Getting Ready for Valentine's Day

Today we started making some Valentines to give to family and friends and perhaps for the Kids' Valentine Swap. Are you interested in joining us for the swap? Tomorrow is the last day to sign your kids up, so please let me know.
We started by arranging hearts into different shapes. You can definitely tell which ones I made and which ones Hazel did on her own.
Hazel decided I made this one above for her. I was thinking I would send it to my nephew, but we will see.

Then I pulled out some of the cut hearts and pictures from the scrapbook paper I got (I got a great set at Target for $1 for 8 sheets including some with glitter) and my handmade paper collection.
We also pulled out the other stickers and rubber stamps. I made sure each one got stamped on the inside with the Happy Valentine's Day stamp.
Hazel had fun making different ones. Here is one for Daddy who loves turtles.
Then on the inside Hazel had fun with the stamps and stickers.
I'm not sure why she thinks it is good to put all the stickers on top of each other but she always does this. Here is the only other inside she decorated. Then she wanted to do a clean sheet of paper and cut and glue, etc.

Then last night I gave Hazel a game to play that she loved! I poured some conversation heart candies into a bowl and gave her some tongs that I bought at Lakeshore Learning Store and asked her to sort them by color into an egg carton.
Daddy and I helped and enjoyed eating them. She decided it was easier to use her hands, but we rewarded her for using the tongs by letting her eat one after she had done a few with the tongs. After the hearts are gone we may try it with M&M's. Those are her favorite candy.
She wanted to do it again after she had sorted them all. You could also sort them by sayings, but we aren't teaching Hazel to read yet so I didn't try it.

Hope you have a great day!!


  1. The valentines all look so glittery and nice :-) I must try a colour sorting game with tongs for Master D, he would probably enjoy it too.

  2. I love how you're making homemade Valentines. My little boy piles his stickers on top of each other too. I don't understand it either, hehe.

  3. Another great idea! Fun :)

    Ps.. thank you for linking up to my Friday parrr-tay! (times two.. cause your awesome!)

  4. How cute! We have been working on homemade Valentine's here and the kids have been loving it! I love the sorting activity and will have to try it for my little boys! Thanks for sharing, and also for hosting Sharing Saturday!!

    mama of many blessings

  5. What a great idea for practicing her motor skills and make it Valentine-themed!
    Kristen @ Titus 2 Work in Progress

  6. Just a quick THANK YOU for linking up last week with Thrifty Thursday, and I hope to see you again this week! I LOVE the conversation heart fine motor practice! (BTW I haven't been linking up at SS the last couple weeks...or anywhere else as life has been BUSY! Looking forward to linking up this week again!)

  7. So pretty! I love glittery things. The conversation heart sorting also looks like fun. Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom


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