More Duck & Swan Crafts and a Gift

Well, we are at home with the fever that is going around. So we are doing some more crafts and resting. Today we finished up some duck and swan crafts we started yesterday and then Hazel did some painting. You may remember yesterday we discussed ducks and swans near us for spring. We talked about some of our favorite books about ducks and swans and shared a couple of crafts with paper plates. Today we did some pine cone swans and ducks. The idea came from Family Fun. I made a few changes. We used construction paper for the beaks since I didn't want to deal with breaking toothpicks.
Hazel's Ducks
Hazel got a bit bored with the details and didn't get her completely finished (no eyes or beaks) and she wouldn't let me help with the duckling so it didn't get done. We obviously changed the colors of the pipe cleaners and feathers to represent that they are ducks and not swans.
My Mallard Family
 Next we painted some egg cartons to make Easter egg holders into swans. The idea also came from Family Fun. They called them swans, but I think they look more like ducks. The white one I used a higher egg carton (it was higher in the middle bumps) so the swan neck would be longer. I threw in some plastic eggs we had sitting around from our decorating to show how they will look completed. Hazel helped paint them yesterday, but I finished them today with the eyes, beaks and feathers.

Yesterday, Hazel received a lovely package from Master D, her penpal in Australia. Master D is Kelly's son over at Happy Whimsical Hearts. Kelly makes the most beautiful wooden toys for her kids and we were lucky enough to receive a beautiful fairy door that she made (as well as some other goodies). Right away Hazel wanted to play with it. She first asked what it was. Then asked if the door could open so the fairy could get out of the house. Then I explained that it represented a fairy house and pulled out the flower fairies I made for her and we set up a house for them. She loved it.

We also took out the beautiful gnome that Master D sent Hazel for Christmas out to come to the fairy party. We decided we need a few more seats for the fairies though. And two took a nap.
Hazel absolutely loved it!! Thank you Master D and Kelly!! It gave us something to play with while Hazel is resting!!


  1. stumbled onto your blog via the blog hop and just wanted to leave you a little blog luv! Def enjoyed reading this post!! new follower!

  2. Sorry to hear you have been crook. But very happy to have helped out a little with our gift :-) It's so nice seeing the doors with the gnome and fairies!

  3. Such fun spring crafts - to celebrate all your cool kid crafts, I am nominating your blog as a Liebster Blog and also naming you as a Versatile Blogger :)

  4. These are so sweet! I think my daughter would love to give them a try! Thanks SO much for linky up with the Kids Co-Op Weekly Linky! We REALLY appreciate it!

  5. This is awesome Carrie :) I will be sharing this on my FB page :)

  6. What fun! They all turned out cute! Thanks for linking to Shine on Fridays!

  7. These are so cute! I love the pinecones. They look adorable! Thanks so much for sharing at Whimsy Wednesdays!

  8. Man I need to do this! I love pinecones and these are so cute! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!

  9. I love these and just to let you know I'm featuring this post on my kid's co-op post this week with a birds theme. Thank you so much for linking up last week


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