The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas -- New Middle Grades Novel Set in 9/11 Era


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Can you believe this September it will be twenty years since 9/11? Life was so different twenty years ago. Many homes did not have a computer. Internet was dial up for the most part. And I am guessing you probably remember where you were when you heard the news of the planes going into the twin towers. I know I remember exactly. Do you remember the days after how quiet it was without any planes in the air? I remember looking at coworker as we heard planes flying above our school--it was in the airpath of the military planes. Living outside of Boston where the flights began meant many meaningful stories about that day as well as loss. Today I am sharing a new middle grade book that is set in the era of 9/11. It is The Ambassador of Nowhere Texas by Kimberly Willis Holt. I did not realize until today that it is the second book in a series. 

Grace and Box -- a Multicultural Picture Book Perfect for Earth Day


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe it is the end of March. This month went by so quickly for me and usually it drags but I guess that is because Hazel's new school has two weeks off in March instead of the February and April breaks. With the end of March I start to think about the events of April. Today I am going to share a fun new picture book that as I read it made me think of Earth Day and I'll share why later. The book is Grace and Box by Kim Howard and illustrated by Megan Lötter.

Women in World War II


Today we are going to look at some of the American women who made a difference during World War II. Women's rights had progressed between the two world wars as well as progress in technology. By World War II women were pilots. Computers were introduced to the mix. And of course there were the nurses and spies. Once again my go to book is Heroism Begins with Her by Winifred Conkling. I will be sharing additional sources as well as books (mostly children's) about each of the amazing women I will share. 

Quilt Books for Crafty Sundays


Disclosure: I was sent digital copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own. I will receive a small percentage of a purchase made through the shared links at no cost to you.

March is National Craft Month. I have not had much time to craft but did start working on a quilt today, so I decided to share some of the quilt books I have been thinking about trying today as well as the one I did try. We will start with Sew Very Easy Quilt Favorites: 12 Skill-Building Projects from Laura Coia.

New YA Novel about Perfection, Love, & Creating Life


Disclosure: I was sent an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you a fun, soon to be released young adult novel. It will be released on April 1, 2021. It is the second novel by Jenna Guillaume. You can see my review of her first one here. This new novel is a new feminine twist on Weird Science. The book is called You Were Made for Me.

Anxiety in Kids


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

During Covid the overall visits to the emergency room have significantly decreased. However during this same period there has been an increase in kids' visits to the ER for mental health reasons. (Source) I suppose it is not that surprising. We all know that Covid is increasing anxiety in most people. People are afraid of catching it. People are afraid of dying from it. People are afraid of loved ones catching it. Plus the change in our lives--the masks, social distancing, not seeing loved ones, change for routines, etc. add more stress and anxiety. This is certainly true for adults but it is even more true for our kids. Kids are struggling to understand the pandemic. They are struggling to understand why the adults in their life are acting so differently and are so stressed out. All they truly know is a year ago the world changed. Everything stopped. School went remote. For some their parents were out of work. Slowly things are opening back up. People are wearing masks. Hand washing is a big deal. It is truly a scary time to be alive which makes it a perfect time for today's book. The book is All About Anxiety by Carrie Lewis and illustrated by Sophia Touliatou. It is a middle grades book (ages 9-13).

Women in World War I


Today we continue our Women in Wars Series and focus on World War I. Since I'm American and it is National Women's History Month I am going to focus on mostly American women. The changes in the world affected the roles of women in the war. In the Revolutionary and Civil Wars some women disguised themselves as men to fight. This would not have been as easy to get away with during World War I and there military roles for women now. In 1901 the United States established the Army Nurses Corps and in 1908 it established the Navy Nurses Corps. They

Family Vacation Time During the Pandemic


Disclosure: I was sent this puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It has been a tough year for everyone. Our world shut down during Hazel's new school's spring break last year. It was such a strange time. We didn't know what was coming. Here in Massachusetts at least things are far from normal. Businesses are opening up again but masks are mandatory in public. We have been lucky. Hazel's school has been open this school year. We have the choice to keep her remote whenever we want to but can send her in most of the time. The school goes remote after vacation weeks so it enforces self quarantines for people who have traveled. It truly amazes me when I look on Facebook and see friends all across the country traveling and going out socially. The idea of stepping on an airplane right now or eating in a restaurant scares me. Yet I know there are people who do it all the time and I'm friends and/or related to some of them. We have not left Massachusetts since our trip to Disney in February 2020. We are very lucky though that my family has a house on Cape Cod and we have gotten away there including this spring break. Hazel has been off the past two weeks for spring break and this past week we headed to Cape Cod to spend time as a family, get a change of scenery and see my parents. Since Steve is working from home he needed a change of scenery as well as some time off. Have you traveled during this pandemic?

Women in the Civil War


When we think about the Civil War there are a few women's names that pop in our minds like Harriet Tubman and perhaps nurses like Clara Barton and Louisa May Alcott. Today I am going to delve into the lives and accomplishments of other women in the Civil War that you may not have heard of. There were many women who worked on the homefront, fundraising, making uniforms, etc., but the women I am sharing about today did even more. The Civil War was a war that made it easier for women to disguise themselves as men and fight. In fact it is estimated that there were more than 400 women who did so. Some were discovered when injured or died and others never were. They were of different races and worked for the North or the South. Each had her own courageous adventure in the war. As with the other Women in Wars posts I will share books for kids to learn more about the women when I can. To begin this post I am going to share books that have multiple women in them. I have personally found Women in the Civil War by Kari A. Cornell and Heroism Begins with Her by Winifred Conkling extremely useful and used both as sources for this post. All of the women featured in this post are featured in these books or in the Famous Women of the Civil War by Peter F. Copeland which is a coloring book.

