
Happy Family Times #14--Riding a bike

Hazel has been asking for a new bike. Her hand-me-down tricycle doesn't really work quite right. She often somehow turns the handle bar so she cannot steer correctly. Well we started pricing out new bikes. First I went to an expensive bike store at Cape Cod to ask experts about what size she would need, etc. Since the bike there was almost $200 we did not buy it there. We checked some local stores when we got home and we found one at KMart. Since the price was reasonable and they only had one left of the one she really wanted, I bought it for her on Thursday. I was planning on putting it together for her on Friday, but my sister needed my help so I was in Connecticut for the day helping her. Steve go the bike together on Saturday. We took her out to ride it on Saturday and Sunday. She is so excited about it, but has not quite gotten the hang of it.

We still have to push her every once in awhile to get her going. I think she keeps moving her feet slightly backwards which of course operates the brakes. Then she gets stuck.
Don't you love her helmet. I thought it was the cutest thing. She somehow agreed to it over the Disney Princesses.

She is definitely starting to get it, but needs more practice with one of us there to help her get started. I think this is how I will be spending my week at least when the weather is nice.

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  1. Learning to ride is such a wonderful thing ~ lots of happy memories :-) Hazel looks to be having a great time. And interesting about her pushing her feet backwards, and twisting the front ~ Dino Boy does the same thing. Think we may need to spend more time working on it with him!

  2. That is awesome! My 22-year-old never did learn to ride a bike. Trust me, it's much easier to teach them when they are young!

  3. I spent many a happy hour teaching my 6 to ride a bicycle. Such a great outdoor activity for children to enjoy. Looks like she is really getting the hang of it there! Do please share with me over on Country Kids too.


I love to hear your comments and ideas. Thank you for reading and contributing!