Showing posts with label Round-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Round-up. Show all posts

Books for Valentine's Day


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

The end of January is coming near. Lunar new year and the Read Your World Celebration are getting closer but so is Valentine's Day. Today we are going to focus on Valentine's Day and love. I am sharing two books for younger children that are perfect to get ready for Valentine's Day or in a loving mood and at the end of the post is a roundup of ideas for kids to make valentines and children's love songs to sing. One is a musical board book. It has buttons to push to hear the songs. It is Little Love Songs by Sandra Boynton. It is recommended for babies through age 5.

The Tales of Charlie Wags: New York City -- Book Review & Giveaway with a NYC Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review, Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay to bring you this post and giveaway.

Are you ready for a sweet, magical book? I get to share one with you today and guess what? There is a giveaway at the end of this post! In this magical book a sweet dog visits New York City, so I am also sharing a small New York City craft round-up. Let's get into the book--it is The Tales of Charlie Wags: New York City by Sofie Wells and Ali Barclay with pictures by Sanna Sjöström.

Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs -- Book Review & Giveaway with Ladybug Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and P.E. Shadrick to bring you this post.

When Hazel was young, I loved telling her stories. Since we started at a Waldorf school, storytelling was very important. Stories could entertain, teach lessons and so much more. Today I am sharing book that has a grandmother telling a story to her granddaughter as she works the tangles out of the granddaughter's hair. The book is Lisbeth and the Littering Ladybugs by P.E. Shadrick and illustrated by Maya Penzlik.

What Makes Hands Beautiful? -- Book Review, Giveaway & Handprint Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and J.F. Bierlein to bring you this post.

Do you ever think about hands? We use them all the time, and life would be so hard without them. As I thought about hands and looked at my own handprint crafts, I thought about how we use them for sensory and let's face it there are so many great handprint crafts! I am sharing a large round-up of handprint crafts and hand sensations. Think about kids playing with play dough, slime and finger painting. Or the fact that we hold their hands all the time. Our hands are truly our sense of touch and something special to us. Today I get to share a beautiful book about hands. It is What Makes Hands Beautiful? by J.F. Bierlein and illustrated by Houda Zahid. There is a giveaway and the craft round-up at the end of the post.

Books for Dinosaur Lovers with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Last week I shared a round-up of books for animal lovers. Today I am sharing books for dinosaur lovers and some of them are perfect for Spanish learners or bilingual kids. If you like to give a gift to read and have a dinosaur lover in your life this post is for you! We will start with the stand-alone book (the others are in a series together). It is A Dinosaur a Day by Miranda Smith. This book is recommended for ages 6 to 9.

Sophie and the Swans -- Book Review & Giveaway Plus Swan Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Expound Publicity to bring you this post. 

Have you ever seen a swan? They are so elegant and beautiful. We have some that swim at the reservoir near our home. I always love seeing them. Today we are sharing a beautiful picture book about a young girl who loves the swans near her home. She feeds them and they respect her. She has to defend them when there is a bully. The book is Sophie and the Swans by Holly Peppe and illustrated by Aeron Cargill. 

I Worked Hard on That! -- Book Review with Spider Web Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever worked hard on something and then had it destroyed by someone else? Perhaps you have watched a young child build a tower and then have another child knock it down. The frustration and anger the child feels. Today we are sharing a new picture book about a spider who works hard on creating beautiful webs only to feel that frustration when it is destroyed. The book is I Worked Hard on That! by Robyn Wall and illustrated by A.N. Kang. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8. I am also including a spider web craft and activity round-up to go with the book.

Halloween Children's Book Round-Up For the Easily Frightened Child with Crafts & More


October always has me thinking. When Hazel was young, we would avoid Halloween displays in stores. They scared her too much. It was hard to go anywhere, and the displays got put up earlier and earlier every year. She was easily frightened, and I had to be careful what I exposed her to. However, she loved dressing up for Halloween. (Perhaps this is why she wants to go into theater.) I have been thinking back to some of our favorite Halloween books and I thought I would share some of them and more with you! This round-up includes our favorite books and books we enjoyed when she was young and more recent ones as well as DVDs, costumes and some crafts and activities to go with the books. 

Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows Are Supposed to be Scary - Book Review & Giveaway with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Stephen Bowling to bring you this post.

Fall began on Sunday, and it is definitely in the air. This weekend was the first time the weather actually felt like fall in New England. It is time to put out the fall decorations--the pumpkins, mums, hay bales, and scarecrows! To celebrate the beginning of this wonderful season I get to share a book about a friendly scarecrow as well as a scarecrow craft round-up! The book is called Winslow Scarecrow: Scarecrows Are Supposed to Be Scary by Stephen G. Bowling and illustrated by Vitali Dudarenka. 

A New Friend for Dragon -- Review & Giveaway Plus Dragon and Knight Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review to bring you this post.

With back to school there have been some great books coming out about differences. Let's face it when kids go back to school, they see people who are different from them in some way. It is important for kids to realizes that differences can be a good thing and that it is ok to be friends with people who are different. The book I'm sharing today is about just this. It is A New Friend for Dragon by Bianca Schulze and illustrated by Samara Hardy. 

