
Christmas Around The World & Other Holidays!

Now that Thanksgiving is over, I am going to start my focus on our next big holiday, Christmas. I have joined a group of bloggers led by Beth at Living Life Intentionally to present Christmas Around the World. Each day a different blog will feature what Christmas or a winter holiday is celebrated in a different country around the world. This amazing event starts today! My post will be on December 10th. To check out all the amazing posts, just click the links above!!

To kick off the holiday season, I thought I would share a few holiday books and an amazing multicultural CD with you. First from my friend, Daria (who is also participating in Christmas Around the World). (You may remember Daria from my first Multicultural Monday. She is the one who inspired me to start Multicultural Mondays!)
Daria was kind enough to send me her holiday CD to review here. Now this CD is not a Christmas CD. It is a World Holiday CD. The difference of course being that it does not only have Christmas songs.
Now my favorite part of this CD is that on the back she gives a little information/history of each song. The CD has five songs on it. Two are Hanukkah songs: one from Spain and one from America. Then there are two Christmas songs: Feliz Navidad and a German song with an English verse added and finally it has a version of Jingle Bells with the history that it is actually a Thanksgiving song. So if you are looking for a way to celebrate the season and not just one holiday, check out this great CD. You can purchase it here! I should also add that we love her other CD's as well or at least the one we have. Also, if you should check out her Monthly Song Newsletter. It always has amazing giveaways, songs, and crafts. November she is celebrating Native American Heritage Month and has some amazing ideas there.

I also wanted to share with you some of the Christmas books we have found and love!

Of course several are from this month's author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids. You can check out the blog hop for some ideas to go with a few. 

The first is The Story of Mary by Patricia A. Pingry. This is a book I picked up at a discount store a few years ago, but we love it. It tells the story mostly from Mary's view and sticks pretty close to the Bible, but is in a way that Hazel has always loved.

The second is The Birds of Bethlehem by Tomie dePaola. This is the newest book by dePaola (and I know there are some posts in the blog hop on it). This story is about the birds discussing the different things they saw in Bethlehem the day before which of course was the first Christmas.

The third is The Story of the Three Wise Kings by Tomie dePaola. This book tells the story of the three wisemen in a way that children like to follow. We really enjoy it!

The fourth is Who Is Coming to Our House? by Joseph Slate and Ashley Wolff. This story is about the animals in the stable getting ready for their special guests on Christmas Eve.

The fifth is An Early American Christmas by Tomie dePaola. This story is about a small New England town where no one has Christmas trees, puts candles in the windows, or sings Christmas carols until a family from Germany and Pennsylvania move in. They make bayberry candles to put in the windows to light the way for the Christ child. They have a Christmas tree and sings Christmas carols and soon their neighbors start doing the same. This is one of Hazel's favorites!

The final one is The Friendly Beasts: an Old English Christmas Carol illustrated by Tomie dePaola. This English carol is about the roles the animals played in the stable to assist with the new baby king.

So here is our Black Friday post. I hope you will join us for the various events mentioned (Christmas Around the World, The Virtual Book Club Blog Hop, etc.)!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today I thank God for having most of my family here together and keeping us all safe and healthy!
Hazel helping make the cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie for our feast!

Today in the United States we are celebrating Thanksgiving. This is the day to thank God for a good harvest and for all your other blessings. Supposedly it dates back to 1621 with the Pilgrims and some Wampanoag Native Americans

I shared some Thanksgiving books here, but we found another amazing one that I have to share! A Child's Story of Thanksgiving by Laura J. Rader is a great book that goes through the historical part of Thanksgiving including why the Pilgrims left England and Holland to the modern time of what is done. This is among my top two Thanksgiving books!

