Showing posts with label teenager. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teenager. Show all posts

The Flicker -- Middle Grades Dystopia Novel Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

In our chaotic world, sometimes it is not hard to think about the end of the world. After all we have environmental problems everywhere. The wildfires have been raging around the world and certainly across the country. Hazel and I recently binge watched the show, The 100, on Netflix. It is about the human world after a nuclear war. Many people were able to leave Earth and live in space. However, their united ships are now running out of air and supplies. They decide to send 100 teenagers who have been imprisoned for breaking a law to Earth to see if it is inhabitable yet. As we were watching this show I began to read The Flicker by H.E. Edgmon. The book and show have many similarities as both are dystopia. There are some similar thoughts and ideas and yet they are so different. Today I get to share The Flicker with you. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12. 

If I Promise You Wings -- YA Book Review with Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This week I am sharing a young adult novel instead of a Crafty Sunday post. I am still making my paper beads but haven't made anything different yet. Plus, I did a small craft with this novel and am including a craft round-up for teens to go with the book. The book is If I Promise You Wings by A. K. Small. 

Easter Paper Quilling Crafts -- Crafty Sundays


Easter is early this year. I have started pulling out the Easter decorations as well as some spring. Spring is my favorite season. I love watching the world come back alive. Lately I have been trying paper quilling again. I bought myself a quilling comb kit. The book that comes with the kit explains some different techniques and has some projects. One I tried was a cross. I used a old frame I got at a discount store off season. It was a St. Patrick's Day decoration. I covered the print with cardstock and nicer paper. 

Celebrating Becoming a Teenager


I cannot believe it!! Hazel turned 13 last month!! Thirteen is such a big year. It is often when kids become young adults, as well as of course, they become a teenager! This year I wanted it to be extra special for Hazel. I came up with the theme of butterfly for her party. I told her it was because she is transforming into a teenager/young adult. She liked the idea of butterfly but did not like my reasoning. I began searching for 13th birthday ideas. I have a Pinterest Board for it if you want different ideas! I saw a printable that says "You have been loved for 13 Years..." I saw some on Etsy as well as some free ones, but I wanted to personalize it a bit. I had planned on having it printed as a poster and hanging it on her door for when she woke up, but that plan changed. Click on it to get a pdf so you can print it out at home.

New Year's Resolutions/Word of the Year for Tweens & Teens


Having a birthday around New Year's always makes for an interesting party. When Hazel was young we had a party on New Year's Day for all of our family and friends. Then we started having two parties, our New Year's Day for family and family friends as well as another one for her friends. Eventually we stopped the family and friend party. Themes for her friend parties have ranged from current favorites like Minnie Mouse, Harry Potter, and Frozen to generic themes like New Year's Eve. As she got older we started doing sleep over parties. That changed with Covid. Last year we did a social distant with a window open Paris themed party. We had multiple small tables for the girls to sit in pairs like a Paris Cafe. This year we are having a party on New Year's Day with a butterfly theme. I picked the theme. I chose butterfly since she is turning 13. I feel like 13 is a big birthday since she will become a teenager. Just like a caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly Hazel will begin to metamorphosize into an adult. She likes the butterfly theme but does not like my explanation of it. 

DIY Holiday Ornaments for Tweens, Teens & Adults -- Crafty Sundays


Today I'm going to share a few more ornament crafts. These crafts can be made by tweens and higher. The first was inspired by some ornaments I saw in a small local gift store. The ornaments I saw were glass balls with flower petals glued on all over it. I saw them and said we can make those with our pressed flowers. Every spring and summer I like to pick flowers from our yard and press them. I often use my dictionary but also have made a homemade flower press. I use the flowers in different projects from notecards to vases/pencil holders. This year we Mod Podged some onto glass balls.

DIY Gifts for Tweens and Teens to Make


Hazel always makes gifts for the holidays for family members. This year she is struggling with ideas and time. In 2020 when our library was only allowing door pick-up and drop-off of books, I picked up a craft bag that the Children's Department left for patrons. I figured Hazel and I could do the craft some time. It sat on my desk for over a year. Inside it had tissue paper in different colors, two 5" x 7" flat canvases, a small container of Mod Podge, a sponge brush applicator and instructions. The idea behind the craft was for the kids to create a picture by cutting the tissue paper into different shapes and gluing it on to the canvas. This craft sparked my interest. I wondered how my Cuttlebug would be with tissue paper. I am a bit obsessed with butterflies right now. Since Hazel is turning 13 this year and I see that age as a big metamorphosis year, I thought her birthday party should be butterfly themed. I have some beautiful butterfly dies to cut with my Cuttlebug. I tried it out with four pieces (different colors) of tissue paper and got some beautiful butterflies. The largest ones had some tears in some of the layers but otherwise were great.  Using the craft idea and my tissue butterflies, I wanted to make Hazel a butterfly picture. I found a pink square canvas that we had in our craft supplies and came up with this.

The Complete Guide to Drawing for Beginners -- Crafty Sundays Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you have a budding artist in the family or perhaps are you one? In our house Hazel is our budding artist and one of her favorite forms of art is drawing. Over the summer she went to a weeklong art camp at her school. Her art teacher is truly amazing and he ran it. I wanted to review this book for her or actually I wanted her to review the book. She did try some of the projects for me to write the review. The book is The Complete Guide to Drawing for Beginners by Yoshiko Ogura. 

DIY Angel or Elf Ornaments


This year my Facebook newsfeed is full of these adorable angel ornaments for sale. I think they are adorable but cannot imagine buying them. I looked at them and said I can make those. I bought some white fleece to begin with to figure out a pattern. I played with paper to come up with patterns. I started with a semicircle but found I cut the circle quite a bit. I also experimented with hair and more.

