Showing posts with label women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label women. Show all posts

If Kamala Can ... You Can Too! -- Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. all opinions are my own.

Our world seems to be very chaotic lately. Many people are upset by the election. Yet, our society does it by popular vote at least by popular vote to electors, and Kamala Harris did not win. Today however I am sharing a beautiful picture book about Kamala Harris and all she has accomplished. The book is If Kamala Can ... You Can Too! by Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrated by Ariana Pacino. It is recommended for ages 5 to 10. It is a perfect book for Women's History Month as well as Black History Month and Asian and Pacific Island Heritage Month. 

Hokusai's Daughter -- Bilingual Picture Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

I love introducing kids to artists. There are many ways to do this including books and activities as well as taking them to art museums. Today we are going to talk about a bilingual book about a young artist who has a famous father, Katsushika Hokusai. Hokusai is known for his beautiful Japanese woodblock prints in particular the wave ones. Today's book however focuses on the other artist in Hokusai's household--his daughter, Eijo! The book is Hokusai's Daughter: A Young Artist in Old Japan by Sunny Seki. It is bilingual in both English and Japanese. It is recommended for ages 5 to 14.

Katherine Johnson (Little People BIG DREAMS) -- Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy February!! February has many amazing things about it: Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, Black History Month, etc. I always love finding new books about Black people to share in February. Today I get to share a new one about a hero of mine--Katherine Johnson. I love that she was a mathematician. I love that she was Black and fought for her right to be heard and share her knowledge. She changed history and not so faraway history. History about our space travel. We are talking the 1960s not the 1800s. I always feel like most female mathematicians had a love for math but didn't really get much credit for the work they did. Katherine did not get much credit for her work until recently, but she made a huge difference in the space race. Today I am sharing the book Katherine Johnson by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrated by Jemma Skidmore. It is part of the Little People BIG DREAMS series. It is recommended for ages 6 to 8.

Else B. in the Sea -- Book Review & Giveaway with Under the Sea Craft Round-Up


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Jeanne Walker Harvey to bring you this post and giveaway. All opinions are my own.

I love books that share about people you may not have heard of. Today I get to share a nonfiction picture book about a woman who explored colors and paints of under water to share what a scientist saw on his underwater exploration. The woman is Else Bostelmann. The book is Else B. in the Sea The Woman Who Painted the Wonders of the Deep by Jeanne Walker Harvey and illustrated by Melodie Stacey.

The Secret Elephant -- Book Review of a Story from WWII


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Yesterday was Earth Day, and we shared some beautiful puzzles with pictures from an Asian rainforest and a tropical coral reef. We also shared some facts about both places and how they need to be protected. The Asian elephants were pictured on the rainforest puzzle, and I mentioned that they are critically endangered. Today I get to share a brand new picture book (released today) about one Asian elephant and World War II. The book is The Secret Elephant by Ellan Rankin. It is based on a true story and is recommended for ages 4 to 8. 

Women's History Month Middle Grades & Young Adult Book Round-Up

 March is Women's History Month. Over the years I have shared many books about women throughout each year. This year I decided to do round-ups of the books that are still in print so you can find resources to share with kids and new women to check out. Last week I shared a round-up of picture books. Today I am sharing our middle grades and a few young adult books that feature women's history. I hope these round-ups help you find resources to help teach kids about women that have changed the world! The books shared are ones I received for the reviews and the links will take you to my review which has a link to purchase the book. These books range from 8 and up.

Women's History Month Picture Book Round-Up


March is Women's History Month. Over the years I have shared many books about amazing women. Some are biographies and some are books based on their lives. There are even some that feature more than one woman. I share these books all year long and not just in March. Today I thought I would do a round-up of books about women that I have reviewed in the past. I also have checked to see that the books are still available for the older ones. Some books are about famous women and others may be a woman you haven't heard of. Each has a story that is worth learning about and I hope you will consider checking out the book and sharing it with someone this month! Full disclosure: I was sent copies of these books at some point in time to review. The links provided will take you to my review of the book. These books are recommended for ages between 4 and 10. Next week I will share a round-up of books for older kids.

