Showing posts with label word of the year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label word of the year. Show all posts

Reflections on 2024 and Thoughts about 2025


Each year I like to take time to reflect on the past year and think about the upcoming new year. I pick a word of the year to help me stay focused on one goal. This past year my word was self. Starting to teach again while having a family was hard. I found there wasn't enough time for everything I needed or wanted to do. Some of my past words include transform, positivity, connect, inspire, and flourish. This year I am struggling to pick one. 

A Beginner's Guide to Modern Calligraphy and Brush Pen Lettering -- a Crafty Sundays Review


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy First Sunday of Summer!! As a teacher and a mom, I love summer!! It means more time doing things I love and more time with family!! With my teaching schedule this past year I feel like I really earned my summer vacation. I need time to recharge and get ready for next year. One thing I always try to do when I'm stressed out is craft. My mind needs it!! I am always amazed by the people who have beautiful penmanship. You know the ones that make beautiful words with what looks like little effort. When I was young, I took classes on calligraphy and discovered if I take my time and put effort in and I can write in calligraphy pretty well. But it always takes time. These days there are more modern writing and fonts and I always love trying them but usually without much success. Today I am going to share a book with you that helps train you to write in those modern fonts and use a brush pen. The book is A Beginner's Guide to Modern Calligraphy and Brush Pen Lettering by Maki Shimano. 

Transform -- My Word for 2023


In 2019, I started picking a word for the year. I find the word helps me focus on something for the year. Last year my word was positivity because I really felt like my life needed more positivity. The year before it was inspire. I have also picked connect and flourish. This year I tried to think about what word I wanted and where I wanted to focus in my life. I was thinking I wanted something to do with my teaching. I thought of prosper, resolve, and thrive, but they didn't feel right. I saw a display at our local mall with "JO" in greens and you stand as the "Y". It is put out for the holidays each year. I thought about choosing "joy". Again, I wasn't completely sure. I tried a couple of word of the year generators like this one over at Mama Smiles. I tried hers twice and came up with transform and reflect. 

New Year's Resolutions/Word of the Year for Tweens & Teens


Having a birthday around New Year's always makes for an interesting party. When Hazel was young we had a party on New Year's Day for all of our family and friends. Then we started having two parties, our New Year's Day for family and family friends as well as another one for her friends. Eventually we stopped the family and friend party. Themes for her friend parties have ranged from current favorites like Minnie Mouse, Harry Potter, and Frozen to generic themes like New Year's Eve. As she got older we started doing sleep over parties. That changed with Covid. Last year we did a social distant with a window open Paris themed party. We had multiple small tables for the girls to sit in pairs like a Paris Cafe. This year we are having a party on New Year's Day with a butterfly theme. I picked the theme. I chose butterfly since she is turning 13. I feel like 13 is a big birthday since she will become a teenager. Just like a caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly Hazel will begin to metamorphosize into an adult. She likes the butterfly theme but does not like my explanation of it. 

Word for 2021--What inspires you?


Do you pick a word for each year? I started a few years ago. In 2019 my word was flourish, and Hazel picked believe. I spent the year trying to encourage her to believe in herself. In 2020 my word was connect. I hoped to connect with more people as well as God in more meaningful ways. I feel I did connect but not as I expected to due to Covid. As I reflected on words I thought about gratitude and then picked inspire. Hazel is choosing between strength and confidence. I love that she chose those two on her own! It shows so much growth for her this year. (Her new school is such a blessing!) What will your focus for 2021 be? Need some help? I made this word find with over 60 word of the year choices. What are the first four words you see? Do they have meaning for you?