Showing posts sorted by date for query Relaxing fRiday. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Relaxing fRiday. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Cozy Coloring Books for Adults & Kids


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It has been a while since I shared a coloring book. I used to share them every week with Relaxing Friday posts. Today I am going to share two coloring books that are recommended for ages 7 and up. They work for kids or adults. They are by Coco Wyo. The first is Cozy Cuties.

Self-Care Is Needed--My Reflections on 2025 Thus Far


Disclosure: I was sent this package for origami paper in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

For 2025 I chose the word hope as my word for the year. I am hoping the word will bring me some peace even at the darkest times. I know it hasn't really worked thus far. My 2024 ended a bit rough. Hazel got sick with Covid and then pneumonia. It was a long recovery, and she is finally better. Steve and I went to Connecticut in January to celebrate my mom's birthday. We had a lovely time and then my mom got the flu and had to be hospitalized. She just returned from rehab last week. The health issues seem to be all around this winter. My school was remote on Friday so they could clean out the building. Then there is the politics.

Family Vacation Time During the Pandemic


Disclosure: I was sent this puzzle in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It has been a tough year for everyone. Our world shut down during Hazel's new school's spring break last year. It was such a strange time. We didn't know what was coming. Here in Massachusetts at least things are far from normal. Businesses are opening up again but masks are mandatory in public. We have been lucky. Hazel's school has been open this school year. We have the choice to keep her remote whenever we want to but can send her in most of the time. The school goes remote after vacation weeks so it enforces self quarantines for people who have traveled. It truly amazes me when I look on Facebook and see friends all across the country traveling and going out socially. The idea of stepping on an airplane right now or eating in a restaurant scares me. Yet I know there are people who do it all the time and I'm friends and/or related to some of them. We have not left Massachusetts since our trip to Disney in February 2020. We are very lucky though that my family has a house on Cape Cod and we have gotten away there including this spring break. Hazel has been off the past two weeks for spring break and this past week we headed to Cape Cod to spend time as a family, get a change of scenery and see my parents. Since Steve is working from home he needed a change of scenery as well as some time off. Have you traveled during this pandemic?

Zendoodle Colorscapes -- Secrets of the Sea -- Perfect Summer Coloring Book

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Can you believe today is the first day of summer? Our spring was very strange with the pandemic. I expect our summer to be strange too. I know I found myself needing things to help me relax. I turned to coloring. You may remember I use to do a weekly coloring book review on Fridays called Relaxing Friday. I stopped due to the number of coloring books I had and I wasn't getting any. However that changes today. Since I was scheduled to participate with the MKB Read Around the World Summer Series yesterday this is a relaxing Saturday post. Today I get to share with you a perfect summertime coloring book and it is brand new!! It was released this week!! It is Zendoodle Colorscapes: Secrets of the Sea artwork by Deborah Muller. 

The Colors of Nature -- a Crafty Weekend Review & Link Party

Disclosure: Leisure Arts sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know yesterday was National Coloring Book Day? After I found out I spent the day coloring!! I was going to write this review as well but I got engrossed in coloring. In honor of the fun day I want to share with you a new coloring book. It is The Colors of Nature: A Color, Draw & Sketch Book for All Things Wild & Free by Lindsay Hopkins. 

Sharing Saturday 18-4

It is time again for Sharing Saturday! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. So glad you joined us!!

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all your diverse/cultural posts be sure to share them at Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop

Travel Across America Color By Number -- a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: C&T Publishing sent me this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own! I will receive a small stipend for purchases made through the links in this post. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

It has been a very long time since I have shared a Relaxing Friday Review or for that matter a coloring book. Today I am sharing with you a fun one!! I was interested in this book especially when we were trying to put together the post card exchange, but since we did not get enough participants we get to just enjoy this fun book. It is Travel Across America Color By Number by Debra Gabel. 

Sharing Saturday 17-43

It is time again for Sharing Saturday! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. So glad you joined us!!

