Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Earth Day. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Earth Day. Sort by date Show all posts

Earth Day Book Reviews and Giveaway

Disclosure: Wisdom Tales Press gave me a copies of these product free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own, and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation. They are also providing copies for the giveaway.

Today I am joining with a group of bloggers to do an Earth Day Giveaway. There are three prize packs and the information for the giveaway is below. Today I am lucky enough to review two of the books that are in the third prize pack. Hazel loves both of these books! The first book is Just Like Me, Climbing a Tree by Durga Yael Benhard. This book was released to celebrate Arbor Day which is April 24.

Earth Day Around the World CD Featuring Daria


Disclosure: Daria sent me a digital copy of this CD in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

As usual, I'm a day late and a dollar short. Earth Day was yesterday. Although I see the importance of Earth Day I do believe that we need to focus on the meaning of Earth Day every day of the year. I tend not to celebrate Earth Day as a holiday of sorts. Its use is to remind us that we need to take care of our world. As a whole the human race is destroying our planet with the fumes from vehicles, trash, and consumption of natural products. This is an important message to be reminded of but I hope we all realize that we need to stop thinking about it as a day and think about it every day! Today I get to share with you a new CD that features Daria and others from around the world. It is Earth Day Around the World

Books for Earth Day

Disclosure: I was sent these books to review free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review.

Saturday is Earth Day and to get ready for it, we have been having fun with many different books that go along with the Earth Day theme. I started sharing some on butterflies with you last night. Today we have many more on different themes. We will start with 23 Ways to be an Eco Hero by Isabel Thomas. 

Sharing Saturday 16-16

Reminder: This link party is for child-oriented crafts and activities and parenting/teaching posts!! 
Happy Earth Day!! I had planned a post on some fun books about animals for Earth Day, but instead spent the day outside with Hazel since it is the last day of her spring vacation. 

 It is time for Sharing Saturday!! This is a link party to share all of your child-oriented crafts,crafts made for kids, activities and lessons as well as your parenting and/or teaching posts. On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And the Creative Kids Cultural Blog Hop lasts all month for anything cultural or diversity posts and a new one starts Sunday morning!! Be sure to join us at it!!

Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week! I always love seeing what everyone has been up to and your creative ideas!! Our features are just a sampling of them so if you haven't checked them all out, you should! This week our features are Earth Day Features, Mother's Day Features and Educational Features.

Books looking at the world in different ways


Earth Day picture books
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

Earth Day is Thursday. I have been sharing books each week to use as resources for it and today the books I share work for Earth Day but two of them work with a twist. All three books are picture books recommended for preschool and early elementary (ages 3-8). We will start with the book that is perfect for Earth Day. It is Once Upon Another Time by Charles Ghigna and Matt Forrest Esenwine and illustrated by Andrés F. Landazábal. 

God's Amazing World! Book Review for Earth Day

Disclosure: I was sent these books to review free of charge from Ideals Books. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. I am including links to each item for your convenience but do not receive anything if you purchase them.

This year for Earth Day I thought I would focus on the holiday in a different way. There are so many ideas floating around for crafts many using recycled materials and others looking like the planet. There are also all the ideas to help protect the earth. Many people talk about the reasons why we need to do this, but I am going to give you another--a religious point of view. In Genesis 1:28
God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”
 God gave us dominion over the creatures of earth. He gave humans the job of keeping the earth. To teach this lesson, I found a great book called God's Amazing World! written by Eileen Spinelli and illustrated by Melanie Florian.

Sharing Saturday 14-16 Happy Easter!

I am going to start today by wishing you a very Happy Easter to those celebrating! I know I am planning on having some quality family time this weekend and will not be posting until Monday! Speaking of Monday, have you entered my current giveaway yet? Monday is the last day to enter!

Sharing Saturday Button
Thank you to everyone who shared with us last week!! There were some amazing ideas as always. I hope you had a chance to check some of them out and if not, I hope you do. If you are looking for some last minute ideas for Easter or Earth Day (it is on Tuesday), there are plenty there besides the great features I am sharing. First we have a most clicked this week from Gift of Curiosity: Teaching Kids About Ant Anatomy.

For features I have two groups: Easter and Earth Day! 

Easter Features

1) From Kids Activities Blog: Candy Play Dough (Something to do with those Peeps)
2) From Living Montessori Now: Easter Tree Sorting, Math, and Decorating Activity (Math & Decorating)
3) From One Little Project at a Time: Easy Two Bite Brownie Treats (A quick dessert for Sunday)
4) From Kids Activities Blog: Easter Egg Coloring Pages (Something quick for trips to visit family)
5) From ABC Creative Learning: Easter Egg Letter Match Game (A lesson using plastic eggs)
6) From Where Imagination Grows: Marbleized Easter Eggs (How pretty)
7) From Growing Book by Book: Storybook Inspired Easter Eggs (Love this idea)

Earth Day Features

1) From Little Bins for Little Hands: Fizzy Baking Soda Earth Day Science Experiment
2) From Every Star Is Different: The Earth: Pollution
3) From Africa to America: Earth Day Children's Books
4) From Peace...but Not Quiet: 11 Children's Books About Nature

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! I hope you will join us and share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. 


