Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Books for Valentine's Day


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

The end of January is coming near. Lunar new year and the Read Your World Celebration are getting closer but so is Valentine's Day. Today we are going to focus on Valentine's Day and love. I am sharing two books for younger children that are perfect to get ready for Valentine's Day or in a loving mood and at the end of the post is a roundup of ideas for kids to make valentines and children's love songs to sing. One is a musical board book. It has buttons to push to hear the songs. It is Little Love Songs by Sandra Boynton. It is recommended for babies through age 5.

Multicultural Books focusing on Asia and Asian American Cultures


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We are continuing our book roundups as the holidays get closer and closer. Today we are sharing some multicultural books with an Asian theme. The books include a picture book, a book of folk tales and a picture dictionary. These are perfect for classrooms, libraries as well as families. We will start with the picture book. It is We Sing from the Heart: How the Slants® Took Their Fight for Free Speech to the Supreme Court by Mia Wenjen and illustrated by Victor Bizar Gomez. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12. 

Calendars for 2025 -- Gifts and For Yourself


Disclosure: I was sent these calendars for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

As November hits I start thinking about calendars for the next year. We get many in the mail from various charities, but I really like ones that match our personalities, likes and mood for each year. My wall calendars from last year have added so much to my sewing room (Tea Pot Calendar) and classroom. My students and I talk about the different birds featured each month. My Page-A-Day calendars for 2024 were loved during the last school year but I am finding most of the kids ignore them this year although every once in a while, someone takes the Sudoku page to do the puzzle. This year I decided to only focus on wall calendars. I fell in love with A Calendar of Calm Wall Calendar 2025 with photographs by Ana Marques, and I knew Hazel would love Forever & Always: A Calendar Inspired by Taylor Swift Songs with images by Reese Faith Designs. These are the two I picked for us, but they have so many to choose from. Be sure to check out all the options at Workman Calendars. It is really great that they are not wrapped in plastic anymore! Workman has gone completely plastic free with their calendars!

New Picture Books that Teach Various Lessons


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

This week there are some great picture books coming out. I am sharing three of them today. Each has its own message/lesson. We will start with The Boy Who Said Wow by Todd Boss and illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh. It is recommended for ages 3 to 8. 

READ -- Book Ideas for Younger Kids Holiday Gifts (5 Gift Rule)


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

The holidays are upon us! Are you ready? Do you follow the five gift rules for Christmas? Are you looking for something for your younger readers to get for the Read gift? Today I am sharing five different books for different ages and interests. They include two board books and three picture books. I will start with the youngest kids first. The first book is '80s Baby by Hannah Eliot and illustrated by Alyssa Nassner. It is a board book and is recommended for preschool and up. 

Coloring the Rainbow - Book Review & Giveaway


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Catherine Rose to bring you this post and giveaway.

Today we are sharing a fun new picture book that is about the power of connection, diversity, and inclusion which is shown through musical instruments. The book is Coloring the Rainbow: A Story about the Power of Connection by Catherine Rose and illustrated by Jeffrey Dale. There is a giveaway at the end of this post!

Earth Day Around the World CD Featuring Daria


Disclosure: Daria sent me a digital copy of this CD in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Earth Day was yesterday. Although I see the importance of Earth Day I do believe that we need to focus on the meaning of Earth Day every day of the year. I tend not to celebrate Earth Day as a holiday of sorts. Its use is to remind us that we need to take care of our world. As a whole the human race is destroying our planet with the fumes from vehicles, trash, and consumption of natural products. This is an important message to be reminded of but I hope we all realize that we need to stop thinking about it as a day and think about it every day! Today I get to share with you a new CD that features Daria and others from around the world. It is Earth Day Around the World

Before Music: Where Instruments Come From with Musical Instrument Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Music is such an important part of life. We hear music everywhere. Listen to the wind blowing or the birds singing. It is musical. Today I am sharing a book that takes a look at music from across time and around the world. It shares where musical instruments come from and I'm sharing a round-up of diy musical instruments for kids. The book is Before Music: Where Instruments Come From by Annette Bay Pimentel and illustrated by Madison Safer. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12.

New Picture Books


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Continuing on our theme from yesterday with the four gift rule and one of them being something to read, I am sharing a round-up of new picture books that are perfect to make your younger readers happy!! The books range from alphabet books to biographies and more! The first one is The ABCs of Christmas by Jo Parker and illustrated by Flora Waycott. 

Printable DIY Advent Calendars and Week 1--Hope


Today is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is always my favorite time of the year. I love the preparation building up to Christmas. It always seems like such a happy time to me. The lights are hung and trees get decorated. People seem a bit more bright and giving. This year even Advent is looking different. We are not physically in church yet, so there isn't the beautiful organ music of Advent songs. But even with Covid the meaning of Advent and Christmas remains. Jesus was born to save us from our sins. To celebrate Advent I created three printable "Advent Calendars". Now we have a beautiful wooden Advent calendar that I need to fill each year. I decided to use one of these in our Advent calendar and one in her lunch box (at least the days she will be in school). The first ones I have to share are the names of Jesus. I made two versions. The first is a small and plain one with the different names in different colors and fonts. 

