Bryan Stevenson -- Lawyer, Activist -- #blacklivesmatter
As we continue with our Black Lives Matter Series today we are looking at Bryan Stevenson. Now I will admit I knew nothing about him before researching him for this post. He is one of the names I was given by my black teacher friends when I asked for black people every American should know. From reading about Bryan Stevenson I have to say he is the perfect person to feature right now. His own experiences and those he fights for are examples of the injustice and prejudice in our country and society. I just watched the movie based off of Bryan Stevenson's memoir, Just Mercy. (The film and book have the same title.) If you have not watched it, you should. It is powerful. I cannot wait to get my hands on the book since I know the book is always better than the movie. This movie shows Bryan as a compassionate and intelligent man. He devotes his life to helping the poor and the people who have been charged with crimes they did not commit.
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Bryan Stevenson -- Lawyer, Activist -- #blacklivesmatter
#blacklivesmatter|black history month|Multicultural|USA|

black history month,
Crafty Sundays -- Quilt Art Chinese Style Review and My First Attempts at Paper Quilling
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
This week I have been focusing on organizing my craft room. I'm about half way there! However last night I felt a strong urge to make something. I pulled out a cheap paper quilling kit I bought awhile ago (maybe at AC Moore before it closed). The kit taught how to make three different style flowers. I decided to give it a try. Here is my first one.
This week I have been focusing on organizing my craft room. I'm about half way there! However last night I felt a strong urge to make something. I pulled out a cheap paper quilling kit I bought awhile ago (maybe at AC Moore before it closed). The kit taught how to make three different style flowers. I decided to give it a try. Here is my first one.
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Crafty Sundays -- Quilt Art Chinese Style Review and My First Attempts at Paper Quilling
Chinese|crafts|Crafty Weekends|paper|paper quilling|product review|quilting|

Crafty Weekends,
paper quilling,
product review,
3 Multicultural Picture Books
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
I have gathered a group of three new multicultural picture books to share with you. Each are multicultural in different ways and share about different important lessons. We will start with one that is good for teaching young children a bit of Civil Rights Movement history. It is A Ride to Remember by Sharon Langley and Amy Nathan and illustrated by Floyd Cooper.
I have gathered a group of three new multicultural picture books to share with you. Each are multicultural in different ways and share about different important lessons. We will start with one that is good for teaching young children a bit of Civil Rights Movement history. It is A Ride to Remember by Sharon Langley and Amy Nathan and illustrated by Floyd Cooper.
Changing the Equation -- Meet 3 of the Mathematicians from this book #blacklivesmatter
Today we are continuing with our Black Lives Matter Series. In doing my research for Mary Eliza Mahoney I stumbled across Changing the Equation: 50+ US Black Women in STEM by Tonya Bolden. I was able to get a digital review copy of it. And WOW!! It is full of names some you probably heard of and others that you have not. These women are doctors, nurses, engineers, computer programmers/coders, mathematicians, scientists and so much more. I knew I had to share this book with you as quickly as I could. I wanted to make it even more meaningful to be part of our Black Lives Matter Series so I am going to review the book and share about three of the amazing women in the book and of course I picked the mathematicians. After all they are my sisters from my past life.
Crazy Quilting Dazzling Diamonds -- Crafty Sundays Review
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in return for an honest review. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. The links are affiliate links where I will receive a small percentage of any purchases made through them at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!
I miss Crafty Weekends Link Party. I decided to share my crafts each week on Sunday and bringing back sort of Crafty Weekends but calling it Crafty Sundays but it will not include the link party. Today I am going to share with you Crazy Quilting: Dazzling Diamonds by Kathy Seaman Shaw.
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Crazy Quilting Dazzling Diamonds -- Crafty Sundays Review
affiliate|crafts|Crafty Weekends|product review|quilting|

