New Picture Books About Dad and Bedtime


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

Father's Day is quickly approaching and today I get to share two fun new bedtime books where Dad is in charge of getting the little one to sleep. The first is by blogger and co-founder of Multicultural Children's Book Day/Read Your World, Mia Wenjen. The book is Boxer Baby Battles Bedtime and is illustrated by Kai Gietzen. It is recommended for ages 3 and up. 

From the Publisher:

Mom is counting on Dad to get Boxer Baby down for her nap, but Boxer Baby is the G.O.A.T. of sleep avoidance. This hilarious face-off mimics a three-round boxing match, as Boxer Baby is no lightweight when it comes to staying awake.

Dad has a few tricks up his sleeve, but will it be enough in this epic battle against nap time?

Boxer Baby Battles Bedtime! uses figurative language to show how many common idioms have boxing origins.

From Me:

This is such a fun book and an original idea. Boxer Baby battles bedtime--and what baby doesn't? This book shares boxing lingo that every adult will recognize and for the kids who might not there is a glossary. As a mom, I love this book because there are times when you truly feel like your baby is a boxer fighting sleep. The lingo makes it even more fun. I also love that it is Dad who is battling Boxer Baby. It came out just in time for Father's Day gifts. 

The book will entertain adults reading it as well as older kids. The boxing lingo adds a bit humor to a sometimes very stressful situation. This book is so fun and will help the adults struggling to get a young one to sleep find a bit of humor in it. I can see this becoming a favorite bedtime story for both kids and adults. So come into the boxing ring check out the corners and stay for a few rounds. Be sure to watch out for the below the belt fouls. I know I'm giving my copy to a soon to be father who will definitely enjoy this book!!

Our second book is Sleep Little, Dozer by Diana Murray and illustrated by Cleonique Hilsaca. It is recommended for ages 3 to 7.

From the Publisher:

Little Dozer has had a busy day of revving and rumbling, and now it's time to get ready for bed in this sweet, rhyming bedtime book for kids who love construction vehicles. Perfect for children ages 3 to 7!

When day speeds away
and the sun's going down,
it's bedtime, it's bedtime
in Rumbletruck Town.

After a long day of rugged play, it's time for Little Dozer to get ready for bed. He has a bath to wash away the mud and snuggles into bed to start counting jeep after jeep... but Dozer needs his bedtime song, and Mama isn't home to sing it! Luckily, Papa knows most of the words...and as soon as Dozer drifts off to Dreamland, Mama is home to kiss him goodnight.

Featuring adorable art, this tender bedtime story is perfect for fans of Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site and Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night?

From Me:

This is such a sweet book. I love that it is Dad who calls Little Dozer home to go to sleep. I also love that when Little Dozer has trouble falling asleep because Mom isn't there to sing their bedtime song, Dad is able to do it or at least mostly with Little Dozer's help. It reminds me of bedtime with Hazel. Steve played an important role in her bedtime routine. When I took her to visit my parents, my dad would fill in for him. I loved the connection she had with both of the men in her life because of this role. I also love that this book has Dad being successful at getting Little Dozer to sleep. Mom comes home from work late and kisses sleeping Little Dozer.

The song they sing is about all different types of trucks in Rumbletruck Town. Kids who love trucks are going to love this book and I love the song/verses. I can see this book being an absolute favorite every night book for a truck lover. I also love that it shares the fear Little Dozer has going to sleep without Mom, but Dad finds a way to get him asleep. It shows kids that they do not have to depend on just one parent for such things. It is such a sweet story that I think many fathers and kids will love to read again and again. 

So get ready for bedtime with these fun books. They will both instantly become favorite books and they are perfect books for dad to read at bedtime. Happy reading!

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