Virtual Book Club for Kids: K Is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo by Giles Andreae

It is time for the Virtual Book Club for Kids and this month the author is Giles Andreae. We have been having so much fun with his books. Hazel picked her favorite to feature this month and it is K Is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo. We actually got this book out of the library on Friday. I was all set to do some giraffe crafts to go with Giraffes Can't Dance, but she changed her mind once we read K Is for Kissing a Cool Kangaroo. Well my idea changed. Instead of doing a craft we changed to an activity or game. Actually this book is perfect for one of the things Hazel's school wanted the students to work on over the summer. They want us to practice with the beginning letters of words. 

This book goes through the alphabet with a statement about each letter like: "K is for kissing a cool kangaroo." On the page there is a kangaroo, but there are other things that start with k as well like a kitten, koala, kiwi (as you can see on the cover). At the end of the book there are words for each letter to go back and look for the picture on the letter's page. Hazel of course wanted to do this right away and we did it for a few letters, but it was late that night, so she waited until the next morning. Then we read the book again tonight and went through each letter and finding all the pictures we could that started with the letter. 

As I looked on line there were of course all the activities that involved kangaroos including making a kangaroo from the letter K. We of course have Hazel's kangaroo costume, but the book is about so much more. Our activity is really an extension of the book. We looked around Hazel's room and looked for things that started with each letter. Well we went from A to D and then I had to stop her since she got wound up instead of rested and ready for sleep. For A there were things like apple (her play kitchen is in her room), aunt (pictures of her aunts), America (map on wall), etc. I promised her we would play it again in the morning and on our adventure when we take the subway into Boston to go to the Museum of Fine Arts. It is the perfect activity for taking on the road with us. For children who can write you could also have them write all the things they see that start with a certain letter.

The Virtual Book Club for Kids is a blog hop that is hosted by the following amazing blogs. Each month we have an author of the month and each blogger picks a book to feature with an activity or craft and then we share them on our blog hop. Anyone is welcome to share an activity or craft to go with a book by the author of the month. 
Toddler ApprovedThe Educators' Spin On ItRainy Day Mum3 DinosaursLearn~Play~Imagine - Crafty Moms Share - Reading ConfettiInspiration Laboratories - Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas - Kids Yoga Stories - Enchanted Homeschooling Mom- Ready-Set-Read - Boy Mama Teacher Mama - PlayDrMom - Fantastic Fun and Learning - Growing Book by BookRoyal Baloo - The Outlaw Mom® Blog - Kitchen Counter Chronicles - Teach Preschool - Mama Smiles - Coffee Cups and Crayons - Juggling With Kids - Here Come the Girls-
Now it is time for the blog hop. Make sure you visit the host and see the great ideas to go with Giles Andreae's books!

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