Crafty Weekends,
product review,
Zendoodle Colorscapes -- Secrets of the Sea -- Perfect Summer Coloring Book
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Can you believe today is the first day of summer? Our spring was very strange with the pandemic. I expect our summer to be strange too. I know I found myself needing things to help me relax. I turned to coloring. You may remember I use to do a weekly coloring book review on Fridays called Relaxing Friday. I stopped due to the number of coloring books I had and I wasn't getting any. However that changes today. Since I was scheduled to participate with the MKB Read Around the World Summer Series yesterday this is a relaxing Saturday post. Today I get to share with you a perfect summertime coloring book and it is brand new!! It was released this week!! It is Zendoodle Colorscapes: Secrets of the Sea artwork by Deborah Muller.
Can you believe today is the first day of summer? Our spring was very strange with the pandemic. I expect our summer to be strange too. I know I found myself needing things to help me relax. I turned to coloring. You may remember I use to do a weekly coloring book review on Fridays called Relaxing Friday. I stopped due to the number of coloring books I had and I wasn't getting any. However that changes today. Since I was scheduled to participate with the MKB Read Around the World Summer Series yesterday this is a relaxing Saturday post. Today I get to share with you a perfect summertime coloring book and it is brand new!! It was released this week!! It is Zendoodle Colorscapes: Secrets of the Sea artwork by Deborah Muller.
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Zendoodle Colorscapes -- Secrets of the Sea -- Perfect Summer Coloring Book
coloring|mermaids|ocean|product review|Relaxing Friday|summer|Summertime Fun|

product review,
Relaxing Friday,
Summertime Fun
A Castle in the Clouds -- Young Adult Novel
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
The Multicultural Kid Blogs' Read Around the World Summer Series started this week and today we are sharing a young adult novel that is written by a German author and takes place in Switzerland. Be sure to follow the entire series all summer. I will be sharing the book recommendations on my Facebook page. In general Mondays will be books for younger kids, Wednesdays will be middle grade books and Fridays will be young adult but some may get switched around. The book we are sharing is A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier and translated by Romy Fursland.
The Multicultural Kid Blogs' Read Around the World Summer Series started this week and today we are sharing a young adult novel that is written by a German author and takes place in Switzerland. Be sure to follow the entire series all summer. I will be sharing the book recommendations on my Facebook page. In general Mondays will be books for younger kids, Wednesdays will be middle grade books and Fridays will be young adult but some may get switched around. The book we are sharing is A Castle in the Clouds by Kerstin Gier and translated by Romy Fursland.
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A Castle in the Clouds -- Young Adult Novel
books|product review|Switzerland|young adult|

product review,
young adult
Gwendolyn Brooks and August Wilson -- #blacklivesmatter
Disclosure: I was sent digital copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
This week for our Black Lives Matter Series, I am going to share two people who are not on my list but who I found some relatively new picture books about. Last week I shared Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first trained black woman. Today I am sharing books about Gwendolyn Brooks, the first black person to win the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, and August Wilson, a black playwright who won two Pulitzer Prizes and a Tony Award.
This week for our Black Lives Matter Series, I am going to share two people who are not on my list but who I found some relatively new picture books about. Last week I shared Mary Eliza Mahoney, the first trained black woman. Today I am sharing books about Gwendolyn Brooks, the first black person to win the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry, and August Wilson, a black playwright who won two Pulitzer Prizes and a Tony Award.
Middle Grades Summer Reading with Environmental Themes
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Is school out where you live? Hazel finished last week. Of course it wasn't a big celebration with the state just starting to re-open. But we have started to think about summer. Although I don't see too many trips to the beach this year even when we are at Cape Cod. But reading about them is always fun. Today I am sharing two books about life near water--a lake and the ocean. Do you go to any body of water every summer? Are you going this year?
Is school out where you live? Hazel finished last week. Of course it wasn't a big celebration with the state just starting to re-open. But we have started to think about summer. Although I don't see too many trips to the beach this year even when we are at Cape Cod. But reading about them is always fun. Today I am sharing two books about life near water--a lake and the ocean. Do you go to any body of water every summer? Are you going this year?
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Middle Grades Summer Reading with Environmental Themes
algae|chapter books|Cuba|middle grades|middle school|Multicultural|ocean|product review|Round-up|science|sharks|USA|water|

