It has been a crazy week here. We were hit with Blizzard/Winter Storm Juno. Hazel was out of school for two days due to the storm, and Steve was at work for around 36 hours straight. Plus it was Multicultural Children's Book Day on Tuesday! Our internet is acting funky, so I have not been posting as much this week. Sorry! However we had an amazing turn-out at last week's party!! If you have not had a chance to check them out you should!! There are many, many ideas from winter, Valentine's Day, educational and more!! I chose a few favorites for you with the categories being Winter, Penguins, Valentine's Day and Miscellaneous. Please check them out and go back and check out the ones I didn't have room to feature!! A huge thank you to everyone who shared with us and to those who took the time to see what others shared!
Sharing Saturday 15-5
It has been a crazy week here. We were hit with Blizzard/Winter Storm Juno. Hazel was out of school for two days due to the storm, and Steve was at work for around 36 hours straight. Plus it was Multicultural Children's Book Day on Tuesday! Our internet is acting funky, so I have not been posting as much this week. Sorry! However we had an amazing turn-out at last week's party!! If you have not had a chance to check them out you should!! There are many, many ideas from winter, Valentine's Day, educational and more!! I chose a few favorites for you with the categories being Winter, Penguins, Valentine's Day and Miscellaneous. Please check them out and go back and check out the ones I didn't have room to feature!! A huge thank you to everyone who shared with us and to those who took the time to see what others shared!
Posted by
Sharing Saturday 15-5
educational|link party|penguin|Sharing Links|Sharing Saturday|Valentine's Day|winter|

link party,
Sharing Links,
Sharing Saturday,
Valentine's Day,
Sticker Style Shop Product Review
Disclosure: Candlewick Press
gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review
my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
I have to thank Candlewick Press for sending this great activity book for us at the perfect time! Perhaps it is because they are based in Massachusetts, but somehow this perfect sticker activity arrived the day before the blizzard or at least the afternoon before the blizzard started that night. Now Hazel and I often ride out the storms without Steve since he works for the power company and has to be ready to help when the power goes out. He sleeps at the office and works crazy hours. Therefore it is always good to have something for Hazel to do and keep her entertained. Imagine my joy when I opened a package containing Sticker Style Shop by Jenny Bowers the afternoon before the storm. It officially is available February 10th.
This activity book comes with more than 150 stickers to add into the various shop pages: Candy Store, Costume Shop, Shoe Store, Toy Shop, Book Store and Pet Shop. Each of the stores have flaps to open and stickers can be put behind the pictures (in cabinets, cages and more).
I have to thank Candlewick Press for sending this great activity book for us at the perfect time! Perhaps it is because they are based in Massachusetts, but somehow this perfect sticker activity arrived the day before the blizzard or at least the afternoon before the blizzard started that night. Now Hazel and I often ride out the storms without Steve since he works for the power company and has to be ready to help when the power goes out. He sleeps at the office and works crazy hours. Therefore it is always good to have something for Hazel to do and keep her entertained. Imagine my joy when I opened a package containing Sticker Style Shop by Jenny Bowers the afternoon before the storm. It officially is available February 10th.
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Sticker Style Shop Product Review
activity|car activity|children's books|crafts|product review|

car activity,
children's books,
product review
DIY A Doll's Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates
Today is Multicultural Children's Book Day! Be sure to check out all the great book reviews!
Note: Links are provided for your convenience, but I receive no compensation.
While exploring one of my favorite craft stores, The Paper Source, I found these cute little heart boxes that looked like the right proportions for a doll's box of chocolate for Valentine's Day. I bought one for Hazel's dolls. Hazel of course wanted to have four. One for each doll. I bought her three more with conditions of helping clean the house today since we are snowed in. First we painted the box red both inside and out. I was going to add ribbons and flowers, but we have not gotten that far yet.
While exploring one of my favorite craft stores, The Paper Source, I found these cute little heart boxes that looked like the right proportions for a doll's box of chocolate for Valentine's Day. I bought one for Hazel's dolls. Hazel of course wanted to have four. One for each doll. I bought her three more with conditions of helping clean the house today since we are snowed in. First we painted the box red both inside and out. I was going to add ribbons and flowers, but we have not gotten that far yet.
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DIY A Doll's Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates
American Girl|craft|DIY|doll|Valentine's Day|

