No World Too Big -- Perfect Book for Earth Day & Women's History Month and so much more!


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

March is Women's History Month. April is National Poetry Month, and Earth Day is in April. Today I am sharing a book that works for all three of these special things plus shows kids other kids from around the world fighting global climate change. The book is No World Too Big edited by Lindsay H. Metcalf, Keila V. Dawson, and Jeanette Bradley and illustrated by Jeanette Bradley. It is being released this week! It is recommended for ages 5 to 9. 

From the Publisher:

Fans of No Voice Too Small will be inspired by young climate activists who made an impact around climate change in their communities, countries, and beyond.

Climate change impacts everyone, but the future belongs to young people. No World Too Big celebrates twelve young activists and three activist groups on front lines of the climate crisis who have planted trees in Uganda, protected water in Canada, reduced school bus’ climate footprint in Indonesia, invented alternate power sources in Ohio, and more. Fourteen poems by Vanessa Brantley-Newton, David Bowles, Rajani LaRocca, RenĂ©e LaTulippe, Heidi E. Y. Stemple, and others honor activists from all over the world and the United States. Additional text goes into detail about each activist's life and how readers can get involved.

From Me:

This book shares a poem and information about various kids that have been working to fight global climate change. Some are individuals and others are groups. Many of the individuals are female which is why I said this book works for Women's History Month. Some I have heard of, but most I have not so this book is very educational. We learn about people like Zanagee Artis, Greta Thunberg, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez, Artemisa Xakriaba, Leah Namugerwa, Marinel Ubaldo, Autumn Peltier, Lina Yassin, Maya Penn, and so many more! Each of these children have found a way to make a difference either by using their voice or taking action to do their part to fight climate change. They are from all over the world and from many different cultures. They are making a name for themselves and making history while doing good for our planet.

The book contains different types of poems from fifteen different poets. There are acrostic, dansa, dokugin renga, free verse and more types of poetry. At the back of hte book there is an explanation of the different forms as well as short biographies of the poets. This book is a great way to look at poetry with younger kids and show them different types while also sharing about climate change and amazing kids fighting it. This is why it is perfect for National Poetry Month. 

The book is all about kids who are fighting global climate change, so needless to say it is perfect for Earth Day. Each double page is full of information about kids who have done different things to fight it. Some have held protests and others are doing things like composting or transforming school buses to biodiesel and others are inventing new products to create electricity from renewable sources like Maanasa Mendu. She visited family in India and saw a problem. She then found a way to solve it with a five dollar invention. With each person/group there is also ideas of what kids can do on their own similar to these amazing kids. There is also a glossary as well as ways to visualize greenhouse gases in the back of the book. This book is powerful and will be well received by kids. I hope you will check it out.

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