Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Next Year in the White House: Barack Obama's First Presidential Seder -- Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We all know about the Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House and the pardon of the turkey for Thanksgiving, but what other holidays are celebrated at the White House? When did the celebrations start? According to a Classroom Resource Packet from the White House, there was a New Year's Day reception from 1801 until 1932. President John Adams and his wife, Abigail, were the first to celebrate Christmas in the White House. The Christmas celebrations were usually private. President Calvin Coolidge was the first President to preside over the public celebration that included a tree lighting ceremony in 1923. It wasn't until 1979 when the National Menorah was lit. It was lit by President Jimmy Carter. The first public Easter Egg Roll happened in 1878 and was hosted by President Rutherford B. Hayes. You may notice that Passover or the Seder dinner of Passover is not mentioned in these holidays. Now Passover is a more important holiday to Jewish people than Hanukkah. Today I get to share a book that shares about the first Seder Dinner at the White House. It is called Next Year in the White House: Barack Obama's First Presidential Seder by Richard Michelson and illustrated by E.B. Lewis. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Trusting Timothy: A Story About Cheating -- Book Review & Giveaway

Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Expound Publicity to bring you this post. All opinions are my own.

It has been a while since I have done a Christian review. Today I get to share a fun picture book that shows following God's Word (Scripture) can help you be a better person and win. The book is Trusting Timothy: A Story About Cheating by Bobby Bryant II, Bobby Bryant III, Ava Bryant, and Joseph Bryant and illustrated by Tim Crecelius. This is a post that is part of The Children's Book Review Virtual Book Tour so that means there is a giveaway! I also am including some free scripture coloring pages to go with the book.

Mary's Voice -- Review of an Advent Devotional


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is time to start thinking about Christmas. I always like to find a way to focus myself on the true meaning of the season. I want something to focus my thoughts on the coming of Christ and God. This year I get to share a new Advent devotional that focuses on Mary. I love learning about Mary!! If you have read Crafty Moms Share for a while you may remember some of my previous posts about Mary. I have reflected on Mary's life many times around Advent. Today I am sharing Mary's Voice: Advent Reflections to Contemplate the Coming of Christ by Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing. 

The Wisdom of Solomon -- Book Review with Crafts and Activities


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I haven't shared a Christian themed book in a while. Today I thought I would share one about King Solomon. You may remember Solomon is the son of King David and becomes the third king of Israel. He is known for his wisdom which is a gift from God and building the temple in Jerusalem. The book I'm sharing today is The Wisdom of Solomon by Demi. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8. I am also sharing some crafts and activities to go with the book.

Book about Women of the Bible & Prayer


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I said it. Today's book is one of the best Christian books I have ever read! Now I am always intrigued by a book about women of the Bible. I have looked at several of the women in some detail here on this blog. Women like Mary, Esther, and Mary Magdalene. I have shared versions of the Bible as well as devotionals including my go-to devotional that I reread every year! Today I am going to share a book that can be used as a devotional though each chapter is a bit long for a short read that delves into the stories of ten women of the Bible and relates their stories and their prayers to your everyday life. What amazes me most about this book besides that it really hits home is it is written by a man. The book is When Women Pray by Bishop T. D. Jakes. 

The World of the First Christians -- Kids Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a digital review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

When you read the Bible do you ever wonder about life during the times it is telling us? What were houses like? What was travel like? As Christians today our world is so different. We are accepted and often leaders in the US at least. We have luxuries such as indoor plumbing and private bathrooms as well as electricity. Plus many families take vacations all over the world. As a Sunday School teacher and mother I know kids wonder often about what the world was like during Biblical times. Today's book is a book to help them understand more about the Biblical world. The book is The World of the First Christians: A Curious Kid's Guide to the Early Church by Marc Olson and illustrated by Jemima Maybank. 

This book is very kid friendly. It is full of illustrations and bits of information. It is organized not to overwhelm but to educate. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12 and I would say that is the perfect age to go with this book. The book deals with who the first Christians were and what they did. It also shares about life in Rome and other Roman cities. The details are very interesting and explain a bit about life and yes there is bathroom talk in parts of it!

