
Multicultural Mondays - Puritan Girl Mohawk Girl Review

Disclosure: Abrams Books sent me these products free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

Today I am sharing a historical novel about a girl/woman you probably have not heard of, but her story is amazing. The book is Puritan Girl Mohawk Girl by John Demos. 

Stitching with Beatrix Potter -- a Crafty Weekends Review and Link Party

Disclosure: C&T Publishing sent me this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own! I will receive a small stipend for purchases made through the links in this post. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

I remember going to the library as a young girl and taking out the little Beatrix Potter books. I loved her stories and the beautiful illustrations. This is what inspired me to decorate Hazel's nursery in the theme of Beatrix Potter. I made curtains and a crib skirt with Beatrix Potter themed fabrics. I didn't finish the quilt for Hazel, but gave it as a gift later. I also used some of the fabric to make clothes for Hazel when she was younger and used some on her nursery rhyme quilt that still is on her bed. She loves Beatrix Potter books as well. Therefore when I saw Stitching with Beatrix Potter: Stitch, Sew & Give 10 Adorable Projects Featuring Peter Rabbit, Jemima Puddle-Duck & Friends by Michele Hill. 

Fun Facts about Honey Bees and Honey -- National Honey Bee Day!

By Boris  Smokrovic borisworkshop ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons

Today (August 18) is National Honey Bee Day. It is the third Saturday in August each year since 2010. (It was the fourth Saturday in the first year, 2009.)Why do these buzzing little stingers deserve a special day? Well the numbers of honey bees is way down and life without these little flying miracles would be awful for us all. There has been so much out there about helping the bees. I thought today I would share some fun facts about these amazing pollinators and the delicious food they make themselves (besides all the food they help grow for us).

Young Adult Books about Kids with Disabilities/Illness and Troubled Teens

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

So I have had some young adult books sitting on my shelf for awhile. I haven't been great about getting them read. I am going to share three with you today. Each of these books share a view into the lives of kids struggling with issues. I am going to start with the non-fiction book. It is If I Kiss You, Will I Get Diabetes? by Quinn Nystrom.

Kids' Felt Cuties -- a Crafty Weekends Review & Link Party

Disclosure: Leisure Arts sent me a copy of this book in return for an honest review. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. The links are affiliate links where I will receive a small percentage of any purchases made through them at no cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

We enjoyed a few days visiting the very western part of our state. We finally took Hazel to the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum. We promised her a couple of years ago we would take her. Then we saw a few natural wonders and relaxed at the pool. I didn't have a lot of time for crafting, but want to share with you a fun book to make kids' felt toys. It is Kids' Felt Cuties by Kim Layton.