
Somewhere In Between - Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Young children can find compromising very hard. They are at an age where empathy isn't really developed. They only see things their way. Today I get to share a picture book released this week about finding middle ground. It is Somewhere In Between by Laan Cham. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

From the Publisher:

Join a little girl named Pink on a journey to two enchanting realms: the Land of Sunshine and the Land of Snow!

First, Pink meets Fireball, a red creature who rules the Land of Sunshine—home to the sun (of course), beaches, and swimming. Then she meets Snowball, who rules the Land of Snow, and who enjoys building snowmen, ice skating, and sledding.

To Pink, it's all fun and games . . . until the two creatures start bickering and ask her to pick a side. It's up to Pink to help Fireball and Snowball find common ground by showing them a third side—one in which magic exists, if only they can come together to make it.

This whimsical picture book about friendship, conflict resolution, and the complex emotions of being caught in between is perfect for middle children, or any child who finds themselves stuck in the middle.

From Me:

This book reminded me of The Year Without a Santa Claus. You may remember the Heat Miser and his brother Snow Miser. Fireball and Snowball reminded me of the Miser Brothers. (And yes, I have the song "I'm Mister Heat Miser, ..." stuck in my head now.) However, the book is not about Christmas at all. It is a young girl who enters a new world and first meets Fireball. Fireball lives in the hot section of the world or the Land of Sunshine. It has beaches, swimming, and sunshine. When Pink asks Fireball about a land across the water, he warns her not to think about it because it has trolls. Pink however cannot stop thinking about it and sneaks over to it where she meets Snowball. Snowball is in the Land of Snow. It has snowmen, ice skating and sledding. She has a blast with Snowball until she sees Fireball upset with her. Fireball and Snowball fight with one another over which land is the best. Pink wants her new friends to get along and find common ground. She finds an island between the two lands and decides to stay there. It is warm but not too hot or too cold. She calls it Pink Land and sends invitations to Fireball and Snowball to visit during the grand opening. They show up and Pink shows how her land has warm sunshine and cool breezes as well as pink flowers. She helps them find the middle ground.

I love the simplicity of the story. It takes a tough life situation and simplifies it so kids can understand it and see the solution. They can see the silliness of the fight between Fireball and Snowball, and they can see the beauty of Pink's solution. It is a fun made up world that shares some children's favorite activities from summer and winter. Then we find Pink which is the in between--spring or fall. It is a wonderful way for kids to discuss being stuck in the middle and seeing a way out. The book truly illustrates a real problem with a simple plot and colorful illustrations. It gives the reader the solution of compromising and fairness in a fun way. I hope you will check it out!