Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and P.J. Davis to bring you this review and giveaway.
What is time? It has been called the fourth dimension. It is also said to be made up by man to help explain life. The calendar has changed over the years and some places still change the clock twice a year for Daylight Savings Time and Standard Time. So what is time? For that matter, what is life? What would life be without time? Today we are sharing a middle school fantasy about an underworld force who is stealing time to overcome our world as well as other dimensions. The book is Nemesis and the Vault of Lost Time by P.J. Davis and illustrated by Thomas Peacock. It is recommended for ages 8+.
About the Book:
Nemesis and the Vault of Lost Time Written by P.J. Davis and Illustrated by Thomas PeacockAges: 8+ | 234 Pages | Publisher: Philaments | ISBN-13: B0CVS2P3N3
Book Summary: “…it’s hard to prove the world’s most important substance is missing when no one knows it’s gone.”
“Substance? What substance?” asks thirteen-year-old Max Kellerman. “Why time itself!” exclaims the strange professor who Max meets in the back of his uncle’s bookstore. In fact, he says, time is being sucked out of every living person by invisible thieves and stored away in a deep, dark netherworld.
Could the professor possibly be right… or just plain crazy?
It depends on whether Max can unravel the mysterious clues in the tattered manuscript the professor leaves behind. With the help of his best friends Derek and Samantha, Max begins a quest to find this dark realm and to discover its hidden secrets. But with the time clock ticking and the professor gone missing, Max uncovers a truth he never thought possible.
Max must unravel the mysteries of Nemesis to save not just his world, but the very fabric of time itself.

PJ Davis lives in the tiny mountain town of Brevard, North Carolina overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains. He lives there with his wife, youngest son, three sleepy cats and three noisy ducks. For his day job, he names things, such as companies, products and services. he even named the town’s annual White Squirrel Festival.
PJ is a nickname, short for Phillip John, which is the type of long, formal-sounding name that parents use when they are really mad about something you did and for which you are about to get into serious trouble. As a child PJ was a bit like his book character Max, and also suffered from ACHOO syndrome, along with bouts of intense curiosity and daydreaming. Growing up, almost all of his questions started with “what if…”, which drove his parents crazy.
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