Also make sure you enter my current giveaway for a Melissa & Doug toy!! Oh, and while we are talking giveaways, Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts (our co-host) teamed up with Hinterland Mama for a worldwide giveaway. Go over and enter to win their fabulous homemade prizes!
Have you done something fun or different this week with your family? Kelly at Happy Whimsical Hearts and I would love to hear about it. Please share below (and visit Happy Whimsical Hearts to check out what Kelly and her family have been up to this week).
Ok, this week we were recovering from having Steve working so much the previous week dealing with the power outages of Superstorm Sandy (apparently it was worse than a hurricane since they are calling it a superstorm now). Then of course he got called into work (on a day he scheduled to take off) because of the Nor'easter coming our way. Luckily it was not too bad here so he only had really one night of lost sleep. Anyway between his crazy work schedule and all of us fighting off colds, we did not do much as a family besides relax. However over the weekend, Hazel did ask for us all to play a few games and do some puzzles. However I did not take pictures since I was busy playing, but here are what we played together.
We played several games of Zingo!! Hazel got into having her animals and dolls take the other cards so we would play with the maximum number possible. We had fun.
Ok, this is one of those games that is very simple, but Hazel loves it because it has the princesses on it. Not a very exciting game, but she loves it.
This game is one where you have to spin to get all the things needed for a birthday party: invitation, hat, noisemaker, drink, dessert, gift, and party favor. Whoever gets all the things first wins though we play until everyone wins. You can also play that you cannot get any of the items until you get the invitation, but we do not do this yet. Another game that she loves.
Today I thank God for my friends who are always there when I need them whether it is for a favor or to vent.
Now it is your turn to share how your family has spent some quality time lately.
~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~just crafts will be deleted since this is to share family times ~ use our button so others can join the fun
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~ check out our Happy Family Times Pinterest board where we will be pinning some of our favorite ideas
Ok, now for our PARTY!! Please share your FUN Family Times!!