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

Press Out + Color Birds & Butterflies -- a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: Candlewick Press sent me these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Today I am going to share with you two really fun coloring "books". They are both part of the same series by Zoe Ingram. It is the Press Out + Color Series. What is really neat about this series is the pictures you color press out to make into 3-D objects or decorations. Today I am sharing Press Out and Color Birds and Press Out and Color Butterflies

Color Snap App - a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: Candlewick Press sent me this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This week's Relaxing Friday is a coloring book more aimed at kids. It is Color, Snap, App! by Claire Fay. 

Sharing Saturday 17-30

It is time again for Sharing Saturday! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. So glad you joined us!!

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

Colour in Peace Postcards -- a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: Kregel Publications sent me this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Back in March I reviewed Colour in Peace. Today I am going to share Colour in Peace Postcards illustrated by James Newmann Gray. The postcard version is just as relaxing and beautiful. Each page has a picture to color on the front and on the back it has a quote or verse of scripture and the regular form of a postcard back. 

Sharing Saturday 17-29

It is time again for Sharing Saturday! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. So glad you joined us!!

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

The Happiness Project Mini Posters Book -- a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: I was sent these books free of charge in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. 

It has been awhile since I actually wrote a Relaxing Friday Review on a Friday, but today I am doing it. I am sharing a fun coloring book with you called The Happiness Project Mini Posters: A Coloring Book by Gretchen Rubin and illustrated by Clairice Gifford. 

Multicultural Coloring Books -- A Relaxing Saturday Review

Disclosure: I was sent these books free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

It has been awhile since I have done a Relaxing Friday review, so today I am sharing three coloring books with you. These books each help teach a bit about cultures. Join us as we take looks at Asia, a Japanese garden and Ancient Egypt. Our first book is A Touch of Asia from Tuttle Publishing. 

Sharing Saturday 17-13

It is time for Sharing Saturday!! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts.

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

Thank you to everyone who shared with us at our last party! It was full of such a variety of ideas including many great looks at books and how they are published!  Our features are just a sampling of them so if you haven't checked them all out, you should! This week we have two groups of features: Easter  and  Other Great Features.

Guess How Much I Love You Coloring Book -- a Relaxing Friday Review

Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copy of this book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

This has been anything but a Relaxing Friday for me. We have yet another snow storm starting here. March came in like a lion, treated me like a lion and is leaving like a lion. Where is the going out like a lamb part? I am personally glad to see March 2017 ending. Anyway, since I ran all my errands for the weekend this morning to avoid the snow and storm crowds, I am writing this post later than usual. Today however I have the perfect coloring book to share with you a couple of weeks prior to Easter. It is perfect because I know the classic book that it was inspired by is a book that will find its way into some Easter baskets. The coloring book today is Guess How Much I Love You Coloring Book by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram. 

Sharing Saturday 17-12

It is time for Sharing Saturday!! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts, crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts.

On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all of your cultural posts come share them at the monthly Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop.

Thank you to everyone who shared with us at our last party! It was another great party with many different ideas!!  Our features are just a sampling of them so if you haven't checked them all out, you should! This week we have three groups of features: Books, Lessons & More, and  Other Great Features.

Colouring in Peace -- a Relaxing Friday Review

 Disclosure: Kregel Publications sent me a copy of this book free of charge for this review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation.  As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

I have been planning on writing this Relaxing Friday review for a very long time and somehow my Fridays have not been very relaxing. I have to say that all of March thus far has been far from relaxing. So today I am taking the time to get this review done and share this wonderful coloring book with you.  The book is Colour in Peace: A Reflective Journey illustrated by James Newman Gray. 

Christmas Coloring & Crafting & Creative Play -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: I was sent these products free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

I have not been posting as much the past week or so between the holiday, spending time with family and fighting the horrible cold. As a result I am going to share two books with you today. One is for adults and the other is for kids (and is definitely going to be on my great gifts of the year list!!). We will start with the first book which I was planning on reviewing for Relaxing Friday, however it didn't happen. The book is Johanna's Christmas by Johanna Basford. Her coloring books are among the top ones. Over the summer I had the pleasure of sharing her Magical Jungle with you.