Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Little People, Big Dreams. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Little People, Big Dreams. Sort by date Show all posts

Katherine Johnson (Little People BIG DREAMS) -- Book Review


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Happy February!! February has many amazing things about it: Valentine's Day, Presidents Day, Black History Month, etc. I always love finding new books about Black people to share in February. Today I get to share a new one about a hero of mine--Katherine Johnson. I love that she was a mathematician. I love that she was Black and fought for her right to be heard and share her knowledge. She changed history and not so faraway history. History about our space travel. We are talking the 1960s not the 1800s. I always feel like most female mathematicians had a love for math but didn't really get much credit for the work they did. Katherine did not get much credit for her work until recently, but she made a huge difference in the space race. Today I am sharing the book Katherine Johnson by Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrated by Jemma Skidmore. It is part of the Little People BIG DREAMS series. It is recommended for ages 6 to 8.

Frida Kahlo -- Women's History Month Book Review

Disclosure: I was sent this book to review free of charge from Quarto Books USA. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. I am including links to each item for your convenience but do not receive anything if you purchase them.

Today I am sharing with you one of the books that we looked at for Women's History Month. Each year I try to read books about women we have not explored yet. Our first post this year about the Thinking Girls Treasury of Real Princesses shared many new to us women. It was also our official post for the Multicultural Kid Blogs' Women's History Month Series. I also like to expose Hazel to different artists and this book does that. (A few years ago I introduced her to Georgia O'Keeffe for Women's History Month.) I will admit I did not know much about Frida Kahlo before reading this book. The book is Frida Kahlo by Isabel Sanchez Vegara and illustrated by Gee Fan Eng. It is part of the Little People, Big Dreams series. 

Women and Voting -- Books to Celebrate Election Year and 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know yesterday was the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment? The 19th Amendment is the one that gives and guarantees women the right to vote. There was a long fight for that vote. Yesterday President Trump pardoned one of the first women who tried to vote and was arrested, Susan B. Anthony. She was released from jail and fined but never paid the fine. Probably not what Ms. Anthony really wanted but it was a nice gesture. Ever since Hazel did a report and had to dress up as Susan B. Anthony in second grade she has had a big interest in the woman's right to vote and the fight that it took to get us there. Today I am going to share a historical fiction novel for middle readers (ages 8-12) that goes back to the Conference at Seneca Falls. I also have an alphabet picture book about voting and rights of United States citizens. Perfect for talking about women's suffrage as well as the big election coming this year. It is suggested for ages 3 to 6. We will start with the picture book.

Multicultural Books for Different Ages

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday. I have been sharing many of my past posts about Dr. King on my Facebook page this weekend. Be sure to check them all out plus the review I wrote over at Multicultural Kid Blogs this month

A Little Women's History: Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, Coco Chanel, Nell Richardson, & Alice Burke

Disclosure: I was sent these products free of charge. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation. As always I am providing links to the book for your convenience.

Today I am going to share four great books about five amazing women!! We will start with some women suffragists and they are not the ones most think of right away. The book is Around America to Win the Vote: Two Suffragists, a Kitten and 10,000 Miles by Mara Rockliff and illustrated by Hadley Hooper. With the upcoming election it seems the perfect time to look at the history of women voting. 

Needles the Forgotten Christmas Tree


Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Foreword Publicity and will receive a small stipend for this post. 

What kind of Christmas tree do you have? Is it real or fake? How big is it? Christmas trees are something I have been discussing this year with my sisters since we spend the holidays at our house on Cape Cod and none of us actually live there. My sister decided to get and decorate a tree there again this year since she plans to spend New Year's there as well. To learn more about the history of Christmas trees be sure to check out this post and to learn about our tree traditions read here. Today I am going to share a wonderful picture book about the small Christmas tree that feels forgotten. The book is Needles, the Forgotten Christmas Tree by Richard Wagner and illustrated by Sydni Kruger. This book is being released in March of 2023 so it will be for next Christmas! I am including a round-up of Christmas tree crafts and there is a giveaway at the end!

Chapter Book Extravaganza -- Beginning Reader through Young Adult! Part 1

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own or Hazel's own. 

Ok, I have had this group of books growing on my shelves for awhile. It is time for me to clean house and get ready for the new year. I will admit I have not read all of these books (I have started most of them). Hazel has read some of them so I plan to let her share her opinion on the ones she has read. I hope you will check these out.

Books for Women's History Month

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

March is Women's History Month and today I am sharing a round-up of books for you to check out to celebrate many amazing women. Some are women you have heard of and others are about women you may not have heard of. I always love learning about new, amazing women. Don't you? These books range in ages from baby (board book) to around 11. We will start with our board book. 

Gifts of Books -- Ideas for All Ages -- Crafts, Activities and Non-Fiction Books

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Do you love giving books as gifts? One of my sisters always gives Hazel books for a gift. I know I tend to love giving books to friends' children as well. Today I am sharing a variety of books for different ages and people in your life.

Books for the Younger Kids

Let's start with the youngest. Our first book is Hey, Baby! by Stephanie Warren Drimmer.

Timely New Picture Books Released This Week


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Every Tuesday new books get released. Today I am sharing three new picture books released today. These books timely for current events and Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month as well as one about inclusion with information about lifeboats too. The first book is Daniel and Ismail by Juan Pablo Iglesias Yacher and illustrated by Alex Peris. It was translated into English by Ilan Stavans; translated into Hebrew by Eliezer Nowodworski and Frieda Press-Danieli; and into Arabic by Randa Sayegh. It is being released into paperback today and is recommended for ages 3 to 6.