A Tall Tale: How Ostriches Got Their Long Necks & Long Legs -- Book Review & Giveaway with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Expound Publicity to bring you this post.

Do you like origin stories or how animals got their characteristic stories? Some are cultural and some are just made up. Today I get to share a book with you that is fun and a bit silly. It "explains" how ostriches got their long necks and long legs and has a few other messages in it. The book is A Tall Tale: How Ostriches Got Their Long Necks and Long Legs by Scott Sollers and illustrated by Alejandro Echavez. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Webster the Beagle & His Adventures on the River -- Book Review & Giveaway with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with Expound Publicity and The Children's Book Review to bring you this post.

Did you know that National Dog Day was this week? In honor of that I get to share with you a fun book about a beagle and his adventures to the river with his human. The book is Webster the Beagle and His Adventures on the River by Frank Payne and illustrated by Romney Vasquez. There is a giveaway at the end of the post, and I am sharing a round-up of crafts of some of animals he sees at the river.

When Beavers Flew -- Book Review with Beaver Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We all know the expression, "When pigs fly," meaning never, but how about when beavers fly? We know beavers don't naturally fly. However back in 1948, 76 of them did fly. Today I get to share a newly released picture book that shares this piece of history. The book is When Beavers Flew by Kristen Tracy and illustrated by Luisa Uribe. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Shark Fun Facts & Craft Round-Up with an Emphasis on Great Whites


As I mentioned in my last post I am visiting Cape Cod. Our house is on a marsh, and I shared a bit about saltwater marshes earlier this week. The other big thing in the news on Cape Cod is great white sharks. In fact, on this trip, we visited the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy's Shark Center in Chatham. I learned quite a bit about great white sharks and sharks in general there, but I also got a few books out of the library and did some searches for fun facts for you. There are more than 500 species of sharks and over 100 of them are endangered! Yet sharks have survived all five of the Earth's major extinctions. July 14th is Shark Awareness Day so this post will have you all set for it!

Even Better Than Sprinkles: A Story About Best Friends


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

What is better than sprinkles and unicorns? A good friend of course!! Today I get to share a new picture book (released today) about best friends. It takes us through the good times and a bad time in a friendship. The book is Even Better Than Sprinkles: A Story About Best Friends by Linda Skeers and illustrated by Heather Fox. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Else B. in the Sea -- Book Review & Giveaway with Under the Sea Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Jeanne Walker Harvey to bring you this post and giveaway. All opinions are my own.

I love books that share about people you may not have heard of. Today I get to share a nonfiction picture book about a woman who explored colors and paints of under water to share what a scientist saw on his underwater exploration. The woman is Else Bostelmann. The book is Else B. in the Sea The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep by Jeanne Walker Harvey and illustrated by Melodie Stacey.

Look -- Book Review & Finding Patterns Activity Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

As a math teacher I know that being able to see and recognize patterns is important. When kids are young, we teach them simple pattern finding. When they are older, we teach harder pattern finding that goes into things like equations of lines and other graphs. I know because I just taught patterns to my algebra class. I also teach patterns in geometry. Patterns are important in life and in developing our brains! Patterns are also a huge part of our lives. We see them all around us. We create them in our daily lives. Patterns can be dances, songs, daily routines, fabric prints, bead colors or shapes, spirals, branches, etc. Even our bodies are made with some patterns. They are truly everywhere. Today I get to share a new book about looking for patterns both to learn patterns and to help give you a break when needed. The book is Look by Gabi Snyder and illustrated by Samantha Cotterill. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Fairy Day Games -- Book Review & Giveaway with Fairy Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Expound Publicity to bring you this post and giveaway.

Our house has loved fairies for a long time. One of our favorite photos of Hazel when she was younger was with her fairy wings on. 
Hazel loved fairies when she was younger. We read just about every book with fairies in them. Today I get to share a new one that has a young girl dreaming of going to the fairy party that welcomes everyone in the forest and belonging. The book is Fairy Day Games by Mari Sherkin and illustrated by David Gnass. With this review there is a giveaway as well as a fairy craft round-up. 

If I Promise You Wings -- YA Book Review with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This week I am sharing a young adult novel instead of a Crafty Sunday post. I am still making my paper beads but haven't made anything different yet. Plus, I did a small craft with this novel and am including a craft round-up for teens to go with the book. The book is If I Promise You Wings by A. K. Small. 

Cattitude -- Book Review & Giveaway with Cat Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review to bring you this post and giveaway. All opinions are my own. 

Just like people animals have their own personalities. People often say cats are aloof and want to be the boss of the house. As the owner of three cats currently, I can honestly say every cat has a different personality. I have and have had cats that love to be with people and others that are shy when we have "strangers" in the house. Today we are sharing a book about a cat and her attitude. The book is Cattitude written by Bianca Schulze and illustrated by Samara Hard. Besides my review I am sharing a round-up of cat crafts and there is a giveaway as well!