The Brave -- a Native American Novel with a special look at life's problems


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We are continuing our celebration of Native American Heritage Month with a middle grades novel today. This novel delves into Native American life but it also has important messages for everyone to learn. It is such an interesting story and has fascinating characters. The book is The Brave by James Bird. 

You Don't Have to Be Everything -- review of new poetry book for young adult girls about growing up


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

April is a month full of things I care about. We just had Easter weekend. April 2nd is World Autism Day. Earth Day is fast approaching, and it is National Poetry Month. I shared the first book last week that is a great one to share on Earth Day and will be sharing more this month. Today I want to focus on a new poetry book. It is You Don't Have to Be Everything edited by Diana Whitney. It was released March 30th. 

A Book to Help Teens Relate to a Loved One with Dementia


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Does someone in your life have dementia? My father has Alzheimer's disease. This year has been even harder because of it. When the pandemic hit and everything shut down our lives all changed but especially my father's. His schedule was gone. The bus didn't come to pick him up for his day program three times a week. He didn't have his volunteer job at the Alzheimer's center anymore. He and my mother were home alone basically all the time. They are both 80 or older now. It was too dangerous to let them run their errands. My sister went to see them every weekend to run errands and give my mom a break. This summer while staying at the family house near them my family experienced the first time we knew my father had no idea who we were. He was spending the day with us and woke up from a nap and kept talking about wanting to see my mother by her first name. I couldn't calm him until I called my mother to come get him. It was heartbreaking for me. I was use to being called by one of my sisters' name--he has been doing that my whole life--but this time it was obvious he had no idea I was his daughter or that Hazel was his granddaughter. It is so hard to deal with for me and I can only imagine what it is like for Hazel. Today's book is to help teens and even tweens understand dementia and find ways to relate to the loved one with dementia. It is A Loved One with Dementia by Jean Rawitt. It is part of the Empowering You series

It's All Love -- A book of reflections for teens about love for selves, others, life and more


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

February is the month for love! It has Valentine's Day (14th) and Random Acts of Kindness Day (17th) in it. Yet in this world of ours love can be hard and hurtful. How do we teach our kids about love? Who should they love? Well for one thing they need to love themselves. Today I am sharing a book by teen actress Jenna Ortega. The book is It's All Love: Reflections for Your Heart & Soul. It is a book written for teens and will also be good for people in their 20's.

Books to Help Her Take Care of Herself and Others -- Tweens, Teens, Adults and Younger

Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in return for an honest review. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. Some of the links are affiliate links where I will receive a small percentage of any purchases made through them at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

Have you ever woken up feeling a bit off? That is how I feel this morning. I knew I wanted to write a review but I didn't sleep well and feel like I might be fighting the cold that is going around. When I looked at my review shelves I didn't turn to the books I was planning on reviewing but looked at books that inspire self care. I added a few that would involve being oneself and health and I created this grouping to share with you today. Most of the books are for tweens through adults but one book which we will start with is for ages 3 to 6. It is It's Okay to Be a Unicorn! by Jason Tharp. This book is not available for sale until February.

A Must Read Novel for every tween, teen, and their parents and teachers #nationalreadabookday

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know today is National Read a Book Day? Well that means we should all be reading a book instead of being on our computers!! However before you log off let me tell you about an amazing book that everyone needs to read.

This book helps touch on the issues of sexual harassment, the #metoo movement, and bullying that plagues our society. It does it in a very every day manner for a seventh grader, Mila. The book is Maybe He Just Likes You by Barbara Dee. It is being released on October 1st and I have to say I hope every middle school and high school add this to their classes (perhaps summer reading list). The lessons in this book are important for everyone from the young woman who may be harassed to the young men who are playing a game or fooling around and do not realize the true trouble they are causing. Parents and teachers should be reading it as well to help with how to deal with it and how to react when a child approaches them with issues. 

Jesus Calling for Teens: 50 Devotions for Busy Days Review

Disclosure: We were sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My life has been a bit busy lately. Has yours? I find May always is a bit busy. There is the rush after Easter and our April school vacation week because the end is near. The days and weekends seem full of birthday parties, confirmations, first communions, graduations, award ceremonies, the list goes on and on. Today I am sharing a book perfect for busy teens. It is Jesus Calling for Teens: 50 Devotions for Busy Days by Sarah Young. 

Kids' Activity Books Review

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of each of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We have a spring break coming up and then it is almost time for summer break. I don't know about you but I know I will need some ideas to keep Hazel busy. Today I am going to share some fun books for kids that will keep them busy and help them learn! Our first book is from National Geographic Kids and it is Make This! by Ella Schwartz and photographs by Matthew Rakola. 

Christian Reviews -- Lent Alzheimer and Tweens & Teens

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of each of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

It is hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is this week!! Every year I try to find ways to prepare myself and my family for Easter and one thing I enjoy is having some devotional to help me become more focused on Jesus and the true meaning behind the amazing holiday of Easter. This year I found an amazing small devotional. It is The Easter Code by O.S. Hawkins. 

Sew It! a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: I was sent an ecopy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Do you have a tween or teen who sews or quilts or wants to learn how? Tonight's book is perfect for him or her. It is Sew It! by Allison Nicoll. 

The Falling Between Us -- YA Novel Review

Disclosure: Penguin Random House sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Today I am sharing a young adult novel that has mystery, suspense, love, fame, and rock 'n roll. Could you ask for more? The book is The Falling Between Us by Ash Parsons.