The illustrations are clear and add to the information shared. This book is more of a guide to educate than a picture book. It goes through many different things as well as relating them to the different parts of the Bible. The Gospel is explained as well as the Apostles and the letters. It even goes into how the letters were delivered. 

Modes of transportation are addressed as well as people like the Egyptian Monks and Paul. The words are also described as well as where they come from. It is such an interesting book full of facts you do not see every day. If you have a kid who is curious and asking questions about the Bible, take a look at this book and the Bible will come even more alive for you and that kid. 

Hello Fall & Sunday School Crafts

Fall began and I started thinking of some fall crafts. I had those frames I bought ages ago on clearance and had made some spring themed décor. To make a fall one I pulled out my Cuttlebug. I have an apple embossing folder and used it for the background paper. Then I used the die to cut out "Hello". I found an apple shaped Post-It Note pad and traced it to cut out an large apple and wrote fall on it. Then I used some leaf punches for the small leaves. I love how it all came out.

Origami Bible Stories for Kids Kit -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this kit in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Well school has started here and Mother Nature has turned the switch to fall weather. But after a few weeks off from Crafty Weekends we are back!! Today I am sharing a fun origami kit perfect for Sunday School and Bible lessons for kids. It is Origami Bible Stories for Kids Kit by Andrew Dewar. 

Esther's Gragger: A Toyshop Tale of Purim Review

Disclosure: Wisdom Tales Press sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know the Jewish holiday, Purim, is next week? Purim is held every spring. The date changes since the Jewish calendar is a combined lunar and solar calendar. Purim it the day to remember when Queen Esther saved all the Jewish people from death. Now you may be asking, why is a Christian blogger telling us about a Jewish holiday (possibly that I never heard of). Well the Book of Esther in the Bible tells us the story. It also happens to be Hazel's favorite story in the Bible so we have looked at it quite a bit. Queen Esther had to have faith and courage to save her people and she is someone many girls can use as a role model. An interesting side note is that God is not mentioned in the entire Book of Esther. 

Christmas and Other Religious Books

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe Christmas is only a little over a week away. This year is flying by way too fast for me, but I am looking forward to having time with my family. Before that happens, I want to share some more books with you. This is a mix of some Christmas related books, a children's Bible and an adult devotional. We will start with the one that is most related to Christmas. It is Silent Night by Lara Hawthorne. 

Religious devotionals -- Mommy Time Review

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I am taking some time out of my crazy sharing of children's books to share two religious adult books. Both are devotionals. The first is the devotional to go along with a wonderful book I reviewed previously. It is The Better Mom Devotional by Ruth Schwenk. 

Christian Mommy Time Review

Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I often am looking for some books to help me focus my day on Jesus. I have shared a few books that have helped and today I am sharing two more. The first is a wonderful book for any Christian mother. In today's age of the internet with social media and Pinterest it becomes hard to remember that no one lives the perfect life and no one always is perfect. Let's face it, the photographs on Pinterest as well as other social media makes everything seem perfect and wonderful. However every mother has those days where she feels much less than perfect and doesn't know where to turn and certainly doesn't want to let other know. This is the start of the message Ruth Schwenk shares in The Better Mom: Growing in Grace between Perfection adn the Mess

The Adventure Bible Book of Daring Deeds and Epic Creations Review

Review at Crafty Moms Share
Disclosure: I was sent this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. The links are affiliate links where I will receive a small percentage of any purchases made through them at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

Do you look for ways for your child to understand the Bible but have fun? Want some everyday activities and crafts that tie into lessons from the Bible? I have the book for you! It is The Adventure Bible Book of Daring Deeds and Epic Creations by Sherry Kyle. 

