Let It Snow from the Bathroom & More

We did a couple of crafts before my mother-in-law was able to take Hazel yesterday, so I could sleep. We made this cotton swab snowflake picture. Discover Explore Learn shared it with us at Sharing Saturday several weeks ago. I also saw a similar idea on Pinterest and the original came from Family Fun .
Hazel also made a snowman from cotton balls. I got this idea from There's Just One Mommie who shared it at Sharing Saturday a couple of weeks ago. As you can see I did not help her too much except drawing the shape and putting glue down for the cotton balls. I also helped her glue some of the cotton balls on. Luckily I am not a perfectionist like my mother or husband, so I don't mind posting crafts how she makes them and don't feel they have to be perfect for that matter, I don't usually worry about perfection with my own as long as I enjoy making them. So I cannot explain why the cotton swab arms are coming out of her snowman's head, but that is where she put them. And she had fun doing it!
Today, I asked my mother-in-law to take Hazel to school since it is a parent/child class someone has to stay with her. My mother-in-law often gets lost so she gets nervous going anywhere new, so I had her follow me there and then took her into the classroom to meet everyone, etc. I came home and an hour later got a call that they were coming home because Hazel did not want to stay anymore. But at least I got an hour's worth of sleep. I starting to feel a bit better, but that might be the cold medicine. Hazel seems better, but she just told me her ear hurts, so we are off to the doctor's office again. Luckily I could get her an appointment for today. Gotta love our pediatrician's office. They always give us an appointment no matter when I call. I literally called at 2:15 and was asked if I could be there by 2:45. Since they are five minutes away, I said sure.

Oh, and make sure you check out our current Sharing Saturday. There are over 120 posts shared and it is still open!! Hope you are having a better week than me.


  1. I hope you and your daughter both feel better soon. Ear aches suck.
    Thanks so much for linking back to my site. I love her little snowman! And, yes, it is hard sometimes to just let their craft be - even if it's not perfect (my mom would always correct our stuff), but they take such pride in it. And really, it's all about expressing themselves and having fun. Right?

  2. Ouch. I do hope you are both better! Lovely that you still managed to get a little crafty! And I love your snowman.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!



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