Featured Button Code:

From Your Hostess:
This week we shared The Legend of the Sand Dollar with activities, Easter in many different countries including Sweden, Ethiopia, Northern Europe and around the world round-up with more countries, our Virtual Book Club for Kids post sharing In the Tall, Tall Grass, and some books and activities for understanding the true meaning of Easter.

Please enter the giveaway for Dearfoams! It ends Monday!!

Now for This Week's Party  
A Few Simple Guidelines:
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via GFC (or one of the other ways that work for you).  

2)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post. 

3) Post the Sharing Saturday button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

4) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookGoogle+, and Pinterest 

5) If you do not have a blog, but want to share an idea you can leave it in the comments or e-mail it to me with a picture (if possible).

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.

Happy Earth Day -- Let's Get Gardening

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy Earth Day! We've all seen the news. As people are staying at home the Earth has begun to heal. The pollution is down in the big cities. The animals are becoming more relaxed and trying to take back their space. One of the things I find most interesting is so many people are planning gardens. Seeds and plant companies are having trouble keeping up with the orders. I checked out my normal seed catalog site and discovered many vegetables are sold out. And one of the times I was on they were not even taking orders that day so they could catch up with their orders. This never happens. So today I thought I would share two resources for gardening. One is about herb gardens (more for adults) and the other is about gardening with kids and how to help them connect with the natural world. 

Welcome, Spring!! Spring Craft Round-Up

What comes to mind when you think spring? There are so many wonderful parts to spring. The weather gets warmer; the flowers bloom; the world seems to wake up and then there are all the animals that return. Since spring officially began today at 12:57 p.m., I thought we would do a round-up of my spring crafts, activities and books so far on Crafty Moms Share. I will do an Easter round up another time and I did a Lent round up a couple of weeks ago.

Earth Day 2014

Congratulations to Sara G. for winning the Dearfoams Slippers!

Today is International Earth Day. It is the day we try to remember to be good to Earth and take care of our planet. We do not do anything too special to celebrate the day, however we do try to be green. This year we are meeting friends for an Earth Day celebration where the kids make crafts and things. That is tomorrow however. Hazel has been asking to learn more about being green. I added a book to her wishlist and my parents bought it for her for Easter. It is What Does It Mean To Be Green? by Rana DiOrio.

We enjoyed reading it and seeing some of the things like giving clothes you have outgrown to others (Hazel hates when I do this), composting, feeding the birds, recycling, growing your own garden or buying local produce, etc.

On this note Hazel also helped my father clean out his compost bin (well it was my grandfather's) that he did not want anymore, so we could bring it home. Steve set it up for us yesterday and also helped get my garden ready for us to do some planting. We planted some seeds to get them started indoors. We used our recycled food containers. Our strawberry containers were the best since they were big and had holes already.

We also filled our bird feeders and have been blessed by many birds coming to get fed.

We also leave some wool and yarn scraps out in a suet feeder for the birds nest building supplies.

Those are the main ways we are being green besides of course recycling as much as we can. Oh, and yesterday it was finally warm enough to hang out a load of laundry. I love using my clothesline! What do you do for Earth Day?

Welcome to the Neighborwood and River Story Book Reviews

Make sure you enter the Earth Day Giveaway we are co-hosting!!
 Disclosure: Candlewick Press gave me a copies of these book free of charge to review. All opinions in my review are my own, and I did not receive any other compensation. As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation.

With the Earth Day Giveaway going on, I thought we would stick to some Earth Day themed books. Today we are going to share two books that are perfect for learning about the environment.

The first book is River Story by Meredith Hooper and illustrated by Bee Willey. This beautiful book takes the reader to the start of a river. "All rivers have a beginning..." the book begins. The book takes the reader through the different aspects of a river. It shares where the river slows down, what the river is like in a city and where a river ends. 

Sharing Saturday 14-17

Sharing Saturday Button

Thank you to everyone who shared the amazing ideas last week and to everyone who took time to visit and share the love! I know I was blown away once again by the brilliant ideas. I also went through and pinned all the Easter and Earth Day posts so I can check them out next year! We did not have a most clicked, so I picked nine of my favorites (which was hard to do). This week seems like it was full of holidays. Sunday was Easter, Monday in Massachusetts was Patriots' Day (otherwise known as Boston Marathon Day), Tuesday was Earth Day and today is Arbor Day. In honor of these as well as the upcoming Cinco de Mayo and April being poetry month as well as the start of the official baseball season, I made some of these choices. I hope you like them and I hope you go back and check out all the great ones I am not sharing since I can't share them all.

1) From Living Montessori Now: Montessori-Inspired Activities for Casey at the Bat (Baseball and poetry in one)

2) From Art Club Blog: Talking Trees (Arbor Day plus Hazel and I have been exploring trees this week)

3) From Gift of Curiosity: What Do Ants Like To Eat? (A continuation from last week's most clicked feature)

4) From Teaching Every Day: Paper Towel Art
5) From Little Wonders' Days: Dolphin Lesson Plan Ideas

6) From Being Tilly's Mummy: Catching Fairies in a Glass Jar

7) From Planet Smarty Pants: Read and Learn About Mexico (Perfect ideas for Cinco de Mayo)

8) From Rubberboots and Elf Shoes: Birds and Nests Sensory Bin (Ok, we have also been exploring birds lately!)