Dare to Question -- Book Review & Giveaway


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and a small stipend. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Jamine Stirling to share this book with you and offer the giveaway.

When you think of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States, who do you think of? I am sure names like Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton come to mind. Have you heard of Carrie Chapman Catt? It is because of her questions and thinking that we finally got the vote. Today I get to share a new picture book with you about her and her role as a suffragist. The book is Dare to Question: Carrie Chapman Catt's Voice for the Vote by Jasmine A. Stirling and illustrated by Udayana Lugo. It is recommended for ages 5 and up. There is also a giveaway at the end of this post!

Barbie Movie and a Barbie Birthday Cake


Have you seen the Barbie Movie yet? For my birthday this year, Hazel and I went to a matinee. I also decided to try to make a Barbie cake for myself. It is hard to hear some of the criticism of the movie from people who refuse to see it. For example, Rex Huppke's column in USA Today shares many of the things said about the movie. Now being a liberal and having many liberal friends, I have many friends who have different opinions. But I am going to begin by sharing a bit of my own background.

Code Red -- New Middle Grades Novel About Menstruation & Transgender Issues as well as Friendships, Family and more


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Can we talk about an important subject in every girl's life? It was taboo to discuss at one time. But perhaps you remember Stephen King's book, Carrie, or the movie based on it. I remember reading it as a child and of course with my name being Carrie I hear about it all the time. Perhaps it is the first time I really thought about menstruation discussed in public. After all Carrie White is ridiculed by her classmates when she gets her first period in high school. But these days there is more discussion as well as some more issues. Just a year ago we were still experience supply chain issues with tampons and sanitary napkins. Twenty-six states tax menstrual products as a luxury tax! The supplies for the average period is said to cost $20. Some menstruators have to decide between food and menstrual products! (Source) Today I get to share with you a book released today that delves into some of these issues. It is called Code Red and is by Joy McCullough. It is recommended for ages 8 plus. 

History Comics: Rosa Parks & Claudette Colvin -- Middle Grades Graphic Novel


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

As March draws to a close, I want to continue sharing resources for Women's History Month. Today's book is perfect for Women's History Month or Black History Month and of course for any day as it is a history book! The book is a historical graphic novel for middle grades. It is part of the History Comics Series. It is Rosa Parks & Claudette Colvin by Tracey Baptiste and Shauna J. Grant. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12.

I Dare! I Can! I Will! -- new picture book about the Icelandic women's day of protest


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have there been times when you thought all the women of the country should go on strike? Strike from housework as well as careers? I know I have many times. Whenever women's rights are being stepped on, I think about it. But then I think about how hard it would be to get everyone to do it. And, of course, what I see as stepping on women's rights some women think is all right. But one day in Iceland, the women did just that and today I get to share a new picture book about that day! The book is I Dare! I Can! I Will! by Linda Ólafsdóttir. It is recommended for ages 6 to 9.

Roe vs. Wade Overturned--why it matters to all Americans


Normally I try to stay away from politics here and in my life. I am a liberal married to a conservative and I have to say since 2016 our marriage has been tough. I only have a few things I truly care about when it comes to politics. I truly believe and will fight for equal rights for all. Having been a woman in a male dominated subject I have experienced discrimination firsthand. Being a woman in America is tough. I truly believe we all have a #metoo story. But when a white man who talks derogatory about women and people of other races was elected President, the country was torn, and the truth is I am not sure it can recover. The man did not want only to be President, he wanted to be ruler of the world and he is still pushing his agenda. If you don't know what I'm talking about I highly suggest you watch the January 6th Hearings and go back and watch all of them. The election of 2020 was tough and made worse by many things, but the truth is on October 27, 2020, as a liberal woman I told my conservative husband, congratulations your side has won. Of course, my husband does not agree with me. He truly believed for quite a while that the election was stolen. He no longer believes that. But on that day, I knew what our future held. I knew yesterday would happen. I was told by many that there was no way they would touch Roe vs. Wade. They were very wrong, and I truly believe they will regret ever voting for the man who wants to rule the world. 

