
Word for 2021--What inspires you?


Do you pick a word for each year? I started a few years ago. In 2019 my word was flourish, and Hazel picked believe. I spent the year trying to encourage her to believe in herself. In 2020 my word was connect. I hoped to connect with more people as well as God in more meaningful ways. I feel I did connect but not as I expected to due to Covid. As I reflected on words I thought about gratitude and then picked inspire. Hazel is choosing between strength and confidence. I love that she chose those two on her own! It shows so much growth for her this year. (Her new school is such a blessing!) What will your focus for 2021 be? Need some help? I made this word find with over 60 word of the year choices. What are the first four words you see? Do they have meaning for you?

Let me know what words you see!! You can comment on my Facebook page. So I have been thinking about inspire this weekend. The first question I want to tackle is what inspires me. I thought I would ask you.

There are so many things that can inspire a person. Your environment--is it messy or clean? Which inspires you more? The weather--does sunshine inspire you to do something different than rain or clouds? Does hearing a song inspire you? Or are you inspired by a good book? Or maybe a movie? Or does creating something inspire you? Once you find your own inspiration what do you do with it? 

Then of course there is also trying to inspire others. Who do you want to inspire? Your child(ren)? Your spouse? Your friends? Your employees or people who work under you? How do you do it? 

There are so many different things to reflect about inspire. I think this is going to be a great word for me this year. What word have you picked? Please share it with me. Best wishes for you and your family for health, happiness and love in 2021!! Please stay safe!