American Girl,
Valentine's Day
Groundhog Masks inspired by the Wild Kratts with free pattern
Hazel's favorite television show is The Wild Kratts. It is on PBS and features Chris and Martin Kratt in real life who go into cartoon to explore different animals lives. In cartoons they have all sorts of great technology including creature power suits that allow them to change into the animals. Of course it is not on enough for Hazel so we watch it On Demand often. Since she was home all last week we have been watching the four or so shows that are On Demand over and over. One of the episodes is an Episode from Season 2 called Groundhog Wake Up. (You can see the full episode here for $1.99.) I am sure it is On Demand since Groundhog Day is fast approaching. On the show they make a map on their Creature Pods (I think that is what they are called) after scanning a real groundhog's burrow. Hazel decided to use her play tent as her burrow with the tunnel as one of the entrance tunnels. Watching her play groundhog gave me an idea.
"Groundhog, eating" by D. Gordon E. Robertson - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. |
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Groundhog Masks inspired by the Wild Kratts with free pattern
animals|crafts|creative play|dramatic play|felt|groundhog|printables|television|

creative play,
dramatic play,
Sharing Saturday 15-4
Have you ever had one of those days where your computer just doesn't want to work. That is how my night is going, but it seems to be behaving now. First a huge thank you to everyone who shared last week with us! And a special thank you to everyone who took the time to visit what others shared!! This week our features are winter related, Valentine related and Others.
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Sharing Saturday 15-4
link party|play dough|Sharing Links|Sharing Saturday|Valentine's Day|winter|

link party,
play dough,
Sharing Links,
Sharing Saturday,
Valentine's Day,
The Dragon New Year Book Review for Multicultural Children's Book Day & Chinese New Year Blog Series
Disclosure: Peachtree Publishers sent me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review
my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
Today I am going to review my second book for Multicultural Children's Book Day (MCCBD). On Monday I reviewed the first book, Endeavour's Long Journey. There I shared all the exciting things going on with MCCBD. MCCBD is a national event which Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom created to celebrate diversity in children's books. MCCBD team hopes to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, a multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media. This year's MCCBD is January 27th! The 2015 sponsors for MCCBD are:
Today I am going to review my second book for Multicultural Children's Book Day (MCCBD). On Monday I reviewed the first book, Endeavour's Long Journey. There I shared all the exciting things going on with MCCBD. MCCBD is a national event which Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom created to celebrate diversity in children's books. MCCBD team hopes to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, a multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media. This year's MCCBD is January 27th! The 2015 sponsors for MCCBD are:
Platinum Sponsors: Wisdom Tales Press, Daybreak Press Global Bookshop,
Gold Sponsors: Satya House, Multicultural, Author Stephen Hodges and the Magic Poof,
Silver Sponsors: Junior Library Guild, Capstone Publishing, Lee and Low Books, The Omnibus
Sponsors:Double Dutch Dolls, Bliss Group Books, Snuggle with Picture Books Publishing, Rainbow Books, Author
Felicia Capers,
Chronicle Books Muslim Writers Publishing , East West Discovery Press.
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The Dragon New Year Book Review for Multicultural Children's Book Day & Chinese New Year Blog Series
Asia and Pacific Islands|blog hop|children's books|Chinese|crafts|dragon|fireworks|giveaway|Multicultural Children's Book Day|new year|product review|

