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Have you been looking for some different Native American crafts? There are the typical (almost stereotypical) ones--feather headdress, paper bag vest, etc. I want to teach Hazel more about Native Americans. I know I do some of this by reading her books about Native Americans and their legends and stories, but I want some crafts as well. I figured there must be other people like me, so I thought I would do a round-up of the Native American craft and activity books I have found as well as share three of the crafts we did.
Our first craft is a simple one. It is made with a paper towel tube or something of that sort. The shorter canoes are made with the roll from our chiropractor's table. He happened to finish a roll when we were there. I saw this idea on Pinterest and the pin was from Domestic Candy. I cut the tubes in half and then stapled the ends to form the canoes. Our peg dolls' bottoms were a little wide to actually stand in the canoes. Hazel wants to make some Native American peg dolls to go in our canoes now.

I wanted to make a little fire pit, but didn't get around to it. Again we used our peg dolls for the tipis.

We wove a paper basket. Hazel picked out the colored paper. Our strips were not quite long enough, but we taped two together. The book had suggested using newspaper which would have a better length.
I also found some other craft and activity books at the library and one we own. Below is also a book on Native American Art as well as one about weaving.
With so many different books out there, there are so many other ideas for Native American crafts. Last year we made two model wigwams. (Maybe next year we will try one of the pueblo crafts I saw in a couple of these books or maybe an igloo.) We also shared pictures of the model wigwam at Plimouth Plantation when we shared about the Wampanoag Tribe. We have also tried a few Native American recipes: strawberry corn bread and pumpkin and corn stew. Later this week I will be sharing a round-up of Native American stories and a round-up of Native American biographies for children. I hope you will join us!
Multicultural Kid Blogs is proud to host the first annual Native American Heritage Month Blog Hop & Giveaway! Link up your posts on Native American cultures below, and be sure to enter to win one of our great prize packages! For more great posts about Native cultures, be sure to follow our Native/Indigenous Cultures board on Pinterest!
November 3:
November 6:
November 7:
November 10:
November 13:
Our Giveaway
1st Prize Package
US shipping only
From Wisdom Tales:
Children of the Tipi: Life in the Buffalo Days, edited by Michael O. Fitzgerald
2nd Prize Package
From Lee & Low Books:
3rd Prize