Did you know today is National Hot Dog Day? There are all sorts of events going on in honor of it. Be sure to check out this article for some of the deals you can get. Today I thought I would share with you some fun facts about hot dogs.
Fun Facts about Hot Dogs-- National Hot Dog Day
Did you know today is National Hot Dog Day? There are all sorts of events going on in honor of it. Be sure to check out this article for some of the deals you can get. Today I thought I would share with you some fun facts about hot dogs.
The Year of the Dog--Chinese New Year
It is hard to believe the lunar new year is approaching. This year it is February 16, 2018. This coming year will be the year of the dog in the Chinese horoscope. I always love when it is the year of the dog since that is the sign I was born under. Now this year we had a New Year's Eve themed birthday party for Hazel and one of the things I tried to do was have some different cultures represented so we had a table set up for the Chinese New Year with items from Oriental Trading.

Books to help kids train their pets -- National Dog Day is tomorrow!
Dash & Zoom: Little Miss Sneakypants --Review & Giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for this review. I am working with The Children's Book Review and Susan R. Stoltz and will receive a small stipend for this review. All opinions are my own.
Today I am participating in The Children's Book Review's Virtual Book Tour of a sweet new picture book perfect for young children. The book is Dash and Zoom: Little Miss Sneakypants by Susan R. Stoltz and illustrated by Melssia Bailey. I am also sharing a round-up of dog crafts for younger children at the end. Plus there is a giveaway!

Dogtown -- Book Review
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Do you have pets? Do you adopt them from shelters? We have three shelter cats and a bunny we adopted from a friend. Today I get to share a beautiful book about dogs at a dog shelter. This book has so many different connections and themes. It is a must read for animal lovers! It is an illustrated middle grades novel. The book is Dogtown by Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko and illustrated by Wallace West. It is recommended for ages 8 to 12.

It's Raining Cat and Dog Books
Well it is raining out, but inside I'm surrounded by cat and dog books literally. Last week we celebrated National Cat Day and somehow I didn't get this review written in time. So sorry. I did celebrate by sharing these previews of Statement Canvas Wall Art on my Thirty-One Facebook page. (Note: I am an independent consultant of Thirty-One and will receive a commission from any Thirty-One purchases through my website.) These are our two fur babies.

Children's Book Reviews
Penguin Kids has some fun books recently or soon-to-be released that I want to share with you. The first is perfect for a preschooler and/or emerging reader. It teaches the concepts of in and out, over, under and around, and on and off in a very fun manner. The book is In! Over! and On! (the Farm) by Ethan Long.

Informative Animal Picture Books & Activity Books
Do you have an animal lover between the ages of 4 and 8? I have some fun books for you. There are three domesticated animal stories and four wild animal books. The first is actually a wordless book called Pip & Pup by Eugene Yelchin.

Picture Books that Teach Lessons
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Today I am going to share three picture books that teach different lessons. Some are more serious than others. The books touch on things like the waste and accumulation of plastic and more, depression and anxiety and words and their meanings when you add another word. We will start with a perfect one for Christmas. It is Toy Mountain by Stef Gemmill and Katharine Hall. It is recommended for ages 3 to 6.

P'esk'a and the First Salmon Ceremony -- Book Review & Learning about the Sts'ailes People -- Global Learning for Kids
November is Native American Heritage Month. With my love for Native American culture I love this heritage month!! I was thinking today about why I love Native American culture so much. It could be part of white man guilt over how they were treated (and are still being treated by our government), but I think it is more how they lived in harmony with the environment. I really love their stories and how they did not waste. The talents each group has was so amazing and it just seems so much more of what I see God wanting from us. They were usually good stewards of the earth.
Since it is Native American Heritage Month, Global Learning for Kids is focusing on Indigenous People of North America. Multicultural Kid Blogs is hosting its annual Native American Heritage Month Blog Series and Giveaway. We will be participating in the blog series later this month, but you can enter the giveaway now and the book we are sharing today is in one of the prize packs! Today we are sharing P'esk'a and the First Salmon Ceremony by Scot Ritchie.
A White Girl's Thoughts on Current Events and White Privilege

New Picture Books About Friendships -- even with ones you think you might not like!
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Friendships are important. Sometimes your best friend may be someone whom at first you thought you didn't like or weren't going to like. Have you ever had one of those friendships? We often jump to judgement before getting to know someone and this can cause a missed opportunity at a best friend. Today I'm going to share two new picture books about friendships that almost don't happen because of missed opportunities. The first is I'm Sticking with You--And the Chicken Too! by Smriti Prasadam-Halls and illustrated by Steve Small. It is recommended for ages 4-8.