The unthinkable happened. Yesterday the stacked Supreme Court overturned a law. Not any law but a law the Supreme Court put in place in 1972. A law women fought for and a law women will fight for once again. Now no matter where you stand on abortion it does not matter. No one has won by this overturned law. Personally, I realize that by outlawing any medical procedure that can save a life (yes, abortions can save a mother's life), the Supreme Court has now made it so private decisions between a person and their doctor may no longer remain private. Yes, the privacy of every American can now be brought to the government to decide. You can no longer expect the right to privacy with your health matters. Because if someone does not agree with your decision, they can now use the precedence of this overturning of a LAW to make your decision one that should be decided by the government. 

Now I have read many things about pro-life people being about the babies. However, let us be honest here--the abortion issue is NOT about the babies for the government. If it was about the babies then pre- and post-natal care would be free, delivering a baby would be free, meeting with a lactation specialist would be free, there would be at least a year of paid parental leave for both parents, there would be free preschool. The list can go on. There also would not be the misses by overworked social workers for the foster care program because each foster child would have their own social worker, or each social worker would only be in charge of a very small number of kids. No, by overturning Roe vs. Wade the Supreme Court has put it back to the states to determine whether a woman can have an abortion. Now let's just remember gun control is also controlled by the state governments. The states have not been doing a great job keeping kids alive when it comes to guns. We have decades of mass shootings happening at schools to show us this. The states that are making abortion illegal are taking back control over women. Honestly if you are female and live in one of these states, I hope you vote out the awful, sexist politicians and if you can't move!! The white man is afraid. They are afraid of the people of color asking for more rights. They are afraid of the women asking for rights. They are afraid they are going to lose their power as white men. And the truth is they are and should. White men should not be treated any differently than any other person. Most white men do NOT realize they are, but they are. 

When Texas passed its new abortion law, doctors had to turn women away from care. These women were losing their babies, but the doctors could not (and still cannot) help the women get through the difficulties until the women's bodies are already miscarrying the babies. Now let's be honest women can travel to another state for the abortion. However, the woman needs money to travel and has to be healthy enough to travel!! Everyone has heard the horrible stories about late term abortions. But let's be honest, most late term abortions are not because the woman has decided she doesn't want the baby. Most are due to a health issue for either the mother or the baby. Now the states that are making abortions illegal are making it illegal to help these mothers live and survive a bad pregnancy. Many of these women already have their nurseries set up and are picking out names for the baby. They do NOT want their babies to die. They are morning their children and their bodies are suffering in ways that doctors can help ease, but they are not allowed to in some states.  This is what making abortions illegal. 

Making abortions illegal will not stop abortions. They will still happen whether the woman travels or has an illegal one. Have you heard the stories of the illegal abortions? Perhaps you have read about Margaret Sanger? If not you should. Years ago I shared the book, She Takes a Standby Michael Elsohn Ross. It shares the story of Margaret Sanger and her fight to educate women about contraception and abortion. The illegal abortions kill more because not only the baby dies but often the mother does or she loses her ability to have future children. This is what overturning Roe vs. Wade will do. 

Overturning Roe vs. Wade is not about the babies. It is about white men trying to hold onto power. They realize in our melting pot of a country the white men are losing control. They are not willing to give it up, but they seem to forget that women are the backbone of the country. We are the mothers, teachers and more. Women need to stand up and take back our power. This is far from over. The war has begun again.

Oh, and for those celebrating the overturn please note that this Supreme Court has set precedent for laws to be overturned whenever the court sways in one way. Today our court is conservative, but this conservative court just came in and overturned a 50-year-old law. This means no law is safe. It is now precedent for the change of court to get rid of laws they don't like. Since three of the six justices that overturned this law were put there by a president who wants to rule the world, I truly hope everyone in the country realizes what a scary place America is now. 