Pine and the Winter Sparrow Book Review
Disclosure: Wisdom Tales Press
gave me a copy of this product free of charge. All opinions in my review
my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
Have you ever wondered why pine trees keep their needles in the winter and the other trees lose their leaves? Alexis York Lumbard shares an old Native American tale explaining this to young children and weaves through the message of helping others and charity. The book is Pine and the Winter Sparrow and the story is based on a Cherokee (or at least that is where Ms. Lumbard thinks it is from) fable called Why the Trees Lose Their Leaves.
Have you ever wondered why pine trees keep their needles in the winter and the other trees lose their leaves? Alexis York Lumbard shares an old Native American tale explaining this to young children and weaves through the message of helping others and charity. The book is Pine and the Winter Sparrow and the story is based on a Cherokee (or at least that is where Ms. Lumbard thinks it is from) fable called Why the Trees Lose Their Leaves.
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Pine and the Winter Sparrow Book Review
birds|children's books|educational|Native American|product review|trees|

children's books,
Native American,
product review,
Doll Clothes from Outgrown Clothes
I usually pass Hazel's outgrown clothes to a friend who has a three-year-old girl. However there were a few I kept this time. One was a t-shirt that the tag was cut out and whoever cut it out cut the shirt as well. The second was her favorite dress (well actually I kept three favorite dresses, but I only did something with one so far) and the third is a favorite skirt. I started with the t-shirt. It had a pom pom type trim on the neck (this is what got cut) and a band at the waist. I cut the band off and then cut the neck decoration off and saved it for later. Next I got out my pattern for a BFC doll t-shirt from Beach Baby Doll Boutique. I won ten free patterns from Sylvia at Beach Baby Doll Boutique awhile ago and one of the patterns I picked was the Easiest Tee to fit BFC Ink. I have to say it really is the easiest pattern!! After completing the t-shirt I added a piece of the neck trim to the neck of the doll shirt.
Endeavour's Long Journey Book Review for Multicultural Children's Book Day
Disclosure: East West Discovery Press sent me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review
my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
Today I am reviewing the first of two books for Multicultural Children's Book Day (MCCBD). What is Multicultural Children's Book Day? It is a national event which Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Mia Wenjen from Pragmatic Mom created to celebrate diversity in children's books. MCCBD team hopes to spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Our young readers need to see themselves within the pages of a book and experience other cultures, languages, traditions and religions within the pages of a book. We encourage readers, parents, teachers, caregivers and librarians to follow along the fun book reviews, author visits, event details, a multicultural children’s book linky and via our hashtag (#ReadYourWorld) on Twitter and other social media. This year's MCCBD is January 27th! More about MCCBD and the events this year later in this post. Now onto our book!!
Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop #23
note this is NOT Sharing Saturday, but the Creative Kids Culture Blog
Hop. If you do not have multicultural activities, crafts, etc. to share,
you can still share at Sharing Saturday.
Welcome to the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop!
Created by Frances of Discovering the World through My Son's Eyes, the blog hop has now found a new home at Multicultural Kid Blogs.
Welcome to the Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop!
The Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop is a place where bloggers can share multicultural activities, crafts, recipes, and musings for our creative kids. We can't wait to see what you share this time!
Created by Frances of Discovering the World through My Son's Eyes, the blog hop has now found a new home at Multicultural Kid Blogs.
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Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop #23
blog hop|link party|Multicultural|Sharing Links|

blog hop,
link party,
Sharing Links
Sharing Saturday 15-3
Martin Luther King, Jr. Features
For everyone featured in this topic and ones not picked, please also link up at the Multicultural Kid Blogs Martin Luther King Day for Kids link party!!
Posted by
Sharing Saturday 15-3
animals|black history month|Disney|educational|Frozen|link party|MLK|polar bear|Sharing Links|Sharing Saturday|winter|