chapter books,
middle grades,
middle school,
product review,
Mary Eliza Mahoney -- #blacklivesmatter
With our nation looking at racial relationships right now I wanted to take time to look at black lives. As I read the Facebook posts and articles and think about everything that is going on, I think about my life, my white privilege and how I have brought Hazel up. One of my biggest regrets happened years ago when I didn't say anything to a young black girl at a Macy's around Christmas time. She saw a black holiday Barbie and said something like pretty and then saw the white one and said something along the lines of prettier. I wanted to tell her no the white one is not prettier, but I got scared. What would the mother think of a white stranger talking to her young daughter? Would I scare the girl? My friend finished her transaction and we walked away. I was the only the adult who heard the young girl and by not saying anything I let that poor girl go on believing white was prettier than black which is so not true. This has weighed heavily on my mind for decades now. This has been stirred up again.
Dresden Quilt Blocks Reimagined -- a Crafty Weekends Review
Disclosure: C&T Publishing sent me this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own! I will receive a small stipend for purchases made through the links in this post. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!
I've been missing my Crafty Weekends. Have you? Although I am not having the link party anymore I thought I would share some of the crafts I have been up to and review one of the craft books I have.
Now I will admit it is a bit strange for me to write a review right now. With so much going on in our country I feel like this is a little frivolous. But I know the world goes on and although my own emotions are all over the place and at times I have wanted to take a break from thinking about the racial issues I realize my black friends and all people of color do not get to take a break from thinking about their race and the racial issues. Tomorrow I will be starting our weekly posts about Black Lives Matter and sharing some black people everyone should know about. So today I am going to share with you a quilt book. The book is Dresden Quilt Blocks Reimagined by Candace Copp Grisham.
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Dresden Quilt Blocks Reimagined -- a Crafty Weekends Review
1930s|affiliate|American Girl|product review|quilting|

American Girl,
product review,
Outside Personal Paint Party
Hazel had her last day of school this week. To do something special I thought we would do a paint party. It was beautiful out this week. So we decided to try one of the Muse Paintbar's Muse-to-Go paintings. Hazel's favorite in the beginning was Dolphin Delight. It is offered as a free video so that is the one we decided to do. (You can find it under Kids and click the free video button.) We had nice big canvases in our craft supplies as well as the brushes and paints. We took our plastic patio table and covered it with an old tablecloth and put it on the grass in case we spilled. Then we got jars of water, our brushes for each of us, the five basic colors of acrylic paint (red, blue, yellow, black and white), two small paper plates for each of us and paper towels. We used plate stands for our "easels". We set my computer up on a chair next to the table to play the video. If you do not have the supplies in your craft storage they do sell sets of those as well.
Let's Read About Black Characters & People -- Round-Up of Children's Books
The other day as I talked to Hazel about current events on our walk and was telling her my plans for Crafty Moms Share, she said, "Did you ever notice that when there is a black person in a book there is just one in a group of white friends?" Oh, yes, we still have the token black person in our society of books and television shows. She even commented how sometimes the group is made up of one person of different races like in The Start-Up Squad Series. I recently read an article about how white people need to do more than talk to our kids about racism. Where we live, who our neighbors are, books we read/provide our kids, who our friends are, the diversity of the school we send our kids to all play a part in how our kids grow up and understand race relations. Now I cannot change your neighborhood or their school but I hope I can change the books in your house and your library. I asked some fellow bloggers as well as authors that are part of the Multicultural Children's Book Day group for any books, activities, and reviews they had with black people as the main characters. Today I am going to share a round-up of books shared and some others I found (on Amazon). I will link reviews and activities whenever possible. It is important that all of our kids read books that have people like them but it is also important that our kids read books with people who do not look like them. This will build their understanding and help them to grow and learn about race and culture and hopefully not be racist when they grow up. I have the books separated into picture books, fairy tales, chapter books/novels, and non-fiction/biographies. There are some separation within some of these genres as well.
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