Please make sure you vote! Vote in every election and primary. Make sure you know where the person you are voting for truly stands. Do NOT let these white men maintain the power. If we cannot vote them out we will have to get more drastic and I'm not ready to stop taking care of my family but if we cannot vote them out women will have to take a stand and show these backwards men who really has power.

New Books about Amazing Women


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I always love learning about amazing women. Today I get to share two new books with you that share all about some very amazing women. One is a picture book for the younger kids and the other is a chapter book for older kids. We will start with the picture book. It is The Astronomer Who Questioned Everything: The Story of Maria Mitchell by Laura Alary and illustrated by Ellen Rooney. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Awashonks -- Chief Leader of Sakonnet Tribe


It is hard to believe that March is almost over so today will be our last edition of our Women's History Month series for this year. Today I am going to feature a Native American leader that goes back to colonial time. Her name is Awashonks. This was her name when she became leader, but we do not know what her name was before that. Awashonks means "she who is queen." We do not know much about her life prior to 1671. It is estimated that she was born in 1640 and other records say she was born in 1620 after the Mayflower landed in Plymouth. She was the daughter of Corbitant, the sachem in 1620. Her name however appears in the records more than any other indigenous female. 

Norma Merrick Sklarek - the First Black Female Architect in the US


Today we continue our celebration of Women's History Month with a look at Norma Merrick Sklarek. She was the first licensed Black female architect in the United States. She worked on buildings such as Terminal One of the Los Angeles International Airport, San Bernardino City Hall, Fox Plaza in San Francisco, the American Embassy in Tokyo, Pacific Design Center, Mall of America and much more.

New Picture Books about Amazing Women


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I love Women's History Month because it gives me time to focus on some amazing women and learn more about them. However, I also know there people out there that do not have the time to research these women, and sometimes you just want a book to read that will help celebrate the month. Today I get to share three picture books about three amazing women that will be instant role models for children. The women are Kip Tiernan, Betrice Shilling and Daphne Caruana Galizia. Come learn about these books and a bit about the women. I will share some ideas of ways to expand these on these books as well. We will start with Kip Tiernan. The book is called Sanctuary: Kip Tiernan and Rosie's Place, the Nation's First Shelter for Women by Christine McDonnell and illustrated by Victoria Tentler-Krylov. It is recommended for ages 7 to 10. 

Mary Edmonia (Wildfire) Lewis -- the First Person of Color to Be a Famous Sculptor


Today we continue our celebration of Women's History Month by learning about the first person of color who became famous as a sculptor. Besides being a famous artist, she also had a very interesting life story and background. Throughout her life she dealt with racism and sexism. She was orphaned at a young age. She was biracial--Black and Native American. Her name is Edmonia Lewis or Mary Edmonia Lewis or Wildfire. 

Anne Bradstreet: Poet, Pilgrim, Rebel #womenshistorymonth


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Today we are continuing our celebration of Women's History Month. Today I am featuring Anne Bradstreet. She was the first American poet to be published! As I was doing my research and looking for children's books about her, I discovered Poet, Pilgrim, Rebel: The Story of Anne Bradstreet, America's First Published Poet by Katie Munday Williams and illustrated by Tania Rex. Sadly, I could not find a copy at our local library, but I was able to get a digital copy to review, so I get to share it with you!

Te Ata: Chickasaw Storyteller, Performer & Educator --Women's History Month


Today I am going to share about Te Ata or Mary Frances Thompson Fisher. What an amazing woman who I hadn't heard of until recently. She was a Chickasaw and became a world-renowned storyteller, performer, and educator. At a time when the non-native people saw Native Americans as savages, warriors, etc. (mostly from Wild West Shows and films), she became dedicated to share more of the Native American culture and educate the nation.