black history month,
link party,
polar bear,
Sharing Links,
Sharing Saturday,
Faith Celebration--United Church of Christ
Have you entered my current giveaway for a wooden watch?
Back in September I reviewed the beautiful book, Everyone Prays: Celebrating Faith Around the World by Alexis York Lumbard. As I thought about this book I began to think about how wonderful it would be to have a place to learn about the different world religions in a personal way. I talked to some of my fellow bloggers at Multicultural Kid Blogs and came up with the wonderful series that will include a giveaway of the book. Each blog participating will be sharing about their own religion and all will be linked together on January 25th at Multicultural Kid Blogs with a review of the book and the giveaway. In my part here is to share about my own religion.
I grew up attending Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford, Connecticut. This is the church in which I was baptized and attended Sunday School. For a short while my mother served as the Interim Director of Christian Education there. It was a church with a lot of history. It is across the street from the Mark Twain House in Hartford and I was always told that Mark Twain called it the oily cloth church because of the yellow and green tiles above the entrance.
Back in September I reviewed the beautiful book, Everyone Prays: Celebrating Faith Around the World by Alexis York Lumbard. As I thought about this book I began to think about how wonderful it would be to have a place to learn about the different world religions in a personal way. I talked to some of my fellow bloggers at Multicultural Kid Blogs and came up with the wonderful series that will include a giveaway of the book. Each blog participating will be sharing about their own religion and all will be linked together on January 25th at Multicultural Kid Blogs with a review of the book and the giveaway. In my part here is to share about my own religion.
Immanuel Congregational Church (Source) |
I grew up attending Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford, Connecticut. This is the church in which I was baptized and attended Sunday School. For a short while my mother served as the Interim Director of Christian Education there. It was a church with a lot of history. It is across the street from the Mark Twain House in Hartford and I was always told that Mark Twain called it the oily cloth church because of the yellow and green tiles above the entrance.
DIY Disney's Frozen Birthday Party Thank You Notes--Free Printable
Last week we shared the fun things we did, served and decorated with for Hazel's Frozen-themed birthday party. The girls are still talking about it and how much fun they had. Hazel thinks it was the best party ever!!
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DIY Disney's Frozen Birthday Party Thank You Notes--Free Printable
Birthday Party|Disney|Frozen|printables|thank you|

Birthday Party,
thank you
Big Red Kangaroo Book Review
Have you entered my current giveaway for a wooden watch?
Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
We are so excited to share this fun book with you today. Big Red Kangaroo by Claire Saxby is a wonderful book about red kangaroos. It was released last week. In similar fashion to Grandma Elephant's In Charge (which I reviewed last month), Big Red Kangaroo follows a dominant male red kangaroo with his mob but also gives facts about red kangaroos in side notes. The dominant male kangaroo is responsible for the safety and livelihood of its mob which is made up of females and joeys (baby kangaroos). Young male adult kangaroos will challenge the dominant male for the mob. The dominant male will have to fight off or scare off the challengers. He also has to help find the safe places for the mob to eat and rest during the hot sunny days. It is so interesting to learn about the harsh climates these animals live in.
Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.
We are so excited to share this fun book with you today. Big Red Kangaroo by Claire Saxby is a wonderful book about red kangaroos. It was released last week. In similar fashion to Grandma Elephant's In Charge (which I reviewed last month), Big Red Kangaroo follows a dominant male red kangaroo with his mob but also gives facts about red kangaroos in side notes. The dominant male kangaroo is responsible for the safety and livelihood of its mob which is made up of females and joeys (baby kangaroos). Young male adult kangaroos will challenge the dominant male for the mob. The dominant male will have to fight off or scare off the challengers. He also has to help find the safe places for the mob to eat and rest during the hot sunny days. It is so interesting to learn about the harsh climates these animals live in.
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Big Red Kangaroo Book Review
Australia|children's books|craft|felt|kangaroo|product review|

children's books,
product review
Sharing Saturday 15-2
Have you entered my current giveaway for a wooden watch?
Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week! There were some amazing ideas as always!! And a very special thank you to everyone who visited the posts shared!! For features this week we have penguins & more and Valentine's Day and more.
Posted by
Sharing Saturday 15-2
link party|math|penguin|Sharing Links|Sharing Saturday|Valentine's Day|