God's Work with Ministries and Books

Disclosure: BookLook sent me these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

My main thoughts for 2018 is to take care of me. I want to find the time to exercise and to get myself healthy and fit as well as find time to connect with God each day. Today I am going to share some of our new endeavors and two great books to help me and Hazel with connecting with God. The other week I was at Hazel's school's chapel service and the principal shared one of the student's own ministries. She collects money to buy items homeless people would need. She packages them in a plastic bag and keeps them in her parents' cars so if they see someone begging on the street they can give them a bag. Hazel loved this idea and so did I. I always feel bad about not giving to them, but I also have heard not to because they buy drugs or some actually make more money then most of us just by begging. So Hazel and I went to Target and the Dollar Tree and bought some items and gallon bags.

Spiritual Growth for Kids -- New Year Resolution #1

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe another year has begun. Hazel turned nine this past weekend and we had two very fun parties to celebrate. It has been a busy time in our house. However now the festivities are over and I am beginning to think about what I want 2018 to be like for me and my family. Have you thought about your new year? I know I want to focus on me and my family this year. I want to take the time to grow in my relationship with God and get myself healthier and more fit. I also want  to grow in my relationships with Steven and Hazel. And I want to help Hazel grow in her relationship with God. To this end I am sharing with you two great books to help her do just that. The first is Jesus Always: 365 Devotions for Kids by Sarah Young and adapted by Tama Fortner. 

Oriental Trading's Fun365 --a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: Oriental Trading sent me these items in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Have you discovered Oriental Trading's Fun365?  It is a site that has different craft projects and articles. There are choices of Party Ideas, Craft Ideas, Wedding Ideas, and Classroom Ideas. I was inspired by ideas from the Craft Ideas and Party Ideas. I had so much fun exploring the many ideas there. I let Hazel look and help me pick what we would try. In the Party Ideas section there is a Rainbow Party and one of the crafts is a DIY Rainbow Coin Purse. Instead of doing the coin purse we used DIY Totes. (See current available totes here.)I asked Hazel to paint a rainbow on one for me. She wanted to use the Pearlized Acrylic Paint (available paint). Then she wanted to do a heart rainbow, but hers turned out more like a circle. She also did a square but wanted to use the pink on it.  I did a heart one for her as well as a star and an H. 

Christian products

Disclosure: I was sent these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Wow, I cannot believe it is already Thursday!! This week is flying by. We have spent it getting ready for school and having Hazel's first (and now second) day of school. Guess what? She LOVES her new school!! I am so relieved and happy for her. All week I have been thinking about writing this post but my attention has been drawn in too many directions to write these great products the proper review, so I am going to do it now. I will start with these great Halloween Tract from Let the Children Come

Let Your Light Shine Review

Disclosure: Wee Believers sent me these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Last month I got to share with you the wonderful journaling Bible I have. Hazel was very jealous of this fun way to read God's word. However Wee Believers has saved me from sharing or purchasing another one. They have an amazing new line called Let Your Light Shine that is perfect for 8+ year old girls. I showed Hazel their collection and let her pick which items she liked best. She chose the Joy Devotional Journal and matching Joy Medium Accessory Case

Mother Daughter Religion Party

Disclosure: Oriental Trading sent me these items in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you look for ways to help your daughter grow in her relationship with God? Several years ago I found Just Mom and Me Having Tea by Mary Murray.
I have wanted to do it with Hazel and thought about having friends do it with us. I decided to finally plan one. Hazel and I checked out Oriental Trading's religious page to see what fun things we could use with the first chapter. The first chapter is God Made Me Special, so we looked for things that were either garden themed (since we wanted a garden tea party) and about our how God created us and loves us. 

Choosing a Bible -- Bible Reviews

Disclosure: I was sent these books free of charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Hazel is getting old enough that the story Bibles are a bit young for her. She wants to be able to look up scripture. It is time for a new Bible. How do I choose one? Well I was able to get two different types of kids' Bibles as well as a journaling Bible (which I am going to keep for myself). I am going to share all three with you today. The first Bible is the ICB Blessed Garden Bible from Tommy Nelson.