Can you believe we are at the half way point of February? Where is time going? Since February is Black History Month, I have been trying to feature some great resources for you to use. Today I am really excited to share an amazing book by Judy Dodge Cummings and illustrated by Tom Casteel called The Underground Railroad: Navigate the Journey from Slavery to Freedom. The reason I am so excited is this book is similar to a workbook and has 20 interesting projects in it to go with the different chapters.
The Underground Railroad
Can you believe we are at the half way point of February? Where is time going? Since February is Black History Month, I have been trying to feature some great resources for you to use. Today I am really excited to share an amazing book by Judy Dodge Cummings and illustrated by Tom Casteel called The Underground Railroad: Navigate the Journey from Slavery to Freedom. The reason I am so excited is this book is similar to a workbook and has 20 interesting projects in it to go with the different chapters.

Let's Read About Black Characters & People -- Round-Up of Children's Books
The other day as I talked to Hazel about current events on our walk and was telling her my plans for Crafty Moms Share, she said, "Did you ever notice that when there is a black person in a book there is just one in a group of white friends?" Oh, yes, we still have the token black person in our society of books and television shows. She even commented how sometimes the group is made up of one person of different races like in The Start-Up Squad Series. I recently read an article about how white people need to do more than talk to our kids about racism. Where we live, who our neighbors are, books we read/provide our kids, who our friends are, the diversity of the school we send our kids to all play a part in how our kids grow up and understand race relations. Now I cannot change your neighborhood or their school but I hope I can change the books in your house and your library. I asked some fellow bloggers as well as authors that are part of the Multicultural Children's Book Day group for any books, activities, and reviews they had with black people as the main characters. Today I am going to share a round-up of books shared and some others I found (on Amazon). I will link reviews and activities whenever possible. It is important that all of our kids read books that have people like them but it is also important that our kids read books with people who do not look like them. This will build their understanding and help them to grow and learn about race and culture and hopefully not be racist when they grow up. I have the books separated into picture books, fairy tales, chapter books/novels, and non-fiction/biographies. There are some separation within some of these genres as well.
Sharing Saturday 18-6
On Sunday night we also host Crafty Weekends for all your crafts (done by any age), patterns, and craft product reviews! It is the perfect place to share your creative side!! And for all your diverse/cultural posts be sure to share them at Creative Kids Culture Blog Hop. (A new one starts on Sunday!)

Women and Voting -- Books to Celebrate Election Year and 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote

Before She Was Harriet -- a Multicultural Children's Book Day Review
January 27th is fast approaching!! Today I get to share with you another amazing book for Multicultural Children's Book Day. The book today is about someone I am sure you have heard of, Harriet Tubman. The book is Before She Was Harriet by Lesa Cline-Ransome and illustrated by James E. Ransome.
Finding Family Treasure -- a Middle Grades Novel about Family History & More -- Review & Giveaway
Disclosure: I am working with The Children's Book Review, K.I. Knight, and Jane R. Wood and was sent a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. I am receiving a small stipend for this review.
Have you ever looked into your family history? Perhaps you have gone onto Ancestry or Family Search and looked up your relatives. Did you discover anything? Or perhaps your child needed to share a bit about the country your family comes from. Do you come from just one country? As what I call an American mutt, I cringe at those assignments. How do I pick one of the countries my family is from? When Hazel got that assignment, we went with Steven's family history since he is Italian American. Today I am going to share a middle grades book with you that a diverse class begins researching their own history. It is a tale of genealogy, family, connections and so much more. The book is Finding Family Treasure by K.L. Knight and Jane R. Wood. Oh, and there is a giveaway at the end of the post!

Two Books for #BlackHistoryMonth and a Personal Journey Brought by One of Them
It is hard to believe that February is ending this week. I know something I really enjoy in February is learning more Black History. I love all the new books out as well as my friend's posts on Facebook about various black people in history. (He is a vice principal now but was a history teacher and is black.) This year we have already shared with you many new books including ones on Frederick Douglass, the Underground Railroad, black heroes, Harriet Tubman, as well as about the black women of NASA. Today we are sharing two books. The first is a wonderful introduction book to black history. It is A Child's Introduction to African American History by Jabari Asim and illustrated by Lynn Gaines.

Books for Black History Month
One of Hazel's favorite things is to learn about history and people. This month we have been enjoying four books from Candlewick Press that are perfect for Black History Month. They have also donated some of the amazing prizes for the Black History Month Series & Giveaway. (Have you entered yet?) One of the books in the prize pack includes Voice of Freedom illustrated by Ekua Holmes. Ekua illustrated a poetry book, Out of Wonder, by Kwame Alexander coming out in March. The books I am reviewing today I will in order of time for the history timeline. We will start with The Patchwork Path: A Quilt Map to Freedom by Bettye Stroud and illustrated by Erin Susanne Bennett.
Historical Multicultural Books
Today I am sharing with yous four fun books that are multicultural and a bit historical. Our first book is Let's Clap, Jump, Sing & Shout; Dance, Spin & Turn It Out! collected by Patricia C. McKissack and illustrated by Brian Pinkney. It is a collection of games, songs and stories from an African American childhood and is perfect for summertime.

One Real American: The Life of Ely S Parker, Seneca Sachem and Civil War General
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Who do you remember from the Civil War history you learned about in school? You probably remember Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee. You probably know a out Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. And of course President Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. But did you know Native Americans fought in the Civil War on both sides? Have you heard of Ely S. Parker? I know I hadn't until I read today's book which is so fascinating. The book is One Real American: The Real Life of Ely S. Parker Seneca Sachem and Civil War General by Joseph Bruchac.

George Edwin Taylor -- Black History Month
This year for Black History Month we are going to talk politics. Now I will admit I hate talking politics. Mostly I hate it because I think all of the people we have elected (and have choices to elect) are selfish and power hungry and don't do a good job. Personally I feel they should be paying the citizens every day that they don't actually decide anything for the better of the country (which would be every day). However I am going to put my hatred aside today and talk about some of the history of the United States President elections. We all know back in 2008, Barrack Obama made history as the first black United States President. Did you know he was not the first black man to run for President?

Women in the Civil War