link party,
Sharing Links,
Sharing Saturday,
Valentine's Day
Just Us Girls Book Review--Mother Daughter Crafts
Disclosure: I was sent this book to review free of charge from Quarry Books. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. I am including links to each item for your convenience but do not receive anything if you purchase them.
Today I get to share with you a wonderful book called Just Us Girls: 48 Creative Art and Craft Projects for Mothers and Daughters to do Together by Cindy Ann Ganaden. This book has some fun projects for any mother and daughter team to try. It promotes bonding time which is always important. Hazel loves that it is called Just Us Girls. She thinks of it as a secret time to do fun things. As usual I let Hazel go through and pick some crafts to try. She limited herself this time or maybe I limited her by not giving her as many papers to mark pages.
children's books,
product review
Wooden Watch Review and Giveaway!!
Disclosure: I was sent this watch to review
free of charge from JORD Watch. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive
any other compensation for this review. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation. JORD Watch is also providing me a watch to giveaway to one of you!!
I am so excited to review this product and offer one as a prize!! Why? Because it is something I have been searching for almost my whole life. I know you are now thinking I am a bit crazy. After all it is a watch and you can find watches everywhere. However I have extremely sensitive skin and possibly an allergy to nickel. With this issue every watch I have owned has given me a watch if I wore them regularly. And I should add I have owned/tried many watches. I grew up in the 80's so I always wore a Swatch, but every couple of weeks I would have to put nail polish on the battery cover so it would not give me a rash. I wasn't so sure about always having nail polish next to my skin and stopped wearing them. I had a nice gold watch my grandparents gave me for my high school graduation, but I could only wear it for one day or it would give me the rash. I even found watches with ribbon bands, but where the ribbon connected still gave me the rash. (Did I mention the button on jeans gives me a rash?) So in college or so I stopped wearing watches and had finally just given up on them. Then JORD Watch contacted me asking if I would like to review on of their wood watches. When I saw that they were almost completely wooden, I jumped at the chance.
I am so excited to review this product and offer one as a prize!! Why? Because it is something I have been searching for almost my whole life. I know you are now thinking I am a bit crazy. After all it is a watch and you can find watches everywhere. However I have extremely sensitive skin and possibly an allergy to nickel. With this issue every watch I have owned has given me a watch if I wore them regularly. And I should add I have owned/tried many watches. I grew up in the 80's so I always wore a Swatch, but every couple of weeks I would have to put nail polish on the battery cover so it would not give me a rash. I wasn't so sure about always having nail polish next to my skin and stopped wearing them. I had a nice gold watch my grandparents gave me for my high school graduation, but I could only wear it for one day or it would give me the rash. I even found watches with ribbon bands, but where the ribbon connected still gave me the rash. (Did I mention the button on jeans gives me a rash?) So in college or so I stopped wearing watches and had finally just given up on them. Then JORD Watch contacted me asking if I would like to review on of their wood watches. When I saw that they were almost completely wooden, I jumped at the chance.
Teaching Young Children about Martin Luther King, Jr.
This post is part of the Multicultural Kid Blogs Martin Luther King Day for Kids Blog Series.
With all the talk in the news today about race and the race issues and violence that have been occurring I think it is the perfect time to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I have teamed up with some members of Multicultural Kid Blogs to share resources for celebrating Martin Luther King Day. I have decided to share with you ideas on teaching younger children about Dr. King.
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Teaching Young Children about Martin Luther King, Jr.
black history month|children's books|MLK|Multicultural|USA|