Peep Inspired Crafts
First I will feature two of the crafts from Sharing Saturday.
From Toys In The Dryer: Bunny Bunting Banner:
And from Tippytoe Crafts: Easter Chicks
Ok, this one I actually saw before it was shared at this week's Sharing Saturday and used it as inspiration. It also reminded me of a book we have been reading lately. It may also be the name of Betsy's blog that made me think of this connection. Anyway, the book is Tippy-Toe Chick, Go! by George Shannon.
It is a very cute book about a hen and her three chicks. They go every day to the garden for treats until one day a dog is there blocking their way. The biggest chick decides to take care of the dog, but the dog scares him. The middle chick then tries and gets scared. They are all ready to give up when the little chick says he wants a chance. The hen gets upset since he is too small, but he calls back he can run. He runs the dog around a tree so the dog's rope is all caught up. Then they can get their treats. They run of course on their tippy-toes. So here is a great craft to go along with this book.
I used the pattern Betsy shared on Tippytoe Crafts. It comes from Easter Couloring. I cut several of these patterns from cardstock. I had Hazel use her dot markers to color them in. Then we cut out a beak and feet for them from orange construction paper and glued them on and glued on a googly eye. Hazel also glued on some feathers for the tail.
These chicks would also work for an Easter book we have been enjoying. The Easter Egg Farm by Mary Jane Auch. One of the hens on this farm is having trouble laying eggs. The other hens tease her and she turns her back and concentrates very hard. Low and behold she lays an egg, but it isn't an ordinary egg. The other hens tease her some more. Every egg she lays has weird designs. She moves outside and the owner sees the egg she lays before she can hide it. It looks like the sky. The owner figures out after two days that her eggs look like whatever she is looking at. She brings her into the house and takes her on road trips for inspiration. A lady comes by to buy some of the eggs for the egg hunt. She wants one for every child in town. Of course when she comes to pick them up some of the eggs (which have been sitting on the window sills) begin to hatch and out come very colorful chicks. They grow up to look like their egg designs and also lay extraordinary eggs. Needless to say these colorful chicks could definitely represent her chicks.
Then for the bunnies I used the pattern I found on Dandelions and Lace. Again I cut several from cardstock (oh, and I also cut the complete pattern from pink fleece and blue wool felt). I'll share that picture as well. I gave these to Hazel to use the dot markers on as well. We used pom poms and googly eyes to make front facing bunnies and cotton balls for tails for back facing bunnies.
Then I did some sewing and made these using the same pattern for the bunny. First I cut one out of some pink softie fleece. I sewed this one on the serger. I added the eyes and mouth after I stuffed it.
I also cut one out of 100% wool felt and used wool stuffing. This one I hand sewed with thread. I also did some French knots for the eyes and mouth. (I need to practice my French knots a bit.) I also added a tail with a small bit of the stuffing.
Minnie Mouse Party Food
- Minnie's Bow-tique Pasta
- Mickey's Meatballs
- Hot Diggety Dog Hot Dogs
- Oh, Toodles! Pizza
- Daisy's Garden Vegetables and Donald's Dips
- Goofy's Grapes and Fruit Bow-quet
- Minnie's Bow-tique Fruit Bows
- Minnie's Pink Polka-Dot Punch
- And of course a Minnie Cake!

Three New Dog Books for National Pet Month
Did you know there is a National Pet Month? In the UK it is April in and in the US it is May.The first week in May is the AVMA National Pet Week as well. On April 11th you may have had many pet pictures in your Facebook feed since it was National Pet Day. I remember seeing many of them in mine. These are to honor the pets and the love they bring to our lives. In honor of National Pet Month/National Pet Week I thought I would share three new books with dogs as the main characters/topics. Before I share the books though I thought I would share a picture of one of our two cats. This is Pumpkin. Earlier today I found her sleeping on Hazel's Pillow Pet and I thought she looked adorable!!

Webster the Beagle & His Adventures on the River -- Book Review & Giveaway with Craft Round-Up
Disclosure: I was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am working with Expound Publicity and The Children's Book Review to bring you this post.
Did you know that National Dog Day was this week? In honor of that I get to share with you a fun book about a beagle and his adventures to the river with his human. The book is Webster the Beagle and His Adventures on the River by Frank Payne and illustrated by Romney Vasquez. There is a giveaway at the end of the post, and I am sharing a round-up of crafts of some of animals he sees at the river.

Books about Pets
Do you own a pet? Does your child want a pet? What kind? Today I am going to share some books about three of the more typical pets: dogs, cats, and fish. Each has a fun story and a bit of a lesson in its own. We will start with Big Cat, Little Cat by Elisha Cooper.

Saving Marty -- a Wonderful Middle School Book
Today I am going to share with you a book for middle schoolers that had me engrossed. The book is Saving Marty by Paul Griffin. Lorenzo Ventura is eleven and he lives with his mother and grandfather. His father died in the war. His best friend is a Colombian Korean American girl who wants to be a famous singer. His mother is always worried about money and keeping the farm. They live in rural Pennsylvania. When his mother sells the pigs that a neighbor left with them

Knitting for Dogs--Picture Book Review & Knitting for Kids Round-Up
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
As the days have truly grown colder here, winter has set in. It is a time to get cozy and of course that makes me think of knitting. Today I am going to share with you a fun new picture book about knitting as well as a round-up of knitting for kids ideas. The book is Knitting for Dogs by Laurel Molk. It is recommended for ages 4 to 8.

Books that Make Imaginations Soar for Ages 2 - 8
Today I am sharing some fun picture books that are for ages in the range of 2 to 8 and they make your imagination soar. The first book is Pop! by Jason Carter Eaton and illustrated by Matt Rockefeller.