Black Musicians and Entertainers #blacklivesmatter Series


How has the world changed in the last six months? The fight is still going on for Black rights. There is so much hate and violence as well as peaceful protests. We are in a Movement and we can decide how we are going to respond. We can sit back quietly and watch or we can take part. There are two sides and depending one where you fall you can take action. Know that sitting back quietly and watching is an action. It is accepting what you are seeing. I know at times this summer I have wondered if my actions, my posts, my discussions are making any difference. I even considered giving them up. But I knew in my heart I had to try to make a difference and help there be change. Today we have come to the end of my list. My short list. A list of names to research and share with you because Black lives are part of everyone's history. Black people matter! Although this will be my last post in this series for now, I know I will continue it again. I know there will be future books that share about Black lives, as well as more people to feature. If you have Black people I should feature please leave their names in the comments or contact me.  But I also know I want to focus on Native Americans for Native American History Month. I know we need to also focus on them as they are suffering with Covid and not making it much into the news. 

Christmas and Other Religious Books

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe Christmas is only a little over a week away. This year is flying by way too fast for me, but I am looking forward to having time with my family. Before that happens, I want to share some more books with you. This is a mix of some Christmas related books, a children's Bible and an adult devotional. We will start with the one that is most related to Christmas. It is Silent Night by Lara Hawthorne. 

The Falling Between Us -- YA Novel Review

Disclosure: Penguin Random House sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Today I am sharing a young adult novel that has mystery, suspense, love, fame, and rock 'n roll. Could you ask for more? The book is The Falling Between Us by Ash Parsons. 

Asian and English Nursery Rhyme Books

Multicultural Mondays at Crafty Moms Share
Disclosure: Tuttle Publishing sent me these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Do you have preschoolers or even toddlers? Do you want to introduce them to other cultures but are not sure how to bring it to your home or classroom? I have to fun books that will do just that. These books will also work to help older kids become familiar with Chinese and Korean as well. Both books come with CDs so the pronounciation of the other languages can be heard and you do not have to try to figure out how it is said. Nursery rhymes have been a favorite in our house. Hazel even has a nursery rhyme quilt that I made her when she was younger and had a nursery rhyme themed birthday party when she turned three. Oh and there was the year that Hazel and I dressed as the dish and the spoon for Halloween. But today's books are different than our nursery rhymes. They give us a sense of different cultures. We will start with Chinese and English Nursery Rhymes: Little Mouse and Other Charming Chinese Rhymes by Faye-Lynn Wu and illustrated by Kieren Dutcher. 

Merry Monday -- Christmas Picture Books Featuring Holiday Songs

Disclosure: I was sent these products in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Ok, I know we still have Thanksgiving coming up and many people do not want to think about Christmas yet, but I am in a bit of a Christmas mood and have some fun Christmas books to share with you (there has been a pile on my shelf for quite some time). Now I know in the past I have done many round-ups from my Must Read books (featuring religious ones), Multicultural books, Christmas Trees & Classic stories, Advent stories, and so many more!! Today we are going to focus on Christmas music or should I say picture books about Christmas music!! The first item is actually a personalized gift set. Now we have reviewed several amazing personalized Christmas books as well as non-holiday ones over the past couple of years. Hazel's comment about this one was, "This is the best one yet!"

Wishapick --Tickety Boo and The Blank Trunk Giveaway

Disclosure: I am receiving a small stipend for sharing this post with you. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you an amazing giveaway!! Acclaimed Wishapick Tickety Boo and the Blank Trunk by M.M. Allen is making its musical debut!! In honor of this great debut M.M. Allen and Deborah Wynne are giving away an autographed copy of the book, the soundtrack CD and an Echo Dot. You can enter below!!

Stand Up and Sing! Pete Seeger, Folk Music, and the Path to Justice

Disclosure: I was sent this book to review free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review.

Today I am sharing a fun book that teaches kids about Pete Seeger. Now Pete Seeger is a name I know but I will admit besides the fact that he was a folk musician I did not know much about him. Do you? The book is Stand Up and Sing!: Pete Seeger, Folk Music and the Path to Justice by Susanna Reich and illustrated by Adam Gustavson. I learned so much about Pete Seeger from this picture book.

Irish Tea Party with Book Review

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

For March we thought we would explore Ireland as St. Patrick's Day is in March (this Friday). We also received a book to go along with our exploration of Ireland that I will share here. Yesterday New England was hit with Winter Storm Stella, so it was the perfect day to have a tea party. Hazel and I both had a snow day while poor Steve got the overnight shift and went in early so he would not have to drive during the worse of it.

Books for Black History Month

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of these books free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

One of Hazel's favorite things is to learn about history and people. This month we have been enjoying four books from Candlewick Press that are perfect for Black History Month. They have also donated some of the amazing prizes for the Black History Month Series & Giveaway. (Have you entered yet?) One of the books in the prize pack includes Voice of Freedom illustrated by Ekua Holmes. Ekua illustrated a poetry book, Out of Wonder, by Kwame Alexander coming out in March. The books I am reviewing today I will in order of time for the history timeline. We will start with The Patchwork Path: A Quilt Map to Freedom by Bettye Stroud and illustrated by Erin Susanne Bennett. 

Books for the Younger Kids

Disclosure: I was sent these products free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

Do you have younger kids? Are you looking for some good books for them? I have a few suggestions today (like most days). Today's grouping is for the younger kids through beginning readers. The first is actually a new series by Brian Biggs: Tinyville Town. We will start with two board books from the series. The first is Tinyville Town I'm a Veterinarian.