black history month,
children's books,
Frozen Themed Birthday Party with free printables and product review
Disclosure: I was sent these items to review
free of charge from Oriental Trading. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive
any other compensation for this review. As in all my
reviews I am providing links for your ease but receive no compensation.
This weekend we had Hazel's Frozen themed birthday party. Ever since Hazel saw the movie (her first movie at the theater), I have been collecting Frozen ideas on Pinterest. I got to use several of the ideas I pinned and products I pinned for this fun party. All of the girls had a great time and loved it. Today I am going to share the details with you including the products Oriental Trading sent me for the party to review. First I have to share Hazel's Elsa dress. Elsa is Hazel's favorite character in the movie and she really wanted an Elsa dress. With all the sheer fabric on them I knew her delicate skin would not be able to handle just any Elsa dress, so I made one for her. I used the Simplicity Pattern 1233, however I lined the bodice and cannot imagine using any of the sequined fabrics without lining.
This weekend we had Hazel's Frozen themed birthday party. Ever since Hazel saw the movie (her first movie at the theater), I have been collecting Frozen ideas on Pinterest. I got to use several of the ideas I pinned and products I pinned for this fun party. All of the girls had a great time and loved it. Today I am going to share the details with you including the products Oriental Trading sent me for the party to review. First I have to share Hazel's Elsa dress. Elsa is Hazel's favorite character in the movie and she really wanted an Elsa dress. With all the sheer fabric on them I knew her delicate skin would not be able to handle just any Elsa dress, so I made one for her. I used the Simplicity Pattern 1233, however I lined the bodice and cannot imagine using any of the sequined fabrics without lining.
Posted by
Frozen Themed Birthday Party with free printables and product review
Birthday Party|cooking|crafts|decorations|Disney|food|Frozen|princess|printables|product review|sewing|

Birthday Party,
product review,
Sharing Saturday 15-1
Happy New Year!! Welcome to the first Sharing Saturday of 2015!! This New Year's Eve was the first time we really celebrated with Hazel. We counted down to 8 p.m. with her and let her have noise makers, jump on bubble wrap, wear hats and drink sparkling cider. She loved it!! Did you have a fun New Year's celebration? If you want ideas for celebrating with kids, make sure to check out last week's Sharing Saturday. There were some wonderful ideas shared. Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week and a very special thank you to all of you who come to see what others are up to. For this week's features I picked nine non-New Year's posts to share. I hope you will check them out!
Posted by
Sharing Saturday 15-1
children's books|link party|reading|Sharing Links|Sharing Saturday|snowman|winter|

children's books,
link party,
Sharing Links,
Sharing Saturday,
DIY Doll Camping Equipment
Happy New Year!! I hope all of you have a healthy and successful 2015!! I know I am planning some exciting things for Crafty Moms Share and hope you will stay tuned. (One of the best ways to stay tuned is to subscribe to Crafty Moms Share! See the ways to do so in the right column.) I am lining up some amazing giveaways and reviews as well as fun crafts and activities to do with your child(ren).
Today I thought I would share the main part of Hazel's birthday present from us. This year's family birthday party was American Girl Doll themed, so it seemed appropriate to give her something for her dolls. We gave her the beautiful carrying case with murphy bed from Queens Treasure for Christmas with a homemade quilt. When we were at the American Girl Doll Store for my birthday this summer, Hazel fell in love with the tent they sell. However I was not going to spend $85 on it. I figured I could come up with some way to make one. I happened to find roasting sticks on clearance for a $1 at the end of the summer and bought them thinking they could be the poles for the tent. I also saw this great tutorial over at The Frugal Crafter using cardboard to stiffen the sides, but I really wanted her tent to have a window like the one at the American Girl Doll Store. After a couple of tries I got a tent. It is not perfect and I now know what I would do differently. The first would be not bothering with the "poles".
Today I thought I would share the main part of Hazel's birthday present from us. This year's family birthday party was American Girl Doll themed, so it seemed appropriate to give her something for her dolls. We gave her the beautiful carrying case with murphy bed from Queens Treasure for Christmas with a homemade quilt. When we were at the American Girl Doll Store for my birthday this summer, Hazel fell in love with the tent they sell. However I was not going to spend $85 on it. I figured I could come up with some way to make one. I happened to find roasting sticks on clearance for a $1 at the end of the summer and bought them thinking they could be the poles for the tent. I also saw this great tutorial over at The Frugal Crafter using cardboard to stiffen the sides, but I really wanted her tent to have a window like the one at the American Girl Doll Store. After a couple of tries I got a tent. It is not perfect and I now know what I would do differently. The first would be not bothering with the "poles".
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