The Magic Sea Turtle -- Book Review & Giveaway


Disclosure: I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Kathleen Welton to bring you this post and giveaway.

When Hazel was young, she loved magical things. She loved fairies and unicorns. We made fairy gardens, and she had a magical fairy door where I would write her notes from the fairy. She loved magical stories. The book I am sharing with you today she would have loved!! It is The Magical Sea Turtle by Kathleen Welton and illustrated by Chau Pham.

About the Book:

The Magic Sea Turtle Written by Kathleen Welton and Illustrated by Chau Pham

Ages 3+ | 32 Pages | Publisher: Bookfox Press | ISBN-13: 978-1960157515

Publisher’s Book Summary: Once upon a time, Myrtle chased her dreams–dreams of being a queen with a crown that sparkled like the moon. One day, she tumbles down, down, down into the sea. Max helps rescue her and a magic carpet flies her to a place even more amazing than her sandcastle dreams and she discovers an entire ocean of possibilities! There are dolphins who welcome her and a friendly otter with the biggest smile. They can teach her to swim and enjoy the day. Another magical glow surrounds Myrtle when she decides to stay and wishes to be a sea turtle like Max.

And guess what? Myrtle’s fall may have been unexpected, but thanks to a touch of magic, it leads her to a place where her wishes come true. Myrtle becomes a queen AND a magic sea turtle too, ready for incredible adventures! Myrtle the Turtle learns that being a queen means having the best friends ever. And with her sparkly crown and a heart full of joy, she is the happiest queen the whole ocean has ever seen!

Purchase Links:


Kathleen Welton advocates for beaches, birds, and wildlife; is an award-winning independent publisher; and writes picture books and screenplays. She began her book publishing career as a college textbook sales rep. Since then, she has served as senior editor for Dow Jones-Irwin, publisher for Dearborn Trade, vice president and publisher for IDG Books, director for H&R Block, and director of book publishing for the American Bar Association. As a book producer at aka Associates, she collaborates with authors and organizations on publishing projects.
She earned a BA in both English and Italian Literature from Stanford University as well as a Certificate in Feature Film Writing with distinction from UCLA Extension. When she is not writing, Kathleen enjoys meditating, reading, and exploring the Lake Michigan shoreline.

For more information, visit:

From Me:

This book is magical. Myrtle is a sweet girl with a dream. When the ground gets covered by clouds her dream becomes true. She falls toward the sea and is saved by the sea gulls. She meets all the sea life and plays with the dolphins. The animals ask her to stay with them. She becomes a sea turtle and the queen. It is such a sweet story. It is the type of story Hazel would have wanted me to read over and over again when she was young. It is sure to become a favorite book!

This book is one I see young girls who love magical things will love. It will also appeal to people who love turtles and sea animals. I can see it read in a classroom and talking about the various animals in the book. The sea gulls pull a rug to catch Myrtle in her fall. When she is caught, they put the rug with Myrtle on the sea turtle and the otter comes to meet her. There are also dolphins, ducks, swans, fish, octopus, and more. It would be fun to talk about the sea life and how it is different from Myrtle's life as a girl. It is a fun way to introduce sea life as well for a unit studying the ocean animals. To go with this book, I would do a turtle craft. I have shared two round-ups of turtle crafts here and here.


Enter the giveaway for a chance to win a copy of The Magic Sea Turtle, a plushy of Myrtle, and a Baby Turtle Adoption from Good luck!

The Magic Sea Turtle: Book Giveaway

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