Back To School DVD Pack Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: NCircle Entertainment gave me a copy of the DVDs free of charge and is supplying the ones for the giveaway free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the DVD on NCircle Entertainment's site for your convenience. You can also find their DVDs at local retailers!

 With all my giveaways ending tomorrow, it is time to kick off another one! This month NCircle Entertainment has changed the monthly review and giveaway of one DVD to a prize pack of five DVDs which will not be monthly. Since we have recently started school in the United States, they put together a Back-to-School Package. It includes the newest Octonauts: Deep Sea Mission, and The Wiggles: Apples & Bananas as well as The Cat in the Hat: Show & Tell Sure Is Swell!, Sid the Science Kid: The Ruler of Thumb and Animals Atlas: Animals ABC. So today I will review these five DVDs and then at the end you can enter to win all five of them!!

The Octonauts are a favorite of ours. I love how much Hazel learns by watching them and I love having a DVD on them so we are not watching the same episodes On Demand over and over. We had the pleasure of reviewing this DVD in August. It is great and Hazel loves it!!

The newest Wiggles: Apples & Bananas surprised me. Hazel has not been into The Wiggles for a couple of years. Last year we reviewed their Halloween DVD and Hazel liked that there was now a female Wiggle, but was not really that interested. She loved them when they were younger. We watched this together when she was home sick last week and she was singing along and was commenting on how most of the Wiggles have changed since she was younger. This DVD is about nursery rhymes. Hazel loves nursery rhymes or at least she use to, so she found this DVD a lot of fun. With her sore throat and starting to lose her voice, she was still singing with them. We often donate the DVDs and books we review to our public library or her school and I was sure this one would be donated, but Hazel asked to keep it. It was fun, lively and songs they sing in music class. Overall a hit.

Another favorite to watch is The Cat in the Hat. This DVD, Show & Tell Sure Is Swell was a fun one. It includes five episodes: two on the seasons, one on eyes, hair and growing up. As with all Cat in the Hat episodes they are educational and Hazel gets to learn something from each one (and sometimes I do too). We enjoyed this one as well.

Sid the Science Kid is one of those shows that Hazel enjoys watching, but does not choose to watch it unless there is absolutely nothing else on that she likes. She however wanted to watch more of it after watching this DVD. This DVD includes four episodes: one on charts, rolie polie, seashells and whales. Again there is always something to learn as well often other social lessons within each episode. As a former math teacher, I enjoyed the one about charts. It got us talking about all the charts she sees especially in her classroom. The Rolie Polie episode got her wanting to do some explorations again with her magnifying glass. Overall we really enjoyed this DVD as well.

We had never seen an Animal Atlas DVD before. Animal ABC's goes through the letters teaching the viewer an animal that begins with each letter. It was fun. It is aimed at preschoolers just learning their letters. After going through the alphabet they began spelling out simple words. Hazel got bored. Even though she is not reading yet, she knew most of the words they did. She enjoyed the beginning part with the letters and animals. Again, I think she was a little old for this one and is a little beyond it in knowledge. However it did entertain her through the majority of the DVD.
Now it is time for the giveaway! NCircle Entertainment will send the winner one of each of the five DVDs reviewed above. To win you need to be 18 or over and have an address in the US or Canada. Please follow my Giveaway Rules. To enter just follow along with the Rafflecopter! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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