Showing posts with label Mommy time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mommy time. Show all posts

A Teacher's View on DEI


I have always believed in equal rights. I truly believe each of us is equal and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect (unless they are doing something to hurt you or those you love). I have shown this side of me throughout Crafty Moms Share and am a proud member of Multicultural Kids Blogs and reviewer (and have been cohost) of Read Your World Day (formerly Multicultural Children's Book Day). As a teacher I have worked hard to make students of different cultures, ethnicities, races, genders, abilities, etc. feel welcome and included. I began teaching in public schools in the mid 1990's. There was some diversity as to race in the schools I taught in but not much. Most was due to busing programs in Boston. I helped develop and run diversity programs in several schools in which I taught and went through various diversity training. I have even been an advisor/chaperone at Anytown. Each of these trainings and experiences have made me a better teacher. In general, I try not to get involved in politics or speak about them here. However sometimes I find I have to speak out. This is one of those times. My heart is breaking as President Trump is trying to get rid of DEI programs in schools as well as elsewhere. Today I am going to share why I feel it is so important to have DEI programs in schools.

Self-Care Is Needed--My Reflections on 2025 Thus Far


Disclosure: I was sent this package for origami paper in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

For 2025 I chose the word hope as my word for the year. I am hoping the word will bring me some peace even at the darkest times. I know it hasn't really worked thus far. My 2024 ended a bit rough. Hazel got sick with Covid and then pneumonia. It was a long recovery, and she is finally better. Steve and I went to Connecticut in January to celebrate my mom's birthday. We had a lovely time and then my mom got the flu and had to be hospitalized. She just returned from rehab last week. The health issues seem to be all around this winter. My school was remote on Friday so they could clean out the building. Then there is the politics.

Calendars for 2025 -- Gifts and For Yourself


Disclosure: I was sent these calendars for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

As November hits I start thinking about calendars for the next year. We get many in the mail from various charities, but I really like ones that match our personalities, likes and mood for each year. My wall calendars from last year have added so much to my sewing room (Tea Pot Calendar) and classroom. My students and I talk about the different birds featured each month. My Page-A-Day calendars for 2024 were loved during the last school year but I am finding most of the kids ignore them this year although every once in a while, someone takes the Sudoku page to do the puzzle. This year I decided to only focus on wall calendars. I fell in love with A Calendar of Calm Wall Calendar 2025 with photographs by Ana Marques, and I knew Hazel would love Forever & Always: A Calendar Inspired by Taylor Swift Songs with images by Reese Faith Designs. These are the two I picked for us, but they have so many to choose from. Be sure to check out all the options at Workman Calendars. It is really great that they are not wrapped in plastic anymore! Workman has gone completely plastic free with their calendars!

Hosting a Pink Party


Last year for my birthday I made myself a Barbie doll cake. The Barbie Movie was all the rage last summer and what can I say, I'm a Barbie girl. This year we ordered a cake from a family run bakery that I frequent. But I wanted to do something for me. This summer has been all about Hazel. Our vacation to the Cape included her friends. Then she decided to apply to an arts school for theater. After several weeks of doing the application, then interview and audition, she got in. July was a busy month with a lot of focus on Hazel. Now we are in the process of figuring out financing and gathering everything she will need for dorm life. I'm sending my baby away, but I know she is ready and so am I. Therefore, I wanted to do something for me around my birthday and I haven't had much time with friends, so I thought a girls' night at home was perfect. Since pink is my favorite color, I decided to do a pink themed party. I went to Greetings Island and made an invitation. (I shared about Greetings Island here.) I downloaded the invitation and texted it to my friends. I used the Inside Flower template, and it is a free one!!

Transform -- My Word for 2023


In 2019, I started picking a word for the year. I find the word helps me focus on something for the year. Last year my word was positivity because I really felt like my life needed more positivity. The year before it was inspire. I have also picked connect and flourish. This year I tried to think about what word I wanted and where I wanted to focus in my life. I was thinking I wanted something to do with my teaching. I thought of prosper, resolve, and thrive, but they didn't feel right. I saw a display at our local mall with "JO" in greens and you stand as the "Y". It is put out for the holidays each year. I thought about choosing "joy". Again, I wasn't completely sure. I tried a couple of word of the year generators like this one over at Mama Smiles. I tried hers twice and came up with transform and reflect. 

