Many Hands Cookies for Church

This year I was asked to chair the Stewardship Ministries at my church. I turned it down several times, but they kept asking so I caved. I know our church like most is really hurting for money and kept thinking who will do this if I don't. After talking to Steve about it, we decided I needed to do it. Then of course I gathered people to be on my committee. Luckily I found four willing people who have been wonderful, and we have had the full support and help of our minister. Well the church motto is Many hands, many beliefs, one journey. As I was thinking about it I came up with our theme which is Many hands, many stories, one church. Then as I was thinking about it at church I looked and saw:
on the pulpit and came up with our logo (above in black and white).

Today I kicked off our Stewardship Celebration/Campaign with a speech introducing all of this and sharing why the church is important to me. My committee also provided the coffee hour and to go with our theme, Hazel and I made cookies shaped as hands. You may remember that I have mentioned previously that I have not had luck making sugar cookies from scratch, however I decided to try again. I decided to try the recipe I saw at Christmas time over at April's Homemaking. And we had success!!
Cracking Eggs

We followed the recipe for the cookies completely. Then for the frosting I used bags of mix I had from the gingerbread house kits.
Hazel was in charge of the mixer. Oh, and since I was taking pictures, she needed to as well. However I wasn't quick enough to get her actually taking the picture.

She helped with the cutting out the first batch, but then just wanted to eat the cookie dough, so I sent her off to play with Daddy. This is what they looked like out of the oven.
This morning we frosted them. Hazel was more in to telling me stories then actually getting much done, so Steve came and helped us. We made about 7 to 8 dozen. And they were all gone after coffee hour!!

We put them on two platters--one for the juice table and one for the coffee and tea table. One of the other members of my committee brought grapes. And the children at our church during Lent always sell muffins that they bake for donations for Heifer, so we didn't want to compete with their sales.
My speech went well. Many people came up and let me know they enjoyed it and thought I did a great job. And everyone loved the cookies and got the connection with the many hands!! Overall a successful day at church. Tomorrow I'll share how we spent the rest of this beautiful day!! (It was sunny and in the low 70's here. The heat wave finally made it to the Boston area!)

Hope you had a great weekend!!


  1. Sounds like it was a great church event! I love the way your cookies look, what a great idea to do hands. The frosting and sprinkles look cute, I love the colors. Glad the recipe worked well. :)

  2. Wow that is a lot of biscuits! They look tasty, and your motto sounds lovely - well done :-)

  3. Such a cute idea! I love that she was taking pictures too! Too funny!

  4. These look super cute and delicious. Thank you for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  5. What a fun lesson and yummy treat! Thank you for linking up at Kids in the Kitchen! Hope to see you again - we link up each week to encourage families to spend time in the kitchen and at the table together ;)

  6. Thanks for sharing your precious recipe and craftiness with us at Kids in the Kitchen. Please grab our button or link back to us, that would be great! Your recipe will be shared on both mine and Kelli's site! Thanks! This weeks link is here:
    Can't wait to see what you share with us next week! Blessings, Carrie

  7. Wow how creative and the little hands look fantastic. Great idea and I wish you and the church much success.


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