9) From Every Star Is Different: Bird Unit 2 with Free Printables (It includes a poem too--so birds and poetry)

Thank you to everyone who shared last week!! I hope you will join us and share again!! If you are featured here, please feel free to grab a featured button to display proudly on your blog. 


Featured Button Code:

From Your Hostess:
This week we shared our exploration of Portugal with Around the World in 12 Dishes, our Earth Day activities, and some letter fun brainteasers and jokes. Plus I am sharing a picture of Hazel today after she got 9 inches of hair cut off and donated the hair!! I am so proud of her. She is still getting use to the shorter hair and is missing her long hair.

Now for This Week's Party  
A Few Simple Guidelines:
1)  Please follow Crafty Moms Share via GFC (or one of the other ways that work for you).  

2)  Link any kid-friendly, child-centered post. Please no etsy shops or giveaways, etc.  Remember to link to your actual post. 

3) Post the Sharing Saturday button on your sidebar or somewhere on your blog to help spread the word.

4) I would love it if you would follow me on FacebookGoogle+, and Pinterest 

5) If you do not have a blog, but want to share an idea you can leave it in the comments or e-mail it to me with a picture (if possible).

 Disclaimer: By sharing here, you are giving Crafty Moms Share permission to use your photos for features and to pin your craft at Pinterest.

Sharing Saturday 15-16

Sharing Saturday Button

Thank  you to everyone who shared last week!! Once again I am blown away by all the great ideas! This week our features consist of  Earth Day & Mother's Day Features, Art Features, Toddler Features, and Other Features. 

Books that will help Celebrate Earth Day from National Geographic Kids


Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Earth Day is in two weeks! There are so many ways you can celebrate with kids. One of my favorite though is sharing books. The range of books can be about the reason for Earth Day, Earth, wildlife, recycling, reusing, etc. This year I have gathered some great ones including some craft books which I will share on Crafty Sundays in the next couple of weeks. I was trying to decide how to share the various books I have gathered and decided to go with publishers. Today's books are both from National Geographic Kids. We will start with one of the most interesting books ever, Beneath the Waves: Celebrating the Ocean Through Pictures, Poems and Stories by Stephanie Warren Drimmer. 

Books for Earth Day


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe Earth Day is next week! I feel like April is flying by and as a former teacher once April hits--well April vacation (next week)--I feel like the school year is basically over. Hazel's new school has a different vacation schedule so she had two weeks off in March, but I know the public schools are off next week so the feeling is still there. Today I am going to share an other set of books that are great for Earth Day. These books range for ages 4-7 and 7-12, so basically books perfect for elementary grades. We will start with Sunrise Summer by Matthew Swanson and illustrated by Robbi Behr. 

Animal Books & Crafts for Earth Day


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books (digital for stories and physical for crafts) in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy Earth Day! I am one who believes every day is Earth Day but today is the day the world celebrates this amazing planet and the nature that fills it. To celebrate today I am sharing three new children's books about animals with perfect messages for Earth Day and craft round-ups to go with them as well as two craft books with animal themes. We will start with the first two books. They are from the Surviving Wild series by Remy Lai. The series are graphic novels for ages 6 to 9. The first is Surviving the Wild: Rainbow the Koala

The Wild Garden -- New Picture Book Perfect for Earth Day Everyday!


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Earth Day is this week! I wanted to share a book with you that screams Earth Day to me. Sadly, the book is not being released until May in the US, but it is the perfect book to talk about some of the Earth Day issues. The book is The Wild Garden by Cynthia Cliff. It is recommended for ages 5 to 9. I am also sharing a round-up of gardening crafts, activities, and recipes for kids.

Mending with Love for Earth Day!


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Earth Day is this week. How are you celebrating? I have been sharing books that are great to use with kids for a few weeks now. Today I am going to share a craft book that is perfect for Earth Day. This book is all about making things with rips and stains usable again. The book is Mending with Love: Creative Repairs for Your Favorite Things by Noriko Misumi. 

Grace and Box -- a Multicultural Picture Book Perfect for Earth Day


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

It is hard to believe it is the end of March. This month went by so quickly for me and usually it drags but I guess that is because Hazel's new school has two weeks off in March instead of the February and April breaks. With the end of March I start to think about the events of April. Today I am going to share a fun new picture book that as I read it made me think of Earth Day and I'll share why later. The book is Grace and Box by Kim Howard and illustrated by Megan Lötter.

Whales in the City -- Picture Book Review with Whale Craft Roundup


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Earth Day is next month. I believe we all need to focus on our planet every day, however so many celebrate Earth Day. I always like to share books that help promote taking care of the planet and our natural resources and other life on our planet. Today I get to share a book that shares the story of whales in the water near New York City. The book is Whales in the City by Nancy F. Castaldo and illustrated by Chuck Groenink. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.