Since I am spending time with my family (and hosting/cooking) I will be busy so I am going to share with you some Thanksgiving Features from the last two Sharing Saturdays. Feel free to click on the picture to go to the Sharing Saturday where each was shared! I did a similar sharing last year if you want even more ideas!
1) From The Chirping Moms: Handprint Thanksgiving Shirts
2) From The Chirping Moms: No Bake Thanksgiving Cookies
3) From Grandparents Plus: 15+ Thanksgiving Games
4) From Waldorf By Me: Autumn Activity Round-Up
5) From The Chirping Moms: Turkey Snack
6) From Making Memories...One Fun Thing After Another: Turkey Cookies
7) From Repurpose My Life: Turkey Craft with Messages of Thanksgiving
8) From Momma's Fun World: Turkey Lantern

1) From Raise a Boy: Leaf Window Treatment
2) From Like Mama ~ Like Daughter: Thanksgiving at Playschool
3) From Making Memories...One Fun Thing After Another:  Turkey Cookies and More Turkey Cookies
4) From Making Boys Men: Autumn Masks
5) From Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk: Eye'm Thankful  No Picture, but worth a visit!
5) From Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk: Mayflower Math and More
6) From Tippytoe Crafts: Thankful Turkeys
7) From Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom: Cranberry, Pomegranate Pineapple & Orange Sauce
8) From Diana Rambles: I Am Thankful for My Daughter Lunch

If you are still looking for some Thanksgiving Crafts and Activities here are some of ours from the past two years. 

Features from Sharing Saturday #45

If you came to share at Sharing Saturday #46, you are aware I did not have time last week to visit all the wonderful posts shared at Sharing Saturday #45 and I only featured the three most clicked on Saturday. However I did visit them today and have some of my favorites to share with you.

Also due to Thanksgiving on Thursday, I will be sharing some Thanksgiving features with you on Thursday both from Sharing Saturday #45 and #46. Oh, and Sharing Saturday #46 is still open through Wednesday night (EST) if you would like to share anything with us this week!

My Sharing Saturday Features:

1) From Family Home and Life: Spoon Dolls
2) From Life with Moore Babies: Watercolor Constellation Hunt
3) From Annie One Can Cook: Operation Christmas (a way for us to support our troops this holiday season!)
4) From Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom: Peasant Dress Tutorial
5) From Wesens-Art: Paper Globes
6) From Like Mama ~ Like Daughter: Winter Birds (Books and activities!!)
7) From De Gulle Aard: Teddy Bear
8) From Inspirational Laboratories : D is for Density (Sorry I couldn't take a picture from it, but what a great lesson!!)

Other reasons to visit the amazing ideas shared last week--they included how to fix your dishwasher by cleaning the filter (from Family Home and Life) and a great list of books for dealing with social skills (from Play Dr Mom) just to name a couple more plus lots of delicious looking recipes and some great ideas to get started on the holiday season!

Today I thank God for the time to play catch up in my life and to sit back enjoy my time with my daughter and family!

Happy Family Times #34--Holiday Fair

Today I thank God that Hazel fell asleep without Ducky since we haven't been able to find him since this morning. She cannot remember where she put him. Ugh!!

Have you done something new with your family or was it something relaxing, whatever it was Kelly from Happy Whimsical Hearts and I would love to hear about it. Please share below! We collect family activities each week in hopes of inspiring all of us to have more quality time with our families!

This weekend was the Holiday Fair at Hazel's school. On Friday I spent the afternoon helping to set up and then went back after dinner for a bit of shopping (I was good and did not have any of the wine).  The night before they do a preview for adults only with most of the vendors there. They serve wine and refreshments as well since it is adult only. It really is a lovely evening. 

The next morning I left early to go work my volunteer shift in the Wee Folk Shoppe at the fair. Steve brought Hazel later. We let Hazel go through the Wee Folk Shop and then got some lunch. Then we stood in line to get into the puppet show, but the cut off was before us, so we went to decorate a gingerbread cookie. they made the cutest paper plate holders for the decorated cookies so the kids could wear them around their necks and nibble on them. (See it in Hazel's picture above.)

We also visited the Pocket Lady a few times. Hazel loved picking which gift to get. She did this three times.
She got a gold painted pine cone ornament (which she hung on her tree), a number rubber stamp--either 6 or 9 and a rose quartz (which is on her nature table). She loved doing this.

Next we decorated a candle and a birch candle holder. This was our favorite activity of last year. Last year we made four of these. Each of us did one and Hazel did two. This year we only did one.

