Bloglovin' Blog Hop

Sharing Saturday is still in full swing. Please join us for it. In the mean time, I'm joining in a Blog Hop.

Melissa over at Serendipity and Spice started a Bloglovin' Blog Hop. She kindly invited me to join it and so here it is. Bloglovin' is easier to follow with than LinkyTools.

The Rules:
  1.  You must have a Bloglovin gadget on your site, so others can easily follow you.
  2. Follow Serendipity and Spice on BlogLovin.
  3. Visit other blogs and follow them too.
  4.  Leave a comment for them to follow you back.
  5.  Follow the person hosting this Blog Hop as a Thank You!
  6. Add 1 link to your blog’s homepage below. (1 link is sufficient, extras will be removed)
  7. Click "Get the InLinkz Code" and add it to your site to keep the party moving!
  8.   Have fun finding new Blog friends!!


  1. I found you through the blog hop. I'm following GFC, LF and bloglovin. Stop by and check me out.

  2. Fun way to make marb... I love it!!


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!