When Mom Feels Great, Then We Do Too!


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Phyllis Schwartz and will receive a small stipend for this post. All opinions are my own.

What happens in your house when you are (or mom is) sick? I was lucky. As a stay-at-home mom of a toddler, I actually sort of got sick days. My mother-in-law lives five minutes from us and was always willing to take Hazel for the day. This meant I got some sort of time to rest. It had its own issues like feeding Hazel bacon after the stomach bug. Yup, she came home early that day. But I knew how lucky I was. I had several friends who had no one to help so when they were sick, they still had to be mom. It is hard. Now imagine what it is like if mom is really sick--seriously sick. How do the kids feel? Let's face it moms are important to kids. Mom being sick is a very scary thing for most kids. Today I am sharing a book with you that helps kids find their own role in helping when mom is sick. The book is When Mom Feels Great Then We Do Too! by Phyllis Schwartz and illustrated by Siski Kalla.

This is 52


This past week I turned 52. Fifty-two is not one of the benchmark years. I turned 50 in the summer of 2020. It was when we were afraid to be indoors with too many people and were still wearing masks often. Yet it was one of my best birthdays ever. My sister came for the day and she and Hazel made a delicious meal topped off with a homemade birthday cake. They did all the planning, the shopping, the cooking and the cleaning. They even decorated our patio for the party. Yes, we ate outside. My sister works with newborns and their moms in a hospital setting and has taken being cautious to a new level. She wore her mask whenever she was in our house. It was truly the perfect birthday for me because I didn't have to do anything. It was small, intimate and simple. It certainly wasn't the ball my girlfriend went to for one of her friends who turned 50 this year. My girlfriend and many guests caught Covid from the ball. My girlfriend who is a nurse on a Covid unit in a local hospital. My girlfriend whose kids got Covid last summer and her oldest was truly sick for weeks. He could barely move off the couch, and she didn't get it. But she went to a 50th birthday ball and got it. No, my 50th was simple and fun and perfect and best of all we didn't get sick from the celebration!

Finding Oneself as the Pandemic is Hopefully Ending


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

The last two years have been tough on everyone. Everyone I talk to seems to be struggling in some way or another. And it is not because they lost a loved one (though many have) or that they or a family member caught Covid (though many have). It is because we are all tired. Tired of masks. Tired of restrictions. But mostly tired of fighting. America seems more divided than ever. We were divided by politics and that division has grown. We have been divided by racism which is coming to a forefront. Now we are also divided about masks, vaccinations and more. If a person or company does not have the same beliefs, people are fighting, debating and at sometimes getting violent. Then add in that there is a shortage of workers. Everywhere seems to be hiring and they are operating understaffed. People's patience is not there, and they are being rude to the few people who do show up to serve us. It is such a mess. All of these things have gotten me feeling down and miserable. For 2022 I have picked positivity as my word of the year. Let's face it we all need more positivity in our lives (just not positive Covid tests).

Finding Strength Through God in the New Year


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy New Year! How is 2022 going for you? Do you make resolutions? Or choose a word for the year? My word for 2022 is positivity. One resolution that is common is working on your spirituality and relationship with God. Today's book will help you find strength through God. It is by New York Times Bestseller Joyce Meyer and is called Strength for Each Day

Peace for the Season -- Christmas Devotional


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is amazing to me that Thanksgiving is next week!! Christmas will be here before we know it. In the chaos of the holiday season it is important to take time to remember the true reason for the season and also to find some internal peace. Today I am sharing a wonderful devotional that helps you do just that. The book is Peace for the Season by Joel Osteen. 

Bambi 1,000-Piece Puzzle


Disclosure: I was sent this puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know this coming Monday (October 5) is World Animal Day? To honor this day and the world's animals I am going to be sharing several animal themed products over the next few days. Today we are going to start with a fun jigsaw puzzle I fell in love with because it is such an adorable picture. The Bambi Puzzle by Nathalie Lété’ is a great quality and the picture is beautiful. 

