought it was cleared up last time we were there). She is back on antibiotics--which hopefully won't cause more issues like the last round did. We also had the pleasant surprise that my sister decided to visit last night and tonight so she could go to a conference in Boston. She had gone back and forth about going, but decided yesterday that she wanted to and was able to register still. Plus luckily Steve is no longer working the overnight shift but is feeling lousy from the crazy hours and being rundown. He worked from home today.

Today I'm thankful for my already planned girls' night out to give me a break from the craziness. However on our leaf we wrote Aunt Amy and Uncle B since Aunt Amy is visiting.

My Turkey
Well today we made pine cone turkeys. We glued feathers into the fat end of the pine cone. Then glued a brown pom pom to the other end and added googly eyes and a red pom pom. Then added half a pipe cleaner for feet.
Hazel's Turkey

We are working on more turkeys, but haven't finished them yet as we are waiting for the glue to dry, but will post pictures of them this weekend.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Neat, these are so fun. I never posted the ones we made last year.

    Thanks for sharing on the Holiday Kid Craft Link Up!


  2. I came over from the TGIF linky party. LOVE the pine cone turkeys! I put them on my Thanksgiving pinterest board so we can do them later this month :)

    Sierra @his4homeschooling.blogspot.com


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