I haven't done a Who's In The Backyard? Post in awhile. I had planned on doing my rabbits weeks ago but was having internet issues as well as a busy life. So here it finally is!! In our backyard we have cottontails. They are probably Eastern Cottontails, but there is a slight chance they could be New England Cottontails. So my focus is going to be on both species and the differences.
A baby rabbit is called a
kit (short for kitten). Adult females are referred to does and males are
referred to as a buck. Kits are born blind with a fine covering of fur. Their
eyes open in about 4-7 days after birth and by 12-16 days they begin to take short
trips out of the nest. By 4-5 weeks they are weaned and independent and by 7
weeks they have left the nest to start their own lives. Male rabbits are
sexually mature by 1 month and females by 4 months. A female can produce a
liter of kits every 30 days. The mother is fertile again within 24 hours of
giving birth. So this is where the saying, "multiplying like rabbits" comes from! They can reproduce so easily and often! And of course the famous mathematics rabbit problem!
We had loads of cottontails in our yard in the spring. These two seemed to stay extra long this year and were often chasing one another. I believe it is a parent and child.
Fun Facts about Cottontails
- Eastern cottontails can have 7-8 liters a year. Usually 3-4 are successful and consist of 3-8 rabbits.
- Eastern cottontails poop twice. The first is a soft and green. They re-eat it so they can digest it better. The second is small and hard and is only waste. This is what we find in our yards. Sometimes their pee turns blue when exposed to sunlight.
- Cottontails usually freeze
when in danger and then run as a last resort. When they run, they run fast. They
runaway usually in a zig zag pattern.
- Eastern cottontails have almost 360-degree vision. Their eyes protrude a bit from their heads. The Eastern cottontails’ eyes are 1.5 times the size of the New England Cottontails’.
- Rabbits twitch their nose to smell. They have 100 million scent receptors in their nose and the twitching helps expose all of them.
- Their teeth never stop growing. The tough grass they eat helps wear down the teeth so they don’t get too long.
- Rabbits make a purring noise by grinding their teeth. It is a sign of happiness. They can make other vocalizations as well but often don’t so their predators don’t find them.
- Rabbits have 17,000 taste buds on average (humans have 2,000-8,000) so they can taste a larger array of flavors. Eastern cottontails feed on buds, clover, grasses, dandelion heads, flower blossoms, legumes, lettuce and even fruit or whatever is yummy in your garden or yard. I Ours have been seen eating the sunflower seeds near the feeder. In the winter they often eat bark, twigs, and buds.
- They are most active at dawn and dusk to avoid their predators. During the day they often hide in the vegetation.
- The Eastern Cottontail is the most common species of Cottontail Rabbits.
- Eastern cottontails were brought to New England from the Midwest. They are known to live on the edges of more open fields and grasslands as well as yards. New England Cottontails are primarily forest creatures and depend on areas of thick shrubs to hide.
- The New England Cottontail has a darker back than the Eastern Cottontail. The New England Cottontail also has a broad black stripe on the outer edge of the ear and usually a black spot between the ears. The Eastern Cottontail has a slightly paler coat, a cinnamon-rust nape and a narrow black margin extending along the front edge and tip of the ear. It sports a white or light brown spot on its forehead. For the most part they are impossible to tell apart by sight.

- Jen. Natures Notes Blog by Wild Birds Unlimited. “5 Fun Facts – The Eastern Cottontail.” (16 Jun 2017) https://naturenotesblog.blogspot.com/2017/06/5-fun-facts-eastern-cottontail.html
- Kiley. Dickinson County Conservation Board. “7 Cute Cottontail Facts.” (13 Aug 2018) https://dickinsoncountyconservationboard.com/2018/08/13/7-cute-cottontail-facts/
- Mass Audubon. “About Cottontails.” https://www.massaudubon.org/learn/nature-wildlife/mammals/cottontail-rabbits/about
- National Geographic. “Eastern Cottontail Rabbit.” https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/e/eastern-cottontail-rabbit/
- Newenglandcottontail.org. “Two Kinds of Cottontails.” https://newenglandcottontail.org/natural-history/competing-cottontails
Craft & Activity Round-Up
Finally I did a small round-up of books to teach children about rabbits and cottontails. Most of this are nonfiction but there are so many fiction ones out there!