It's On the Way -- a Religious Book to Help Pull You from Dark Places in Life


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Last week I shared a bit about what is happening in my life. Things have gone down hill since with my father. There has been a break-through Covid case in the staff of his facility. When I went to visit him we found out and he had a black eye when I saw him. Today we are waiting to hear the results of tests at the hospital after a nighttime fall and hitting his head. I have been so full of worry, anger, and shame. I felt my emotions getting to me and couldn't pull myself up. My depression was seeping back to a point I wasn't sure I could fight on my own. Then I picked up the book I'm sharing today and having just read a few chapters as well as the introduction and foreword my entire mood shifted. I didn't feel like I was falling into despair any more. I remembered to trust God. The book is It's On the Way by Lisa Osteen Comes. And before I tell you about it I want to say to Lisa, thank you! Your words truly are making a difference in my life. 

Holy Hot Mess -- Book Review & Mommy Life Update


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Life has been tough. The past 18 months have been tough on everyone with Covid. However the last month especially has had its own toughness for me. About nine years ago my parents sat Steve and I down at Christmas to let us know my father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. It was caught pretty early. He asked us not to tell Hazel. Fast forward to about six summers ago when my father was discussing his Alzheimer's Disease openly at the dinner table with Hazel there. It was the first time she was hearing he had it. He had forgotten we hadn't told her. He was still doing all right. Then about four years ago he started a slow decline. My parents moved from the house my grandparents (my dad's parents) built on Cape Cod to a 62 and over condo building. The house was becoming too much for them to handle. My sisters and I took over the care of the house and rent it out for much of the summer. We use it for holidays and off-season vacations mostly. We

Classic Paperbacks 1,000-Piece Puzzle -- Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent this puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I haven't shared a puzzle in awhile. I have been holding onto this one because I was afraid it would take awhile. I brought it to our vacation house last week and actually finished it in two days. The puzzle is Classic Paperbacks 1,000-Piece Puzzle by Richard Baker. 

Adult Paint By Numbers -- Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent this product in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Last summer I discovered the joy and relaxation of paint by numbers. I had the pleasure of reviewing a custom paint by number from Winnie's Picks. Needless to say when they offered me another one to review this summer I jumped at the offer. I had a hard time choosing which one I wanted to try. There are many great choices, and of course you can do a custom one like I did last year. I decided to go with Hollyhocks in the Evening Glow. I am considering gifting it to my father since he loves hollyhocks but now that it is done I'm not sure I can give it up.

Peaceful on Purpose


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever read a book that moves you and changes your life almost instantly? The book I am sharing is one of those books. It was so moving to me that I told Hazel and Steve that they need to read this book. All three of us tend to be anxious people and after this past year there is a lot to be anxious about. This book is perfect for anyone who feels anxious, stressed or worried. The book is Peaceful on Purpose by Joel Osteen. 

Book about Women of the Bible & Prayer


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I said it. Today's book is one of the best Christian books I have ever read! Now I am always intrigued by a book about women of the Bible. I have looked at several of the women in some detail here on this blog. Women like Mary, Esther, and Mary Magdalene. I have shared versions of the Bible as well as devotionals including my go-to devotional that I reread every year! Today I am going to share a book that can be used as a devotional though each chapter is a bit long for a short read that delves into the stories of ten women of the Bible and relates their stories and their prayers to your everyday life. What amazes me most about this book besides that it really hits home is it is written by a man. The book is When Women Pray by Bishop T. D. Jakes. 

Sins of Our Mothers -- Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you a dystopia adult novel. It will have your mind thinking about the roles and rights of women and men in our society. The book is Sins of Our Mothers by Nicole Souza. 

Time to Reset -- a Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you lost your job? Perhaps your home? Or other major life change? Or perhaps it is just getting through this pandemic? Are you fearing life going back to "normal"? I know the idea of crowds does not excite me any time but especially as the mask mandates are beginning to go away. Today's book is just what we need. It is Time to Reset by Karen Brown Tyson. 

Wabi Sabi--Learning about Embracing Imperfection


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I have a confession to make. I have been meaning to share today's book with you for over a month but I keep picking it up and then reading something else because of time constraints. However I am very excited to share it with you. I will admit I have not completely finished it and will do so because it is so interesting. The book is Wabi Sabi: The Wisdom in Imperfection by Nobuo Suzuki.