Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts

A Teacher's View on DEI


I have always believed in equal rights. I truly believe each of us is equal and deserves to be treated with kindness and respect (unless they are doing something to hurt you or those you love). I have shown this side of me throughout Crafty Moms Share and am a proud member of Multicultural Kids Blogs and reviewer (and have been cohost) of Read Your World Day (formerly Multicultural Children's Book Day). As a teacher I have worked hard to make students of different cultures, ethnicities, races, genders, abilities, etc. feel welcome and included. I began teaching in public schools in the mid 1990's. There was some diversity as to race in the schools I taught in but not much. Most was due to busing programs in Boston. I helped develop and run diversity programs in several schools in which I taught and went through various diversity training. I have even been an advisor/chaperone at Anytown. Each of these trainings and experiences have made me a better teacher. In general, I try not to get involved in politics or speak about them here. However sometimes I find I have to speak out. This is one of those times. My heart is breaking as President Trump is trying to get rid of DEI programs in schools as well as elsewhere. Today I am going to share why I feel it is so important to have DEI programs in schools.

A Costume for Charly -- new picture book that introduces the fluidity of gender


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Gender identity is a hard concept for some to understand (and to accept). I know many people in my own generation and the generation before mine that struggle with it. I also imagine it could be a hard thing for young children to truly understand. Today I am sharing a new picture book that features a nonbinary character who is struggling to find a Halloween costume that truly expresses themself. The book is A Costume for Charly by C. K. Malone and illustrated by Alejandra Barajas. It is recommended for ages 4 to 12.

Books for Pride Month


Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

June is Pride Month! As a straight ally and a former GSA advisor, June always holds a special place in my heart. The gender and sexuality issues have morphed as we we gain more understanding but the issues still exist to get equal rights and fair and safe treatment for all. Today I am going to share three books--two picture books and one middle grade book that deals with different parts of our own uniqueness and identity. The first picture book is not particular to Pride Month but more about being different and finding acceptance. It is recommended for ages 2 to 5. It is Oddbird by Derek Desierto. 

Sins of Our Mothers -- Mommy Time Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today I get to share with you a dystopia adult novel. It will have your mind thinking about the roles and rights of women and men in our society. The book is Sins of Our Mothers by Nicole Souza. 

Princess in Black and the Perfect Princess Party -- Book Review & Costume

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me an advance copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

Have you discovered The Princess in Black yet? I wrote about our discovery of this amazing series back in July. Hazel chose The Princess in Black as her prize for finishing the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program. It had been a tough choice, but she was really glad with the outcome!! This became one of her favorite books ever. Then we discovered that a new Princess in Black book was coming out October 13th and from Candlewick Press--one of our favorite publishers. I asked for a review copy and they sent it right away. Can I tell you how excited Hazel was to have the second book in the series months early? Oh, my, she has been telling everyone about it. Anyway, today we are sharing The Princess in Black and The Perfect Princess Party by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale and illustrated by LeUyen Pham. 

Boys and Girls: Labeling

There has been a lot of talk about gender labeling lately. The big move by Target to get rid of their signs labeling toys as boys or girls seems to really have upset some people. I do not understand why. I grew up a girly girl who also loved to play with her construction trucks. My father was a construction worker so I always wanted to play construction and pretend to be at work with him. But I also had many dolls and loved to play with them. As I became an adult I noticed there was definitely a shift in our society as to what is for boys and what is for girls. My sister did not want to find out the gender of her baby, but they did have the tech write it down and seal in an envelope. My mother drove her crazy until she looked. Why? Well she wanted to knit either blue or pink things for her first grandchild and because it is really hard to find gender neutral clothes and baby items these days. Our cousin did not find out and it was hard to buy gifts for the baby shower. Everything seems to be made pink or blue with a very few things in the neutral range. When did it matter what color a baby wears? Well with a little research I discovered that it was after World War II that pink became a girl color and blue a boy color. In the early 1900s it was actually the opposite. (Source) As a society we have bought into what retailers want us to believe. They are the ones who decided it was necessary for there to be boy colors and girl colors. 

Virtual Book Club for Kids--Don and Audrey Wood Month

Today is the day the link party for the Virtual Book Club for Kids opens for July. Our July authors are Don and Audrey Wood. I am so excited to share with you today a wonderful book by Audrey Wood that still let's me have my Multicultural Monday theme. But first, let me explain about the Virtual Book Club for Kids.