National Children's Craft Day--Crafty Sundays Review


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books and kits in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know March is National Craft Month and March 14th is National Children's Craft Day? So today I am sharing some craft kits and a book for kids. I have found most kids love doing origami, so two of them are origami products. The first is My First Animal Origami Kit by Joel Stern. 

Gary Paulsen's Middle Grade Autobiography -- Fascinating and Heart-wrenching


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you heard of the author Gary Paulsen? He is a three-time Newbery Honor winning author. He wrote books such as Hatchet, Dogsong, and The Winter Room. I haven't personally read them but they apparently are amazing middle school and young adult books. Now he is sharing his own childhood story in Gone to the Woods: Surviving a Lost Childhood

Women in the American Revolutionary War


Happy International Women's Day!! It seems like the perfect time to do our second post for Women in Wars--our focus for Women's History Month this year. Today we will focus on the Revolutionary War. During the time of the Revolutionary War women were not even considered for military service. There were some roles that women were able to play for the military units. Wives, mothers and daughters of some soldiers would go with the military units and do the cooking, sewing and clothes washing for the men and they would get to sleep in a tent and get food. They were called camp followers by some and General George Washington called them women of the army. Women also helped with the care of injured soldiers. They served as nurses and were considered civilians. They received no military status or benefits and no medical training. They did jobs like feeding and bathing the patients as well as cleaning the beds and emptying the bed chambers. They were paid only about $2-$4 a month and often got ill from the soldiers. 

Printable Vinyl Sticker Paper Projects -- Crafty Sundays


Disclosure: HTVRONT sent me a package of this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

I haven't done a Crafty Sundays in awhile. Today I get to share a fun product with you. I have always wanted a Cricut machine but haven't justified spending the money on one. I love all the vinyl projects I see on line and that my friends make with theirs. I am sharing some projects to make with HTVRONT Printable Vinyl Sticker Paper and it works in an inkjet. I have so many different ideas for projects but am going to share some simple ones with you today. 

In Search of Wisdom -- a Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

With life in such turmoil during this pandemic I have found it more important to turn to God. Our church is only doing Zoom services so it has been hard to feel connected at times. I have turned to my devotionals and other books. Today I am sharing a book that helps the reader understand the book of Proverbs better. It is called In Search of Wisdom: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Proverbs by Joyce Meyer.

Women in Wars -- Introduction-- Women's History Month


As I thought about Women's History Month I knew I wanted to really touch on women in history that may be forgotten. Today women are members of the Armed Forces, but not that long ago they were not allowed. I decided I would focus on women who played important roles in wars. This month I will share about women in the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and the two World Wars. Today I thought I would start with some women who fought wars before America was a country. I have focused on the legend of Mulan in the past. She is one of the women who reportedly disguised herself as a man to fight in a war. Then there was the Greek goddess, Athena, who was the goddess of war, as well as the Amazons, the race of women warriors in Greek mythology. Even the Aztecs had a warrior goddess, Itzpapalotl. Then we know of Joan of Arc and how she led the French army through battles. And we shared about Artemisia in the past. Today let's talk about some of the other women you may not have heard about that fought in real wars and battles. As I started researching women in wars I found The Book of Heroines: Tales of History's Gutsiest Gals by Stephanie Warren Drimmer. All of the women, goddesses and legends mentioned in this post are featured in this book. This book is one of the sources for my entire post. I will list others that I used to find out more about the women and share books for kids when possible. (Note: I have not checked out these books but found them searching my local library website and Amazon.)

New YA Novel Shines a Light on Down Syndrome


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I am going to share a new young adult book with you. This powerful book shines light on people with Down Syndrome. Before I share it I want to say there is a sticker in my copy warning about the content. It states: "Content Advisory Please be aware that this narrative contains depictions of alcohol and drug use, verbal and physical abuse, sex trafficking, and mentions of suicide." With that warning I have to say I had trouble putting this book down!! The book is Rosie Loves Jack by Mel Darbon. 

New Multicultural Books Perfect for Women's History Month


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

March is such a funny month. In New England it can be a long month without much to do. The weather is sometimes amazing and often awful. It can be snow or rain and it really depends. Spring begins in March which is always my favorite but it is early spring so it isn't the beautiful part of spring yet. And of course there is Pi Day! One of my favorite holidays!! Mathematicians don't get too many holidays. The other thing that excites me about March is that it is Women's History Month. It is a month for us to discover and learn about the amazing women throughout history that we probably haven't heard of. Most of our history was recorded by men (and around here it was white men) so it is very biased and often doesn't cover the amazing things women have done to support society. I have big plans for this month but to begin I thought I would share two new books that are perfect for Women's History Month. The first is a picture book that shares a favorite story of Dovey Johnson Roundtree liked to tell. Last month I shared a middle grade level book about Dovey but today's book is a perfect way to introduce younger kids to this amazing woman. The book is We Wait for the Sun by Dovey Johnson Roundtree and Katie McCabe and illustrated by Raissa Figueroa.