Religious Gifts (and One Non-Religious) for Baby

 Disclosure: Kregel Publications sent me copies of these books free of charge for this review. All opinions in my review are my own and I did not receive any other compensation.  As in all my reviews I am providing links for your ease, but receive no compensation. The Gymboree links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission at no cost to you if you purchase through them. Thank you for supporting Crafty Moms Share!

It seems like just about everyone I know is posting about new babies or new pregnancies. And almost all of them are having their second or more baby. This of course means baby gifts. Now I love all the adorable baby clothes. Gymboree has the most adorable baby clothes!! However I remember always getting baby clothes from people and the most recent baby girl already has a big sister (who has plenty of hand-me-downs for her little sister). I wanted to give this new adorable baby something more meaningful for her baptism. Kregel Publications sent me two great ideas. The first book is perfect for any new Christian baby at any time and does not have to be for a baptism. It is First Prayers for Baby, Gift Edition, by Sophie Piper and illustrated by Annabel Spenceley. 

Picture Book Round-Up

I need to do some clearing off of my shelf of books to review, so today I am going to share seventeen picture books. These books are for toddlers through kindergarten. These books range in subjects!

Full Moon -- New Picture Book with Craft & Fun Facts


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Are you aware of a full moon? Does your mood change? Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you think everyone else has gone crazy? Or do you just enjoy seeing it? Today I get to share a beautiful new picture book recommended for ages 3 to 6. The book is Full Moon by Camilla Pintonanto. 

Meet Diane Tells His Name and her Dolls


A few weeks ago I shared two of the beautiful Tribal Nations Maps about Indigenous women. One of the people shared on them is Diane Tells His Name. Diane has an interesting life story and she makes the most beautiful dolls. As a doll collector from my childhood I have always loved dolls. My sisters and I had a doll collection that was displayed in a curio cabinet in our dining room. Over the years some dolls have been lost or damaged as we each have moved and separated our collections. I still have some and they are now in my china cabinet. I have a love of dolls from different cultures because they share so much about the culture from their features, their clothes and often their stories. Perhaps this is why I was so drawn to Diane and her story. However as I learn more about Diane I find her story even more fascinating.

Upcoming Holiday Book Round-Up with Easy Christmas Ornaments


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

How was your Thanksgiving? Ours was quiet and relaxing, but the day before we spent at least five hours in the emergency department of Boston Children's Hospital. It has been a long two weeks. First Covid and then pneumonia and an asthma flare up (both caused by Covid). Luckily, she seems to be on the mend, and I can focus again on my blog and life. That means getting ready for Christmas and the other upcoming holidays. Today I am sharing a collection of holiday books that I have been waiting to share as well as some easy Christmas ornaments made from things like cupcake liners and pipe cleaners. My round-up of books include three board books and three picture books. The first book we will share is the board book about Kwanzaa. It is called Kwanzaa and is by Hannah Eliot and illustrated by Andrea Pippins. It is part of the Celebrate the World Series and is recommended for ages 2 to 4.

Animal Books for the Youngest Kids


Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

We are having one of the coldest winters in many years here in New England at least. It makes me want to think about spring and with spring comes cute animals! I am sharing two board books and one small picture book that are animal themed and for our younger kids. All are recommended for baby to three-years-old. The first book is the picture book. It is from the World of Eric Carle. It is Baby Bear's Time to Grow with Brown Bear and Friends by Eric Carle and OddDot and illustrated by Eric Carle. 

Chapter Book Extravaganza! Beginning Reader Through Young Adult Part 2

Disclosure: I was sent these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own or Hazel's. 

Yesterday we started our chapter book extravaganza. We shared the first group of books for ages 5 to 12. Today we are going to get through the rest of them. As I mentioned yesterday, most of these books I have not finished (some Hazel did) so we will be providing limited reviews. Hope you enjoy them and find some new books to read!!

Spirit of the Cheetah


Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Did you know the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970? Earth Day is 51 years old this year. It was started to make people aware of the devastation to Earth that pollution, technology and more were causing. One great worry was the deforestation and extinction of wildlife. (Source) With that concern I am sharing today's picture book as an Earth Day resource. The book shares a tale that is set in Somali and shares a bit about the endangered cheetahs. The book is Spirit of the Cheetah: A Somali Tale by Karen Lynn Williams and Khadra Mohammed and illustrated by Julia Cairns. 

Horsing Around -- Fun Facts about Horses, 2 Picture Book Reviews and Craft & Book Round-Up

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of each of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Have you ever horsed around? Today is the day! I have two beautiful, horse-themed picture books to share with you and I thought it would be fun to look at some fun facts about horses and share a round-up of crafts and other horse-themed books. Ready for some horse fun?!

Christian Halloween Party

Disclosure: I was sent these items to review free of charge from Oriental Trading. All opinions in this post are my own. I did not receive any other compensation for this review. I am including links to the products for your convenience but do not receive anything if you buy from them.

 Now I have not been shy about my feelings about Halloween. I really hate the gore and how far people take it. Hazel is easily frightened and I can no longer take her into some stores because of the Halloween products. I have tried and regret it due to the bad dreams she has. When I was offered to do a post using Halloween products from Oriental Trading, I hesitated, but then remembered all their great Sunday School supplies. Hazel and I planned a Christian Halloween Party. Many of the parents at her school do not celebrate the holiday or take their kids to a church event on Halloween. Needless to say many feel like I do about the holiday. We started by sending out an Evite. We asked the guests to dress as their favorite Biblical character. Hazel wanted to be Queen Esther. I let her pick out the color of the Nativity Child Costume she wanted and she picked the Pink Nativity Child Costume. We made a handknit belt to wear with it and added beads to the ends. (Hazel ended up being the only one to wear a costume, but she did not care. She was really excited to be Queen Esther.)