By this time Steven had to leave for an appointment, so it was just us girls. We headed out to try our luck at dragon slaying. Last year I was afraid the dragon might be too scary for Hazel so we did not check this out. This year she asked to go try it. I was hoping Steve would take her, but he didn't get a chance before he left. You got three arrows and a bow and had to try to get an arrow in one of the holes on the dragon. If you did, you got a jewel. We did not. We almost hit the dragon once, but with both our hands trying to work it, it did not go too far. This year they moved the dragon slaying outside in the nursery play yard. It was fun, but next year I'll make sure Steve takes her to this activity.
Then we went to the Wee Folk Shoppe again. Hazel got a felt mouse and an applesauce cinnamon ornament from her two trips there. Not what I would have picked of all the treasures there, but she likes them. The whole way home she was making up a story about the mouse.
Then we went into the school store and bought a couple more things and headed home. Overall it was a very fun day!

Now it is your turn to share how your family has spent some quality time lately.

~ please link up (family time oriented giveaways are ok, but please no Etsy shops)
~just crafts will be deleted since this is to share family times ~ use our button so others can join the fun


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~ we'd love for you to follow us Crafty Moms Share and Happy Whimsical Hearts
~ check out our Happy Family Times Pinterest board where we will be pinning some of our favorite ideas

Ok, now for our PARTY!! Please share your FUN Family Times!!

Virtual Book Club for Kids: Tomie dePaola

Sharing Saturday is still open if you would like to share your child-oriented crafts and activities or be inspired by the amazing ones already shared!
Today I thank God for a week with very few plans so hopefully I can get the rest I need!

Today is the kick off of November's Virtual Book Club for Kids Blog Hop. As you may know I have joined a wonderful group of bloggers to do this book club. Each month we feature an author and each of us picks a book to blog about and do some craft or activity with it. Then we invite you to join us by choosing a book by the author of the month and sharing in our blog hop. I join the following wonderful blogs to bring this to you each month.

This month's author is Tomie dePaolo. Now he has many books to choose from that appeal to different ages. This week we will talk about two of his books.

Angels, Angels Everywhere is a sweet little book for younger children. It goes through each page with different angels and they are labeled things like "Kitchen Angel" or "Play Angel". You can guess from the pictures what their role is as well.

Pascual and the Kitchen Angels is a book telling the life of Pascual, the patron saint of the kitchen. Pascual goes to a monastery to join the monks, but when the monks see all the food he brings from his family they ask him to cook. Not wanting to be sent away he goes to the kitchen and begins to pray since poor Pascual does not know how to cook or for that matter boil water. The angels come and cook while Pascual prays and prepare a wonderful feast. The monks are so impressed with his cooking they make Pascual their cook.

Since both of these books involve angels, we are sharing both of them today. For Pascual and the Kitchen Angels, we made wooden spoon kitchen angels.
I bought some wooden spoons at the Dollar Tree. We put a googly eye on each and then used felt for hair, dress and wings and a pipe cleaner for the halos. This craft can also work for Angels, Angels Everywhere since it also mentions kitchen angels.

We also made some lollipop angels. We are still working on using up our Halloween candy!
For these we used tissue paper, coffee filter dresses, cupcake liners (for wings) and pipe cleaner halos.

Then we made some paper plate angels. I think these are pretty self explanatory.

Then after Hazel went to bed, I made her an angel mobile. In Angels, Angels Everywhere we talk about the Bedtime Angel who tucks the children into bed and we always add that she stays and keeps them safe so they are not alone. I thought it would be fun to have a mobile of angels with one representing the Bedtime Angel. I put three angels on it to represent the Bedtime Angel, the Wake Up Angel, and the Guarding Angel. My plan is to hang it above Hazel's bed so she will see the angels looking over her each night.
These angels are made with a pipe cleaner, wooden bead, scraps of yarn and felt for clothes. I used the pipe cleaner halo and a I cut a silver poinsettia I got at the Dollar Tree for wings. Then I strung them and hung them on a circle of floral wire. My balance is  not perfect yet, but I will work on it.

For even more angel crafts you can check out all the ones we did last year for the angel swap we participated in. 

Every time we read Angels, Angels Everywhere Hazel tells me she really likes it! What Tomie dePaola books have you been reading lately? I hope you will join us in our blog hop! Next week we will be sharing another Tomie dePaola book and craft/activity. I hope you will join us again!